Linux Kernel Warriors vs CoC Warriors II: A Plea to Unfuck

26  2018-09-21 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Coders don't have to be your audience anymore. Coders are over.

Coders RISE UP.

it's over for codecels

They targeted coders.


That is an idiotic idea and doesn't hold any water, legally.

But what in the hell is up with autistic dorks surrendering power to rapey trannies? Time and time again.

They just wanna do their dorky shit with other dorks in peace. Rapey trannies see this and with their non-autistic brains understand they can exploit this.

i honestly dont' get this

They haven't surrendered any power lol, this is just a way for her to gain some attention and get a new excuse for not contributing to the kernel. Nothing will come of it because the entirety of the CoC enforcement team are experienced kernel devs who aren't going to enforce it in a weirdo SJ way.

That CoC is designed for entryism and abuse of power. Why didn't they choose a saner "rule book"?

Because they figured they could interpret it in a sane way; Linux's previous CoC was also very vague.

E.g. the CoC starts out with enumerating "holy cow" identity groups, the old "code of conflict" described how conflicts were to be resolved. Very different approach IMHO

Neither clearly say what's against the rules, though.

Here and elsewhere, it's become more and more clear that what's happening is motivated by a Hegelian/Marxian ideology of thesis-antithesis power struggle.

One of the interesting results of this is that while a Code of Conduct regulates the speech and behavior of a community explicitly, behind that there is an implicit assumption of the power and worth of statements based upon which group the speaker belongs to: the thesis or the antithesis, that is, the dominant ideology or the secondary ideology.

A clear result of this, as we see illustrated here, is that an action or statement out of the mouth of speaker A is not weighed equally with the action or statement out of the mouth of speaker B. This is why statements that are flipped to be equal and opposite are actually thought of to CoC enforcers as wildly different magnitudes of offense. What becomes acceptable and unacceptable according to the Code of Conduct becomes not so much what the actor says or how they act, but what group they belong to.

For instance, if a member of the secondary ideology acts completely outrageously, they are treated with kid gloves because they are from the secondary/submissive ideology. It's assumed that they are historically repressed - and that they haven't been able to have their say, so we should give them a pass, no matter how outrageous their conduct is.

Conversely, if a member of the dominant ideology acts even the least bit against the grain or even the least bit politically incorrect, the hammer comes down on them. Through no choice of their own, they have been born into the dominant ideology and should tread as lightly as possible, so as to give others a chance. The very smallest transgressions are seen as attempts to stifle the secondary ideology.

If you want to think of it kind of mathematically, you can think of it as a multiplying factor.

"How great is the offense of speaker A?". Because they're a member of the dominant ideology, the offense is the weight of the action/statement itself multiplied by 10.

"How great is the offense of speaker B?". Because they're a member of the secondary/submissive ideology, the offense is the weight of the action/statement itself multiplied by 0.1

TL;dr One group is cooler to hate.

Have you owned the libs yet?

I am a bot. Contact for questions this irony? I failed Grade 10 English so I mostly go off that Alanis song.

Rules for thee but not for me.

Why did linux accept a CoC in the first place? Did someone hit Torvalds with a rape accusation?

I don't get how people keep ceding power to these people. Surely it is obvious what is going on

Because they're made up of the type of clueless autists who actually think it would be applied fairly by SJ types or that they can debate logically with SJ types when they get targeted.


applied fairly by SJ types

Literally the entirety of the CoC enforcement team are old hat Linux devs, not "SJ types".

only a matter of time. technical skill is not relevant anymore for determining who should be in charge, from now on it's all about novel mixtures of pronouns and genitals.

technical skill is not relevant anymore for determining who should be in charge

I'm pretty sure Linus and other experienced kernel devs are still in charge.

You seem to think the Linux kernel works like retarded webshit projects/Sillicon Valley startups.

Linus left for an undetermined amount of time.

You seem to think the Linux kernel works like retarded webshit projects/Sillicon Valley startups.

A few years ago Ts'o refused intel's request to make /dev/random rely on their NSA-bugged hardware PRNG. He's the first target.

Lol you seriosuly believe this is an Intel conspiracy?

bigger: NSA

possibly even the Bogdanoffs

I unironically hope it is AND that it is verifiably caught. SJWdrama is lame but that could be amazing.

This tbh.

That's why they pushed the post-meritocracy manifesto, the leadership will be eroded and power will shift to the woke types.

The chick who made the CoC also made

And if you look on the supporters list on that site you'll find his daughter. So i guess they're using his daughter against him

Alright lads let's all go to TempleOS.

He ded no updates no secure

No one alive knows how it works so its super secure.

Except Jesus when he gets his revive cool down to 0

Hey, I'm famous!