At Least I'm not an SRDine: Seriousposters, Meta Subs, and the End of an Era

26  2018-09-08 by TrailerParkBride

In the twilight of r/drama, I am filled with hope. For as long as there are internet forums, there will be smug cunts whose sense of self importance outweighs their sense of shame, and as long as there are smug cunts, there will be "people" to laugh at.

From the SRD thread about us, presented without comment, nasty wasty username mentions, or forbidden pings:

I feel like the whole “pretend not to care” BS is immature and I for one prefer SRD for exactly that reason. We can enjoy the salt and the popcorn and have opinions that we’re smug about. Plus, the fact that we don’t refer to each other with ableist and homophobic putdowms means that we can recommend links to our non-Reddit smugfriends. It’s the best of all possible worlds.

Okay, I lied, comment time. I envy people who are able to get this high off of their own farts. This "person" is transcendent. They've surpassed any reasonable threshold of assyness and vaulted straight into the repugnant unknown. It's appalling.

All the same, it lifts my spirit. I know that no matter what you or I do in this life—no matter how inappropriately drunk we get at a child's birthday party, how often we stand up a fatty that we meet on Bumble, how often we borrow money from friends or relatives without any intention of paying them back—we're going to be okay. I know that when you and I (not you, stowaway MDE rape apes who might be reading this) will have nothing to fear when we leave this mortal coil and face the great beyond. No matter what wickedness we may commit in this life, we can go to the next one with songs in our hearts, comfortable in the knowledge that we never attributed any amount of moral significance or, god forbid, moral correctness to our behavior in the cultural cesspool that is Reddit.

In all seriousness, I'm going to miss this. The signature r/drama blend of levity, nastiness, and kiwifarms-esque obsession with lolcows, oddballs, and fuckups of all sizes has been a blessing these last few years. Bussy memes aside, this sub feels like a real community without the moral posturing or general showing off that plagues so much of the rest of this site. I might behave like an uglier person here, but I feel like a more sincere one, and that's something worth holding on to. Thanks guys ❤️

Also, Taytay looks like a compsognathus, u/ed_butteredtoast isn't funny, power users are the lowest form of life, and jewdank's MLB tattoo was the best thing to ever happen to us.