367  2018-09-20 by TheHeroReditDeserves

To get the fuck out of /r/drama and go find some inbred shithole to stink out with mayo nonsense. OUT OUT OUT Just because you canโ€™t go back does not mean you can stay here


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. /r/drama -,*,*

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This. So many newfags claiming to "miss" this place have post history in faggotty cancer subs like CA etc etc

Well yeah, most everyone who couldn't get in here were why the wall went up in the first place.

Imagine being so cancer that Ed calls you out ๐Ÿคฎ


Shut up pajeet

I consider myself a useless tumor and even then ed won't talk to me or call me ๐Ÿ˜ข

It's because none of us consider you a tumor. You're a beautiful wonderful person and you shouldn't put yourself down

Might as well just end it now.

The posting on drama he means ๐Ÿ˜ง

Keep the wall down, the rest of reddit is a shithole country.

Nah, it's more like a seal of approval from a connoisseur of shit.

What sub is โ€œCAโ€?


No that was CA. Now CA is /r/california motherfuckaaaaaz ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ‘จโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ


based and redpilled

were gonna cross 80k tomorrow..ugh

You mods gotta cleanse this bitch Stalin style, Ann

i might just switch it to approved submitters only n go to bed.

Do it

Plz put me on there. Seriously. Love you unironically

Based ugh poster

in a couple hours well cross it.

why are you dragging /r/cripplingalcoholism into this

If only those were the CA posters flooding drama. They seem like a really funny and cool bunch tbh, self-destructive death spiral aside

That sub probabky has the worst font I have get seen on reddit

Blanket ban for CA when?

I posted in Cringe Anarchy out of desperation when drama was private. I feel so much shame!


>Implying this isn't a cancer sub

Hey I've been here for years and I love arguing with retards in CA

MDEfugees reading this thread: please go to Youโ€™ll all get along.

Voat is kinda like a school for slow kids with 'special needs', which is why MDEfugees will get all along

veeeyyy we all love to kill and blacks and race mixing women in Minecraft, you see what i did there? haha this is so funny, i too want to holocaust in Minecraft hahaha

Disagree. Voat is a school where you would put all school shooters in so they can't harm the general populus.

MFW I read the title -> ๐Ÿ˜ก

MFW I open the post -> ๐Ÿ˜

MFW i see emojis -> ๐Ÿ˜Œ

mfw i see ed -> ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿฟโ€โ™€๏ธ

That's not a face ๐Ÿ˜’

some of us are facially challenged you insensitive fuck

Lmao @ facelets like uuuu ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†

Facecels lol

mfw ๐Ÿ‘˜

MFW I read your shitty pastas ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

MFW people fall for my pasta -> ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

MFW you still haven't given me any new pasta to devour ->๐Ÿ’€

MFW uncle Steve touches my no-no places-> ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

Mfw I'm uncle Steve ๐Ÿ˜ƒ




MFW I see am edpasta ->๐Ÿ˜

People can change. I'm proud to admit that I once saw emojis as a scourge, to the point that I wrote blockers. But, sigh. I guess they are not as terrible as I once thought.

It's still shitty heiroglyphics that should be expressed with properly spelled words, but I'm softening.

Gotta say, Ed. I missed you the most out of any drama user.

Agreed. It was good having a fellow downy browny representing. #DownsLife

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ PREACH BRUV ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ

Just came here to drop a line to say to you all: Kiss my ass you rotten angsty teen edgelord virgin cocksuckers. I hope you all contract a new fast acting version of AIDS that kills you in the time it takes to walk to your bus stops. This subreddit, and every one subscribed to it are walking bags of herpes, infecting anyone that you come in contact with. Please fuck off and die of super AIDS.

Thank you, and drown in your own feces.

This won't be the last you hear about or from me, stay tuned.

P.S. You're all malignant cunts.

Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to go put some more water in the moderators bowl.

EDIT: You fuckers didn't even last 30 minutes this time. An amateur, low-effort brigade. I am disappoint.

Where did this pasta come from?



Just came here to drop a line to say to you all: Kiss my ass you rotten angsty teen edgelord virgin cocksuckers. I hope you all contract a new fast acting version of AIDS that kills you in the time it takes to walk to your bus stops. This subreddit, and every one subscribed to it are walking bags of herpes, infecting anyone that you come in contact with. Please fuck off and die of super AIDS.

Thank you, and drown in your own feces.

This won't be the last you hear about or from me, stay tuned.

P.S. You're all malignant cunts.

Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to go put some more water in the moderators bowl.

EDIT: You fuckers didn't even last 30 minutes this time. An amateur, low-effort brigade. I am disappoint.

Exhibit A:

CA nerd posting mayo outrage bait that had already been submitted.

Ew and the top comment is pizzachill being infinitely less funny and creative than the og pizza

Can we get the mods to update the list of reporting reasons to include MDEfugee status?

"White people nonsense" is literally the first one, what more do you want from us?

Thereโ€™s a big difference between โ€œpeopleโ€ who watch Laurence Welk and rapist mongoloids trying to shitty up a sub of peace.

No there isn't.

This hot take is big if true


That's why I killed my grandma and you should too.

What is MDEfugee

What's MDEfugee?

They are an invasive species and must be removed ASAP for the health of r/drama's delicate ecosystem

It was too early, we should have waited.

would you say we need some sort of solution to this problem, that would be final ?

Rev up the showers, lads

Orgy showers, prison roleplay showes, or mayocide showers? I can never tell and frankly it's getting embarrassing.

All of the above

Invasive species implied they're capable of breeding, though

They reproduce by fission, like all bacteria

An ecosystem consisting of Bussy, gussy


That loops too fast. Do it over.

literally no u

downvoted this. All our welcome in my subreddit, right wingers included. Lets not have this place turn into SRDlite

Found the refugee.

This place will in no way turn into SRDlite with the forcible deportation of MDEgenerates. Right wingers of a less retarded stripe will still be welcome.

what stripe would that be?

The kind that don't think that saying "kys in minecraft" (pls no yeet mods) is the height of comedy or spend all their time unironically whining about black people and Jews causing a white genocide. It's all too low effort.

So Qboomers or whatever they call themselves

Well the Qboomers are more retarded, but at least they are very entertaining lolcows

Tbh at least they just regurgitate the kind of retardation that both sustains us and doesn't force us to go private

Oh my fucking god I just got back from the first day of class at high school and that fucking slut I like was smiling at the charming athletic black kid while ignoring my cool trench coat and mustache I can't fucking handle this anymore I need society to stop blacking my women and telling me that I should be alone I need her I need her I'm going to fucking

You need to join us in /r/mgtowwom

literally coontown

Downvoted this: Chapos and MDEtards are not welcome in our sub. Let's not have this place get banned for the SRDines to circle jerk over

I'll make you seem like SRDlite after a candlelit dinner sweety ;)

Nice shilling, refugee

Out! Out! Out!

/r/drama is aplace for balanced radical centrism

unless ur leaning right

then ur nazi


gross no ty

Chapo is just as bad.

GTFO tankie

chapo is way worse. chapo is just boring depressed faggots instead of violent schizophrenic retards

>implying being a centrist is exciting

>implying MDEeznuts don't dream about gaining the courage to finally off themselves

huh? the high suicide rate is half of the reason mde is so captivating. chapo cant compete for volatile weirdos

Personally they seem like the perfect crowd to hate fuck

They're just radicalized. MDE (peace be upon it) was all that but with saggy roast beef bussy.

smoothbrain argument

sam hyde was a nazi and the sub posted such extreme shit that even sam had to quit.

you have no idea what you are talking about lmfao

Sam Hyde is a gay nazi who struck a deal with commie Zionists

Iโ€™m glad heโ€™s dead

cool story and alt bro

go fuck yourself

Wow triggered

cool flair btw

sam hyde donated 5 grand to andrew anglin

you people are actually hilarious, always falling back on the "anything slightly right wing is considered nazism these days" when your hero is an actual neo nazi

citation fucking needed retard

also sam hyde isnt my hero, nice projection massive retard

go fuck yourself

struck a nerve?

i hear they're friendlier on voat

I could say im say hydr and donate any amount

Wheres the proof? If you watch the interview he clearly is just fucking around with the reporter

I mean, he literally made a video asking Notch to wake up and get all anti-Semitic, so...

How would you feel about being a moderator of this sub?

To think that you're not even smart enough to make lobster boy beterson your intellectual guiding light, that you have been reduced to stanning for a guy who could barely BTFO Shia le beef, that you're actually serious posting in drama because of assmad

Gtfo newfag alt

i messaged the kids i knew in elementary school and embarrassed myself

Youโ€™re always welcome in r/circlebroke5. Remember that, friends.


MDEFUGEES get the rope first.

Gloating about still having a subreddit is the normiest thing I've seen this week.

If only you had one.

You have to go back ... oh wait

Watches PewDiePie.
calls other people normies.

๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

I think it is only reasonable that if you have a really good post all typed up, proof read and fact checked, before you hit post, you check if there is a refugee who could use the boost in their posting history, and then you PM them your post, so that they can post it instead.

That way they get to experience the joy of posting a high quality post which in turn helps them assimilate, and you get to experience the joy of seeing your post violated by a needy refugee.

You ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘‰

The showers ๐Ÿšฟ

Now ๐Ÿ‘‰โŒš

What the hell are you- oh, okay.

What is MDE?

A bunch of hetero-normative bi-curious mayos

What is a mayo and what does it stand for?

Males And Yiddish Outcome


It was my home

and it was beautiful

Go back to the rubble of your village and eat charcoal or something. We're at capacity.

don't you want diversity? don't you like tacos???


I wouldn't even touch the fake brown people foods. Just nuggets and peanut butter and jelly for me, thanks. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Short for /r/MillionDollarExtreme, a now banned sub. It was originally about the show of the same name, but turned rather edgy after the show's demise.


it was way too low effort to even be edgy, it was just reposts of coontown

I still don't really understand what MDE was about, just that pretty much every last one would refer to 'the whites' unironically.


I still donโ€™t understand the difference between this sub and SRD...

Meh, we could use a few lolcows here right now. Let them reeeeee for a while, then catapult them over the wall.



Quit crybabying about it and make a decent joke you pathetic fags

You heard that /u/le_epic_xd ? OUT OUT OUT

Why are you accusing me of an MDEfaggot?

Why are you accusing me of being an MDEfaggot?

You can't accuse someone when it's true. I am just stating the obvious. Now, OUT OUT OUT

I'm not a MDEgenerate, you annoying clump. Why ate you so unhinged over me?

OUT OUT OUT. Where is the obersturmbannfรผhrer when you need him to get rid of you people

You people

Out yourself first

Imagine being so sad and retarded you need to go on your alts to upvote yourself.

Imagine being so retarded that you accuse others of using alts because they more Internet-points than you

being proud of imaginary point on reddit

Are you getting your wealthfare checks for being so disabled-level retarded?

Where did I write such a thing, you overgrown jizz-stain?

Going through your post history I can state confidently that you are suffering from some mental illness. Plus being a mod of some retarded subs.

Mod is a big word. Also "your ill lol" is worthless if you don't provide examples, pinhead

I'm also not the one obsessed by some rando's shitposting habits

It says right to the right of your profile thay you are a moderator how mentallly challnged are you jesus. And dont worry. One glace was enough to come to the obviois conclusion. It is all public.

Yawn. You're grasping real hard for something to whine about, "obviois"ily. Why are you so stubborn? Do my posts insult your persona in any way? Why should I be an MDE?


Do you have any proof? Or are you going to repeat it another x times?

Anyone can go down your profile and it themselves. I don't like stating the obvious

Come on pussy, be brave. Tell me why I should be a MDEficient. I know you're just dragging this out to waste my time, so cut it short.

Countinue posting your platishit pics on/r/drama. I have no obligatuon to prove to a retard he is a retard.

What a boring cunt you are. Why would you even ping me if you're so strangely reluctant in motivating yourself? You strike me as an odd, psychotic twat. Get a nicer target, you overblown mongoloid.

Womp womp

It took you 10 hours to come up with that?

No I just have a life you know


WTF, I'm completely lost. *single tear*

We have to find some way to make this reddit unappealing so people stop subscribing.

I think, and this might seem too dire, we just post bussy, non-ironically, for a month. A straight month of dirty dirty buss-buss. like, efukt buss. level buss. Old school shitty assholes until the mde rapefugees tear their dicks off jerking off to it and off themselves.

Think about it, modsquad.


no. gas the jews.


The MDEfugee is immunized against all dangers; one may call him a nazi, racist, homophobe, trumpkin, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a MDEfugee and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found OUT OUT OUT"