Should you try harder to not call things you don’t like “gay”? TrollXers discuss.

52  2018-09-20 by Ghdust2


no cos that would be pretty gay

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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People virtue signaling over the term "gay" is gay.

A mighty bundle of faggots!

lol gay

me when my boyfriend calls skincare gay :(

dump him

This is why trollx will never have nice things

This is why trollx will never have nice things spouses

They're normal enough and have low enough self-esteem that they'll always find someone willing to put up with their shit so they can stick it in. The ladies at are gendwrcritical are the real ones looking at a lifetime of alone time.

They're normal enough


Well, in their defence, everyone who posts there is both retarded and gay.

fuck this gay earth

That's how it is on this bitch of an earth

I know a lot of people who thought they were cool little rap gangsters as teens

Wow, not only a homophobe but a racist too! I think we all know what she really means by "rap gangsters"

That sub has to be full of high school kids. If you’re saying “that’s gay” as an adult male then you need to be forced to become gay.

You shouldn't even have to intentionally try to stop saying it as long as you had normal social development or whatever.

What kind of faggot still calls things "gay"?

It's a tradition that still lives on from the 1980's. It's similar to the tradition about being fooled by a trans-woman in a rap song. It's a rite of passage.

Not being able to ping any of those retards is so super gay.

I like that we're just reposting all the drama that was posted when /r/drama was closed lel.

Also, this thread is really fucking gay.

That entire discussion is homosexual.

I did this at 2am in a Skype call with my Cali gay friend. Can't remember what bothered me but I just blurted out "that's gay" and was immediately embarrassed about it. Told him I'm sorry and it was just something from my school days

I used to call my friends faggots on regular basis

That thread is gay.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to bum a fag

Nice SRD thread title.