"Beauty is objective, and white people are evolutionary more beautiful and all your minds know it deep inside"

61  2018-09-20 by TheDickTwister


Whilst Emma Stone is a darling, she's still far inferior to the non-mayo queens of the world πŸ™Œ

Studies show that 6 out of 10 babies prefer a thot with a trashy thigh tattoo over their own mother.

Geez one of the few subs i won't mind being banned.

wanting lolcow farms banned

Where will we laugh at mayos then??

When they move here after ban.

Found you in

You can try to fetishize stuff like fat chicks, minorities, and gross giant asses.

Ironic that their image of "superior" white beauty is a weirdo with a fivehead.

It's the best the universe has to offer. Take the fivehead pill.

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Emma Stone is the bestβ„’ Emma 😀😀😀

Natalie Portman is better and smarter and had Keira Knightly as a double.

I like her too πŸ’ž

That's not saying much.

The conquests of the Islamic Empire were a real case of colonialism and proof that the Arabs are violent

The age of imperialism was just evolution in practice, the stronger and inherently more superior people won out, sorry bro if you don't like that

My favorite contradiction of theirs is:

a country can't work with several different ethnicities in it, we have to stop accepting immigrants

African countries should be thankful for whites putting several hundred different ethnicities under a few governments, they're only shitholes because blacks are stupid

Does the contradiction not swing back the other way as well though?

Multiculturalism is good and we can share everything from our different cultures.

Also Africa is in such bad shape right now because Europeans drew the lines on the map that put a bunch of different ethnicities together in the same countries how could that ever work out.

Only if you assume that the shitty thing Europeans did is intrinsic to their European-ness, as opposed to a shitty thing they happened to do once.

Or how about:

Everything should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Africa isn't Europe, which isn't Japan, which isn't USA, etc. What works in one country might not work in another.

It does. I'm not ethnic nationalist, but it's clear to me that a country needs some cultural cohesion (as in, there should be some minimum requirements to enter a country and efforts to assimilate immigrants from both sides) to work and Africa is an argument for that.

does anyone else here want to suck contrapoints feminine penis

sure why not

True though

right wingers are retarded

Water is wet

Unironic chapotard, jfc this sub has gone to shit.

hell yeah

Not something to be proud of fam. Leftist subs by default are going to be trash but that shithole is just sad. Literally the lefts MDE. Epic meme btw bro.

lmao you are a bigger retard then me

So triggered

Beautiful Asian goddesses are way more attractive than trailer trash mayos.

White men get their pick of any race they want because every race wants to date whites. It's not the same for other races.

This is the same sub that hates white women fucking other races because of muh racial purity?


These are the same guys that cry about how white women are crazy feminist harpies who want to suck out your soul, unlike their asian waifus. And then they complain white women don't want to fuck them lmao

The Great Incel Dilemma πŸ€”πŸ§

Objectiv beauty

Meanwhile this is stickied

Fucking looooooolllll

Emma Stone is a pretty cool chick, but "pretty" or "beautiful"? Not really. She's like, a six.

"and that's why I don't fuck her, guys"

her knees are too pointy. NEXT!

t. incel


I am only here to defend Emma Stone from anyone who says she's not pretty, but also to let those who think she is to BACK THE FUCK OFF she's mine

Can't believe i agree with you for once.


I've never met you before in my life, stranger.



Then why is it that I find Iranian and Uzbek women hot?

not even mentioning Vitamin D

I want to start a subreddit for beautiful mongolo-caucasoids like me and Elliot Rodger. Our superior sino-caucasoid mixed genetics will wipe out the filthy mayos and chocolate people.