Seeking u/N8THEGR8 "mayo" r/drama links for r/karmacourt prosecution against him for r/darkjokes drama.

19  2018-09-19 by Tessmcpill

Please link to this so that I can provide this to the head prosecutor.


We support n8's glorious crusade and think everyone against him are redneck, white bread, chicken shit, mother fuckers

chicken shit

Language!! 🙄

Stop being a faget, Ed.

implying homosexuality is a choice

literally can't even! 🙄

Homosexuality is a god given gift, but being a faget is entirely voluntary.

Language!! 🙄

It's English, surprisingly.

We'll need to see a subpoena before we even consider it.

If we hand over the links you have to promise to get Voldemort's nudes stickied in that sub.

Would you settle you bussy?

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

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"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

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I like bussy, but creating a total shit show tops it TBH.

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

The message is as follows:

"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

This person found your comment funny and wanted to let you know. Have a nice day! 😊

I am a bot

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