Q has now convinced the Boomers that aliens exist.

71  2018-09-20 by IAmAN00bie


Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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Now? You naive bot.

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Yes thank you Snappy for reminding me

They do tho.

you better have 50 youtube links ready if you want to prove that

I hope you have 50 YouTube links ready that prove they don't, Mr DeepState

Well, it's very likely. But considering the "justified true belief" definition of knowledge, it fails the "justified" test.

So that’s what the closing of that observatory was about

Yep, child porn

We've known for awhile now that observatories are just transmitters for interstellar child porn.

the Deep State is a proxy for negative alien groups. And that Hillary's presidency would have been the final piece to bring about a deceptive alien Disclosure event.

And people think it's not satire.

This helps explain the Mandela effect. This could help explain Q seeming to predict things down to the minute (McCain death)... and may ultimately lead us to time travel (Telsa tech).

I just thank God we are in this timeline and not the one where HRC won!

Classic Clinton derangement syndrome tho.

Aliens used to be a staple of conspiracy obsessed loons before all these god damn boomers got involved and made everything about kiddie fucking.

I>magine thinking aliens aren't fucking kids.

kids would be the first people they would fuck

you go to a new planet. do you try to have sex with this big hairy ones?

you go to a new planet. do you try to have sex with this big hairy ones?

someone has to. sigh. unzipping my space suit.

Your sacrifice shall be immortalized in the songs of the coming empire o.o7

voat is a total cesspool, jesus. as bad as pol.

It’s worse the /Pol/ sweetie

It's like /pol/ of pol were the same 1000 people every time

So the people behind Q are just bored now and are seeing how far they can string the boomers along now.

That was already apparent some time ago.

I hope they just keep getting more and more ridiculous with the 'drops' until it's completely obvious to the followers that they're being taken for a ride. If they are capable of realizing it, that is.

I'm hoping that the qult will go so far down the slippery slope, they'll do everyone a favor and give Jonestown another shot.

One can hope.

4channers figured out he was full of shit after a week because he finally said "jews are white peoples best friends and allies. They would never do anything to hurt anyone intentionally" which is only slightly less unrealistic than the aliens bullshit. Especially because he said that in October of 2017 so right when the Weinstein stuff came to light.

That's why he has to fuck off to 8chan and reddit where they believe Harvey Weinstein is being set up be evil aliens

only reason 8ch exists is for /zoo/

Yeah but it's just getting to be glaringly obvious now.

The first correct thing he's said

Looks legit

Q is now just seeing how far he can push the Boomers. Best Troll Ever.

Far out, man.

I don't like the word "aliens". Do aliens exist? Fuck nah. Is there other life in the universe that is as inept and cretinous as we are? You bet your ass.

Ok, at this point it's pretty clear that the general conspiracy community ( think godlikeproductions) has latched onto Q. This shit is blasé.