Crypto-Anarchist doesn’t believe in age of consent laws, gets openly charged with sexual assault of a minor.

65  2018-09-19 by Pol_Pots_Crockpot


Even more evidence that 2D is superior to 3D

You can't make this shit up lol

Actually you can

What am I missing here?

This chick is 17, and didn't she register on some sugar daddy hook-up site?

I imagine she'd have had to verify that she's over 18 to do that.

So how is this coming down on this dude?

This is how it works in America. If you have sex with someone below the age of consent, you're completely fucked. You'll be on the sex offender's registry for life and raped in prison. Doesn't matter if they fake their ID and/or lie.

Hmmmm, I see what your saying. If think if this dude he's a bum rap, he might have a case to go after the hookup site.

hahaha yeah thats not how it works in the land of the free.

People have tried that defense many times and it usually hasn't worked (depending on the state).

The adult has 100% culpability in the eyes of the law. I remember there was a case where a minor faked ids to get real government ID with a fake date of birth and they still fucked the guy over. There is no winning no matter how elaborate the deception was.

These laws are so archaic and out dated I legit think this is part of a feminist conspiracy to make men as scared as possible from dating "younger" women so that the only way for men to safely determine if the girl is of majority is if she is a post waller. That way women get to ride the cock courasel all their life until they are ready to settle down with some poor cuck.

That also explains why women can commit the exact same "crimes" of statutory rape and only get a slap on the wrist.

I had a female professor that was basically a prohibition era feminist. She was pretty cool in general, had done real work in line with her beliefs.

Despite being fairly hardcore feminist she discussed in class how those laws are pretty fucked. Basically, a male relative of hers got totally boned on a statutory charge. He went to a 21+ bar and hooked up with some underage girl who got in with a fake ID. Judge didn't give a damn that she was committing fraud to present herself as an adult.

you'll be completely fucked

Yeah, if you're poor. Criminal Defense in USA is pay-to-play.

So how is this coming down on this dude?

Because he's politically provocative and the people who pull the strings want him out of the puppet show. Look at what's going on with the Supreme Court nominee. If certain people don't like your politics and you're making waves, they either find someone to accuse you of shit or set up a honey-pot. The funny thing, at least to me, is that print-your-own-gun man lives in Austin, TX. The age of consent in TX is 17. If he went to pound town with a 17 year old the worst they can really hit him with is soliciting prostitution.

This is why you do only one crime at a time. Even more so when the 3D guns aren't quite a crime, but piss the gov't off more than most actual crimes.

His daddy Peter Teel is a socially leftist ancap who lobbies for faggot rights. Did you know that pedophilia is actually a form of (closet) homosexuality? Almost all gays have been abused as children, because that's how homosexuality emerges in healthy minds. The prelevalence of pedophilia in homosexuals is something like 1:5 compared to straight people and right-wingers.