Gif of a bunch of black kids stomping the shit out of two white kids gets posted to /r/publicfreakout. Civil discussions all around.

92  2018-09-20 by TSwizzlesNipples


Humans did 9/11


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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The fact that this was recorded is racist.

The fact that it is racist is racist.

The mayocide will not be televised.

Ayyy lmaooo

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The white kids mentioned FBI Crime Statistics?

Removed by moderators

Uttering the words FBI Crime Statistics has become as bad as saying the n-word to these people.

Whenever you use those same crime statistics to talk about how violent men are compared to women, they get really really upset though.

Have we stumbled upon one of the holy radical centrist words?!

But black women commit violent crime at a higher rate than Asian and non Hispanic white men 🤔🤔🤔

Nope. Men commit 96% of violent crime.

Femoids BTFO again

Legit they cannot get the whole mass shooting thing down. A femoid today tried to crack the kill count, but she only managed a high score of 3.

Didn't she shoot herself twice in the head and still not die? I swear to god women are biologically incapable of harming anything.

Not if you count abortion.

Why would you count abortion? Fetuses aren't people.

Neither are Jews but that never stopped you assholes from counting THEM.

Hilarious MDE-tier bants right here

Wait till you find out I am a jew.

Oh wow I'd jump at the honor of gassing you 😚


I wish.

Wah bhai, wah.

We're going to need 6-10 photos of your uncircumcised micropenis for proof.

Dont Jews wait till they come of age to get circumcised?

Post your bag worm or get out

They are literally sending their best, and this is what we get

Get out out out.

You talking about the comedy that was recently in theaters?


Why is a full term fetus less of a person than an infant?

Lol I'm not gonna seriouspost about the personhood of fetuses on here like an absolute sperg

Because it’s a parasite. Happy?

Dogs are parasites, but people call them mans best friend. Check mate.

Infants are parasites too

Depends on the state. Some states grant fetuses personhood. That way if some dickbag hits a pregnant woman in the stomach with a baseball bat and kills the fetus they can charge him or her with murder. Those states have to make an exception in the law that it isn’t murder if done by a medical professional.

In some states hitting a woman in the stomach and killing the baby is just assault on the woman.

Can I have some sauce for that?

Cursory search gave nothing to support that.

Yeah, I saw that too. I figured there was some funky way to try to account for unreported rape, but oh well.

how violent men are compared to women,

it's not because of systemic misandry. it's because men are different from women on a biological level.


Men are more dangerous than women, I don't see the dependency.

Uttering the words FBI Crime Statistics has become as bad as saying the n-word to these people.

I have honestly never seen the FBI Crime Statistics line not used to imply that blacks are some how worse than whites

You're implying that crime is bad.

Truth hurts fam

We need to clone Zimmerman 10,000 times, arm them with miniguns and send them roaming on the streets of US.

We need to clone Zimmerman 10,000 times, and throw him into a mob of black people each time.

That'll teach him for being hispanic!

I'm pretty sure he's white, as evidenced by the fact that he watches Sean Hannity.

Rascal dentist take. We arm Zimmerman with mouthwash and a tooth brush.

Zimmerman is a wannabe pig who almost got his ass beat by a kid

A 17 year old whose hobbies include fighting.

So a kid beat up a hall monitor

We either end up with dead thugs or dead Zimmermans. Either way, we win.

Lmao that sub brings out some real weirdos. It reminds me of whenever a women is involved:

When a women assaults a guy: "stupid bitch. he should have brutally punched her. equal rights equal lefts, cunt."

When a guy assaults a women: "WOAHWOAH now LET's hold on here. we don't know the context. maybe the women just drowned his three kids? let's not jump to conclusions."

That's because women are garbage.

I think you may be reading into things through the lens of retardation.

I feel like you probably go in there looking for those comments so they stick out to you

Normally a subreddit has one political leaning, but I legitimately can’t tell what publicfreakout’s leaning is. I’d think it was fairly centrist but racist stuff gets upvoted somewhat frequently, and at the same time there are some overzealous sjw types.

It's extreme centrist, people with gay opinions from both sides yell at each other a lot, it's a nice little pay piggy for us

maybe the women just drowned his three kids?

I mean, women do love murdering children.

Wow, these kinds of videos really bring out the racist assholes.

Would you say the same if this was white on black violence?

If it was white on black violence, the comments would not be a racist cesspit, so I probably would not be in fact compelled to comment on the level of racism in the thread.


it’s called the knockout game, and eventually white people are gonna get tired of playing it.

Racists see black men attacking innocent people. I see a doctor, an engineer, a rocket scientist, a physicist and a laywer

This guy's my hero


And that's one of the removed comments. Funniest comment in the whole thread.

I mean, ignoring the one or two ACTUALLY racist comments, the vast majority of deleted posts on this weren't racist at all. It's seriously fucked up how you can't even discuss verifiable facts in certain subreddits without being called a racist and banned.

The thing is though, that some of those racist jokes were pretty good.

Racists see black men attacking innocent people. I see a doctor, an engineer, a rocket scientist, a physicist and a laywer

I honestly didn't consider that one racist at all. I'm fairly certain that at one point or another a legitimate extremist-SJW said something along the same lines in relation to separate incident and this guy just re-purposed in context to this.

I should have said 'racist' but i don't see the point in doing so anymore.

I think the original quote was about refugees, I couldn't remember who said it though even if my life depended on it.

Basically every deleted post in there deserved to be deleted. There weren't any verifiable facts from what I can see, just people trying to start a circlejerk.

What exactly about -

"Be careful, you might be called a racist."

"That's racist!"

"Woah, at least he didn't call them thugs."

"Wonder why."

"Reverse the races. Is it news worthy now?"

"I'm sure they all have really great parents that teach them right from wrong and will grow up to be productive members of society..."

"But its not racist cause they're black"

  • deserved to be deleted?

Oh, nothing? Yeah, that's what I thought, so why don't you go play with your action figures and let the adults talk. None of those comments are even remotely racist.

You are one retarded mayo. I hope the end of your cumskinned people comes as soon as possible.

Well judging by how literally all of Africa is a regressive third world shithole and how every "Mayo" country is a constantly progressing first world nation, I don't think I have to worry about "my people" coming to an end anytime soon.

THIS is why I have a concealed carry.

Probably won't work here.

This is where a self-defense suicide belt would come in handy

What's the context anyway? Anyone who brought it up had their comment deleted :c

that reads like a resetera thread on trannies