/r/firearms enjoys its own pedophile moment. 3D gun guy met a rando, had sex, annnnd it was underage. Must be a conspiracy, per some conspiracy minded folks.

62  2018-09-19 by [deleted]


Totally a setup. It's not like libertarians are known for wanting to fuck kids or anything. Only a retard would trust that every "18 year old" on a dating website is actually 18.

Drivers licenses are a slippery slope to forced labor camps

Lolbertarians at it again. Wonder how long it'll take for earnest explanations on how different phoebephiles or w/e are

u/YameteOniichanItai, your take on this vital issue?

gun nuts being locked away is always a good thing of course.

yeah, it isn't really the same, like 6 yo and 16 yo don't really look alike, there's a bit of a difference there.

Nor do they have the same level of agency. There's more lulz in calling plebeophiles pedos tho.

/u/ed_butteredtoast is it going through?

Think automod gets it if you're not on the cool people list


Cheers bb 😘

Someone with the nickname Sanjuro preying on women. A little too on the nose for me.

Lol people are actually thinking in that post that there are elite underage operatives sent by anti gun groups to seduce old creeps

It's like something out of one of my Japanese animes.

What anime can I watch that involves minors seducing old men to fuck them?

Every time I think a libertarian might not be a total retard I get proven wrong.

Cue the chapotraphouse celebration when this guy was literally trying to bring the means of gun production to the people πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

taxation is theft because if you decline to do either you end up in prison

Julian Assanged

The dude spamming this was the best part.

I question the wisdom of anyone who prioritizes other political issues over the 1st and 2nd Amendments.


When you're going to take on the government, keep your dick clean.

As a gun advocate: yes, we’re fucking retarded and I hate it

That's the real take here.

He's a crypto-anarchist who is against capitalism and for pew pews. He's like the radical centrist of libertarianism, if such a thing can exist.

I am forever embarrassed by other gun nerds.

This is why you don't fuck the whores who look 18. Cause chances are, they aren't.

And when you get caught, aint no sympathy coming your way.


Why pay for it at all...?


On a real note, how did this whole Libertarian diddling little didlies start? I find myself leaning more and more towards it since both major sides are rather quickly driving me away. I feel like I keep seeing this association pop up more and more. I need to know why.