Aside from posting to /r/drama, what's the most retarded thing you do online?

31  2018-09-19 by ChipChippersonAMA


post in other places on Reddit also

I make skyrim porn.

I once seriousposted in r/riverdale


I pretend to be Jewish just so I have an out to mock whites.

I lurk Hacker News.

I don't know why. I must be addicted to rage and hate myself.

I play fps games, posting Gandhi/MLK quotes and preaching nonviolence

damn. I'm willing to pay someone who spent all of their time cataloguing online history, though.

Fucking genius.


Nice birb, thanks.

without intention

(X) Doubt

You also got banned from VLC forums, right?

Buddy excuse me for intruding by you’ve posted, imo, WAY more autistic stuff than that on reddit only

Hi me. What was it that killed the interest? The pretty mediocre time travel books? The slow death of Star Wars Galaxies? Or a book that I thought would be the worst Star Wars book ever published, Death Troopers?

Cuz that didn’t do it until Disney bought them out and Chuck “Fuck my wife” Wendig was the first author to be published for the new EU.