Becky hosts of Woke feminist podcast exposed for sexually objectifying black men

43  2018-09-18 by CaptainMemer


Dear white women, black men are not sexual objects you can tick off your bucket list for your own sexual gratification.

Said no black man ever.

Like, sure white wimmen are terrible. We all know this. But them wanting to fuck black dudes is like the only non terrible thing about them. Don't ruin that.

Plenty of black men complain that certain white women will only pay attention to them when they act "hood" enough for these girls to feel that vertigo in their belly knowing that daddy would totally freak.

The ones with pride typically refuse to be their pet chimp just to get their dick wet, or maybe they hate fuck them idk.

Live by woke die by woke.

You can look the replies to most of their episodes for people calling the podcast trashy if that will get you to stop being indignant about grils discussing sex in a podcast.