TheBanout2018: Banned

199  2018-09-20 by trj820


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Waiting on SRD spergnado type meltdown.

This subreddit was banned due to being unmoderated. If you'd like to take it over please make a post in /r/redditrequest

Banned 1 day ago.

Wtf that makes no sense...

Exactly. Also why did it take r/drama 24hrs to notice this?

No idea.

This is some Mandela Effect shit lol

Because it was so technically beneath anyone important's notice?

Pathetic is our middle name.

You're on /r/drama, lol. You're as pathetic as all of us.

Dealing with a deluge of smelly, crime-y immigrants

Q predicted this

Q made me cum

Not gonna lie i shot some pretty big jets when I first saw r/TheGreatAwakening got benned

S E E T H I N G boomers are the funniest bunch tbqh. Imagine if you found out your parents were on TGA lololol. It's a good thing mine are 6 feet deep 👌💀🎃

This explains a lot.

Ed, did you kill and eat your parents?


Why? That was some of the funniest content imaginable, like a bad Dan Brown novel played out during the 4:30 early bird at Red Lobster.

I was spoutin ropes for days yanamean?

He predicted that too 💦💦

can one of you ask to be mod please i would but i refuse to mod anything

Only if I can expand the shitlist to all of Reddit

Well. I wish you would have at least locked it and preserved it. You know these turds across reddit will only defile it. Oh well. It was good while it lasted. I know you bore the brunt of the harassment, so I dont blame you for throwing it away. You still did a good thing in my opinion. Thank you.

These morons still believe the banwave had anything to do with that sub?

Yeah, they're so wrapped up in circle jerking that they don't realize they're the problem, not us


Reeeeeee spez is a nazi.


This subreddit was banned due to being unmoderated

Lul wot? They had like all the powermods.

If all the powermods got themselves banned for moderating that sub I might just piss myself.

Hell, I might just go ahead and piss myself anyway.

Meh, dingbat still has an account, although it's recent suspiciously less active than usual.

Get a friend and piss each other.

N8theGr8 hasn't posted in 12h holy shit please

N8theGr8 hasn't posted in 12h

It's a new social experiment - a masterful troll really, 5 page manifesto-tier post coming is being worked on right this moment to explain how the mayos are getting BTFO'ed into eternity by him not posting for 12 hours.

He might have had to go on a long road trip

To hell.

It's only a matter of time until these people who pride themselves on spending their lives disciplining retards on small internet communities take a trip to the "old rope and rickety stool store."

he ded

Pissing yourself is like love: everyone sees it but only you can feel that warm feeling inside your trousers.

Reddit wouldn't do that - that would upend a lot of political groundwork.

I believe Shane kicked all the mods in some kind of hissy fit recently. So then maybe he got banned and nobody was left.

Does anyone remember his user name? I wanna see if he was banned

If no one posts I will when I get home

ShaneH7646 still around sadly

I say we take over the sub, remod the retarded power mods, expand the shitlist to most (if not all) of Reddit, and shit up the place. It'd be like forcing them to watch their creation be rebuilt after it burned down only to be used as a monument mocking their autism

I think it was like ShaneH or something close to that

He kicked them all and then removed himself.

Lol no, all the pwermods left because Shane said it was never about banning hate subs, he just absolutely hate our sub r/drama, he’s got a massive hate boner for us. So because of that all the powermods left

It might mean they weren't listening to the admins? Supposedly the admins were messaging them saying to stop claiming responsibility for all the recently banned subs, but they kept doing it.

The patented ISIS approach

If everyone there is a mod, nobody is



I did notice the other day the place was unmoderated, but never knew a sub could be banned for that.

They do that because otherwise spam bots will start pulling up there,

The real issue is that nobody is there to prevent a CP dump. I know porn subs without active mods get locked like that.

it was restricted to submissions and the automod was killing all the comments on the sole post. Also it had been requested multiple times before they banned it..

Unmoderated bans are normally reversed when someone asks for the subreddit in /r/redditrequest.


the fact that a sub with basically all the powermods manages to get banned is a testament to how fucking ridiculous it was

It's not banned, nobody modded it so it got auto-banned. They achieved their purpose, Reddit, freedom and tendies lost.

declares victory


ShaneH7646 (780643) 1 month ago full permissions
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phedre (214491) 1 month ago chat config, chat operator, flair, mail, posts, wiki
N8theGr8 (1275066) 1 month ago full permissions
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Schindler's List

I like how they don't even trust their own

We did it Drama. Our mortal enemies of MillionDollarExtreme and TheBanout2018 are destroyed. Balance has once again come to reddit.

Just like cockroaches we survived by hiding



Bad meme

I'm telling.

I'm shidding

I shidded and farded and camed by pants

me 2 thanks

I’m cameing

Very cool and sweet

And absolutely nothing of value was lost



kek <--this one



Have you ever heard the tragedy of r/TheBanout2018 t? I thought not, it's not a story the admins would tell you. r/TheBanout2018 was a SJW subreddit so powerful and so politically correct that it could use its mod power to ban trolls. Mod power abuse is a pathway to many things some people would consider to unnatural. It became so powerful that the only thing it was afraid of was losing their, which of course happened. Unfortunately, the admins learned everything they knew. Than the admins banned them in thier sleep. Ironic, they could protect other subreddits but not themselves.

And just like that the best drama of 2018 is over. Pretty sure everything after this point is gonna be a letdown.

You underestimate autism