
170  2018-09-21 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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That's right snappy they did. We will make them pay for this, inshallah.

On point, like always.































Twinks are bottoms though

Daily reminder that our fallen comrade got Patrick Klepick so butthurt that he wrote an article about how his sins could never be redeemed even after he turned against gamergate. That's possibly the greatest triggering I've seen r/drama ever cause.

Daily reminder that our fallen comrade got Patrick Klepick so butthurt that he wrote an article about how his sins could never be redeemed even after he turned against gamergate. That's possibly the greatest triggering I've seen r/drama ever cause.


Good bot

so butthurt that he wrote an article about how his sins could never be redeemed even after he turned against gamergate

now rephrase this in english

Tards gonna tard.

Gamers rise up!

Just another boss battle.

He'd gone on a deranged schizo bender and was commenting shit I can't repeat lest I get banned for sexualization of minors.

Are you being serious?


That’s kinda disappointing.

he was posting this in /r/drama or elsewhere?

why the hell was he going on a pedo bender

Podesta got to him

this was the kind of truth bomb i couldn't get in SRD exile

you try to turn down a satanic jewish democratic ritual when a gift horse hits you in the mouth and see how long you last

Is there any other kind of pedo activity?

Who browses Reddit with that layout? Christ.

It's a legacy layout they deprecated a few years ago, but it's super fast and simple to use on mobile.

What layout?

Compact. It looks like garbage on a desktop.

Oh that shit. I remember what that looks like.

It's even worse than be a Reddit

Shit, that's borderline word salad. He almost sounds like a markov bot.

Drama overload

this is how i want to end

it's a better origin story imo

So seriously is this is what happens when you take the interwebs too seriously?


what a way to go out, not with a whimper but a bang

I'd much rather go on a benzo skeezer

I thought he was a schizo sine at least the whole shutting down kia shit

So is there a way to see what he said without going through every drama thread with removeddit? Because I saw the link already posted and I felt like someone who would say "yikes gross icky"

What about sexualization of miners? Is that allowed?

Are you saying this isn’t just copypasta or David being randumb? I feel a little violated now.

sexualization of minors.

majors just don't put lead in my pencil !

TiTs always wins in the end.

That's what they used to say in the Thirty Years' War. Just keep the faith and we'll be victorious in the end.

He's still him at the end of the day, though. That's not winning.

You're fucking kidding me David.

How many times have we given you a pass on this shit? Dropping pedo shit like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool?

This isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it's not going to be fucking tolerated anymore. If I see another underage pussy or loli outta /u/david-me, you'll never post or comment here ever again, and that is a personal fucking promise from me.

This is so, so, so not fucking cool. This isn't the first time I've brought this up to you, but it's the fucking last time. Do you fucking get that?

You're fucking kidding me David.

How many times have we given you a pass on this shit? Dropping weeb shit like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool?

This isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it's not going to be fucking tolerated anymore. If I see another nico nico or loli outta /u/david-me, you'll never post or comment here ever again, and that is a personal fucking promise from me.

This is so, so, so not fucking cool. This isn't the first time I've brought this up to you, but it's the fucking last time. Do you fucking get that?

Dude started losing his mind recently.

RIP in peace

This has only increased my confidence in the mods


Who ever would have guessed that he created the GamerGate sub at the peak of his sanity


Was this David-me?

it appears so. the king and eventual traitor of reddit's gamergate battalion.

Well seeing as how that's what the url says πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Can’t see it on mobile


A legend dies.

wat he do

besides piss of g4m3rs

Pedo posting

rip Hope you heal that broken brain of yours.


Good, fuck SJW's

early and often

They targeted gamers. Gamers.

He actively tried to damage drama-inducing subreddit. Fucking hell he is moderator here now???

He created lots of drama by doing so, lol.

>david-me called a 'SJW'

I know it's said often, but damn has that term lost all of its meaning.

Did you not see what he was trying to do?

Gamers OUT

What was he trying to do?

He wanted to turn KiA into safe space for SJW where they would discuss fake news from various medias

shit, rip to a legend

Hello, this is david

This is my parachute account - in case my main account is banned. I am writing to you to tell you about a recent job application I have filed which required me to write a college application level essay on a topic of my choice. I will hereby copy and paste this document as I believe that it would be a pleasurable, educational and enlightning experience for you to see how I pereceive reality. So, what will my essay, my manifesto from me to you be about ? It will be about two very important things: joy and evil. In this 10 page manifesto I will outline the differences, applications and my general thoughts on these two important cultural aspects of our very existence.

In this manifesto I will require actual examples from my every day life. To best illustrate an example of an aspect of evil, I will use a practical example of the administrator of reddit banning me for sharing my joys with them personally via private messages on reddit as well as hand delivered letters from me. The example of joy from my every day life I will use is my sexual, frustrated, rebuked, bloody, violent, arousing, sensual, scratchy, predatory, sexy, reliationship with my cat.

10 page manifesto

So he finally got unbanned from /r/Planetside then.

This was like watching Grizzly Man just cause you know that retard wouldn't last the entire 90 minutes. Aw gee poor david. Shucks.


This probably let to his ban /u/justcool393 said admins removed it

Holy fuck, lmao

I've read a lot worse. If I said I kissed a girl in sixth grade and liked it does that mean I am a pedophile. People are fucking retarded.

If I said I kissed a girl in [who was in] sixth grade

Yea, you a pedo

Sad that mods are banning rape victims now

He is touching on a good trolling point though. unless you were a loser like myself growing up, odds are you have those memories.

It's actually a good line of logic to use to fuck with people, because it lets you call anyone you want to a pedo.

Nah dude, 12 is dysfunctional family territory. Even at 14 you'd be an early bloomer.

Not really. Try stepping outside your bubble.

Anyone who didn't have multiple sexual partners by 12 years old is a genetic dead end

I can confirm this, am genetic dead end.



The term is HEBEPHILIA.

Those fucking immature assholes!

David Me is definitely psychotic

haha what

What the actual fuck?

Fucking saved for trolling purposes http://archive.is/uSkAN

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I guess if he wanted attention, he's got it now. But what did it cost?

what did it cost?

πŸ€žπŸ’¨ Everything.

This is the first thing iv seen/read on the internet in a long time that actually made me fucking gag. Jesus christ.

Guess I don't owe him a black dick anymore.

That's good, the amount of obsidian I needed was killing my diamond pickaxes.


david-me could not destroy Reddit, could not destroy KiA, could not destroy drama.

Eventually the only thing he could destroy was himself, and only the admins could do it for him. So they did

That sounds like it would be part of a good "the tragedy of david-me" copy pasta

Who the hell was that guy anyway?

he used to contribute lots to SRD during the culture war phase then this happened. The 'let us say whatever we want' part of reddit and SRD got uber mad. Then he dropped off the radar until he tried destroying KIA in an absolutely retarded way.

I think this is actually everything, you're caught up.


Someone remind me who this is - I feel like I can't keep up with Reddit's bullshit that all these idiots just swirl together in a big shitty mess.

He started /r/KotakuInAction and was a big pusher of GamerGate. He eventually had a change of heart, decided that KiA was filled with misogynistic assholes and tried to take it Private. Admins stepped in de-modded him. He's been posting some weird shit lately, and him talking about underage girls, even if it was just trolling, was what probably got him banned.

he also used to be the most dedicated of SRDines back in the day.

damn haven't seen that macro in years

ha nigga got wacked by glowinthedark goblins

Can I be mod? I mean, strictly speaking on the scale of "number of times tried to nuke the sub" and "number of complete schizo bender rants", I would say I am performing roughly 1,000,000% above the current standard for mod status!

Or below? More times trying to nuke the sub maybe? More schizo rants? Maybe I'm going about this all wrong?

Ok give me mod and I will absolutely try to destroy this place. Got my team ready


My team. Picture right there. ^

Nobody recognises your front. Show us your bussies.

Who the fuck was this nobody?

The fact that you don't know means that you're not a maladjusted loser. Cherish it.

In this moment I am euphoric...



Can someone fill in the loop, heard a lot about this guy recently.

tl;dr: He started the KotakuInAction sub, lost his shit and tried to delete everything, the admins reversed it, he posted long, incoherent rants about it here in /r/drama, and they eventually removed him as moderator from KiA, prompting more ridiculous behavior.

This all started a couple months ago. Apparently, more recently he started posting some kind of pedo shit and that's what got him banned.

He should have just spammed every other board instead.

You guys realize you cannot be banned from this website?

Jesus what happened to this place?

titrcj's spergout against him for a very mild tranny joke got me woke on the retardedness of reddit, meta reddit, power users, and power mods

Rip. You will always be my precious little catfucker david.