Malvolent and cruel subreddits?

16  2018-09-07 by 4ntonvalley

With the speculation about r/drama ongoing life i've come to realise i need a outlet for my less than more autistist traits and would thereby kinda like if you could post subreddits where i can make fun of people without repercussion you got me brahs? i'm not leaving you out ladies i'm simply including you with my brahs, ait? don't blame me, blame my autism. Now where is these subreddits located?



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I recommend r/BlackLadies

Been there, done that. But i do think they have some kind if sixth sense for sensing non-black ladies

There ain't no place like here on Reddit. That's why it's great. I'm not kidding, either, there simply is no other place where you can laugh at literally anything stupid and not have to deal with retarded mods. No other subreddit has the perfect radical centrist culture that we do.

Cumtown maybe

Okay but imagine calling yourself a "cumboy".

I see no issue with that

I'd rather migrate to r/Thedickshow

Haha imagine being so cucked by my awesome power and infinite karma that you move to a gay porn sub! Hahahaha

Dick is a handsome guy but come on now

Who is Dick?

The host of The Dick Show. Try to keep up.

I'm just here to send pictures of my junk to minors and get subs that hurt my feelings banned.

If this sub moves to thedickshow then I will have to get you banned too!! Fear my karma!!!

Well the one guy came on cumtown one episode

Yeah Dick has been on Cumtown once. He's also been on Drunken Peasants and Painkiller Already a few times. He really gets around 😩

You came to that realisation awfully quick, something you'd like to share?

Yeah you are a gay

No, i realise you need some special kind of attention and feel really happy when set free.. but that doesn't mean you should insult someone at any opportunity you have.

sorry 😞

it's fine faggot

I'm calling the police

Your caretakers won't appreciate that