Breed of peace lovers go after the author of a children's book.

127  2018-09-20 by itsnotmyfault


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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jesus christ, so this is all over literally two words in a children's book?

People don't have real problems anymore, great depression and/or WWIII when?

The downside of inventing nukes is we can't just shell a sense of perspective into the next generation anymore because it'd come at the cost of all life on the planet.

Great Despacito 2 when?!

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I hope those people get mauled to death by a mack truck.

Peak white people nonsense


I remember when animal planet used to have actual animals, instead of midget prisoners selling pitbulls at pawn shops

Plz link to this book about puppies😊

Fucking retards downvoting a cute book.

dont they need to buy it to review it?

Pibble kibble feeders being trashy? Simply shocked I say!

The only thing more savage and vicious than a pibble is its owner.

Guys it's not the breed, it's the owner. That's why I propose culling of pibbie owners(to which brave pibbies are already contributing to)

For fucks sake people suck

Twitterites aren't people.

Twitter is made for bullying. I can't wait till it finally goes bankrupt, and thousands of trannies and white girls kill themselves in despair

I’m sick of talking to people who are real life versions of twitter as well. I’ve had friends who are slowly influenced by that website to the point where they adopt all of the prevailing opinions and all of the attitudes that come with them.

Several times I’ve zoned out during a conversation and thought, wow when did this person become such a smug “right side of history” bully? The common link is always twitter.

when did this person become such a smug “right side of history” bully

'how dare they not be on the wrong side of history like me'

The great thing about being on the wrong side of history is that I don't have to be a dick about it (unless I really want to be) and it's not a perpetual contest to prove I'm the most "woke" or that I'm more oppressed than everyone else.

nice smugposting about being on the wrong side of history. wow you dont need to show people how woke or oppressed you are youre so cool.

nice smugposting

Thank you, it's nice to be recognized for my achievements.

Twitter is basically the plebeian rabble from Julius Caesar

Fucking Twitter making me see Cato "I have a stick up my ass at all times" the Younger's point.

Twitter won't ever go bankrupt. It has way too much social momentum for anyone to let it go bankrupt.

Soon, inshallah

The Tumblr migration over to Twitter really killed that site. Every other post is someone trying to outw👁ke each other

Tumblr got clean after the exodus

Tumblr would unironically be the best site if it wasn't run by absolute retarded staff.

hey bro, for more porn click here

You seem to forget that the tumblr search function is about as bad as reddit's search functionø.

Something about cyberbullying and close your eyes, fool.

If had Notch level money i'd buy it and shut it down immediately.

Eh,mayo gussy will still have Instagram and snapchat.

Eh, how about all the black guys/gals who post stupid shit saying 'twitter, do your thing?'. Unless a person uses twitter to plan a revolution or tweet out the latest actual news, they should have all electronic devices taken from them immediately.

Mayocide when

The portrayal of Bull Terriers as scary is misleading, inaccurate, are harmful.

why do trashy pit bull owners always trying to claim they are some other breed and shit? This happens every fucking time too.

"Pitbull mauls child to death"

picture of an obvious pitbull

"Umm sweaty, thats an american bull terrier, but a pit bull. Dont lump all dog breeds into one category."

Here's the thing. You said a "Bull Terrier is a Pitbull."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a weirdo who hoards dogs, I am telling you, specifically, in dogs, no one calls bull terriers pitbulls. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "pitbull family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Canine, which includes things from corgies to labradors to dachshunds.

So your reasoning for calling a bull terrier a pitbull is because random people "call the aggressive ones pitbulls?" Let's get German Shepards and Rottweilers in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A bull terrier is a bull terrier and a member of the dog family. But that's not what you said. You said a bull terrier is a pitbull, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the dog family pitbull, which means you'd call blue heelers, chihuahuas, and other dogs pitbulls, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

This is too much pedantry for one doggy defender. Also, serious posting? lmao

its a unidan pasta lmao

It's the jackdaw copypasta you retard.

Imagine being such a flaming newfag you don't even know the unidan pasta.

Imagine also being such a pussy you don't keep your cringe posts for everyone to laugh at. Wish I could ping that retard.

A fucking classic

I want a blue heeler so bad but I feel wrong paying for a dog


daily reminder that pitbulls were bred by primitives (guess who? Helmann's again) to literally tear cows alive while they were tied to a pole, and that beef was actually mandated to be harvested in this way, meaning it was literally illegal to kill a cow normally, and that these people's descendants regularly get upset about a Chinaman killing a fish somewhere

This honestly bums me out. The guy was probably so happy to make a children’s book about cute guys and stepped on a mayonnaise land mine.

I love pibbles but they are objectively a scary breed relative to like shelties or golden retrievers.

I hope he ignores the haters, and goes for it. Pitbulls are scary and dog aggressive. The reason you always hear about them mauling toddlers is because some hood rat keeps the damn thing chained up in his back yard and never socializes it, so it doesn't realize children are small humans.

I think the point is that it's not the dog's fault. Which it's not. That said, I wish we would stop making something out of nothing in this day and age = (

Not socializing a dog can make any of them dangerous.

I'm going to start using the phrase 'mayonnaise land mine'.

Wel on the plus side all this attention will likely increase sales more than they would have been otherwise.

They played themselves.

My theory about why people like pitbulls so much is the same reason we also see other things in society like the women who write to serial killers in prison and marry them and the popularity of the male vampire having an epic love story with a human girl trope.

Peoople have this thing where they want to be the one to save something or someone or be the one person who something or someone dangerous would never hurt.

People have this thing where they want to be the one to save something or someone or be the one person who something or someone dangerous would never hurt.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, considering the sheer volumes of bad relationships predicated on the idea that I can be the one to fix someone. It's one of the most common forms of egotism in the world.

This should come as a surprise to no one. The idea that someone can "fix" someone else is probably the most common factor in bad relationships.

There's two reasons why irresponsible pit owners get pits:

  • the 'I can tame him!' factor that you mentioned + a way to feel persecuted while living a comfortable life
  • machismo

Unfortunately these people seem to make up the vast majority of pitbull owners and don't train their goddamn dogs

You forgot the third reason: the shelters are full of the damn things, and they're usually dirt cheap.

shelters around here are nothing but pits and old chihuahuas

Shelters should be kill free except for pits; in which case they require mandatory gassing

Death Drive. We’ve known about it forever

Imagine reading a children's book that's not Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel

Shit is my jam. And possibly the starting point of my lifelong sexual attraction to industrial equipment

The author did not survive the breed of peace attack.

Twitter is a cesspool. In a way they are the spiritual child of golden times 4chan, except somehow even more retarded.

r/dogfree has gone too far.

Kudos to Whaite for fighting authoritarianism and claiming it as such

Wait, aren't Pit Bulls and Bull Terriers different breeds? Ones a brick shithouse and the other a weird triangle head. Do their fan clubs just steal notes from each other?

Pit Bulls are partially descended from something that used to be called a Bull Terrier, although it's unclear whether this is actually related to the modern Bull Terrier (the triangle head one)

My bernese and catahoula, as well as my neighbors golden all have the bite and wiggle reflex.

I dont think your statement is accurate.

Why can't every pibble be magically transformed into a border collie? They don't bite children, they don't hurt people, they're just happy to be here.

Why do 🌮 and 🏀 Americans own pitbulls disproportionately compared to everyone else?

Because they're good dogs, Brent. Mayo Americans like their dogs diverse in regard to fucking them but we don't say shit about that.

By 🌮 you mean cinco de mayo, right

End this breed