Mods of /r/darkjokes are taking action to further the mayocide. STEP 1: Admit your white guilt

59  2018-09-19 by Wraith_GraveSpell


Christ, look at all those rules they posted. I'm glad to be participating in a sub where the mode aren't so overbea----- oh wait...

I can't wait for the next issue of /r/darkjokes drama

That's some really special shit. I know mods have a reputation for lame power fantasies but...


It's been 13 days since I have been able to bitch about the kinds of people who become mods to a receptive audience, so here it is:

Mods are the 21st century equivalent of nosy HOA members or over-active PTA members. They are, as a class of people, unfit for modern life and should be destroyed or exiled.


Tbh I copied that from someone else. I can barely put a sentence together

They do it for free

Someone get snapshillbot on this

Is there a tl;dr on that subs drama that isn't written by SRqueen?

Totally not fragile white/Jewish Redditors who criticizes other totally not fragile white/Jewish Redditors turns out to be fragile Jewish/white redditor.

The lolmilk is ok but seems forced and rapey.

Mayos ruin everything. SMH

I love him either way