Actual reason banout2018 went private? (supposed warning from admins for misleading users into believing they were behind the recent subreddit bans/provoking harassing /r/leagueoflegends mods)

52  2018-09-14 by AssuredlyAThrowAway


n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.