Sage Sharp claims top Linux kernel developer Theo Ts'o is a rape apologist, citing "GeekFeminismWiki"

49  2018-09-20 by VozyCozyX


Have you posted bussy yet?


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That was what, all of two days from CoC approval to these accusations? Amazing.

Its just an attempt to stay relevant/find another excuse for not contributing tbh;the kernel devs in charge of the CoC enforcement are definitely not going to interpret it like she wants them to.

tbqhwyf, kernel developers are why I'm a whore and left hardware for s qtpi python high level freedom.

I wonder how long it will be before people openly refuse to hire or work with these types of people.

Mayos and honorary mayos like Asians?

Soon, inshallah

Well duh! I mean, he’s a kernel developer.

Once again, white women.

Never, ever underestimate how low dogfuckers are willing to stoop

Bork bork.

I think that would offend her...him.

White men in software right now

Smh trying to black wash white people

Mayos smell like wet dogs, so someone has to wash them

Why? Are you scared of what others think? You think those kids were Crises Actors they buried? Is that not dangerous, I don't know of ANY leftist who have followers harassing the parents of dead kids. Yet, there he is Alex Jones on JRE. So, save me that safe space nonsense, of you want to silence or give no platform to differing views - are for YouTube censoring people too? Or only on the left?

God I just love all this, like the whole F/LOSS community is worked up. Its just fucking hillarous because everyone seem to have forgotten how the whole shebang works. Like the shitty CoC is open source itself, it can be forked and the dumbfuck problems purged; and it will be.