Vodkas set to purge themselves of weebs

36  2018-09-21 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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Jews did this


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They make a lot of quality cartoons in Japan. They’re not dangerous if you don’t watch them all day. It’s another thing entirely if the characters are teenagers, like their viewers, who are also homosexuals, who smoke and drink and even cut their veins.

I clearly watch the wrong kind of anime

Magical Girl Site

russians were never known for appreciating fine art

On the contrary, their art such as Turgenev's epic "Fathers and Sons" as well as nonfiction Narodnaya Volya literature for instance form the basis on which all actually serious modern art stands.

That was then, this is now.

There's good art these days as well.

I see that and I have to raise the "Nikoj Nemozhe" by Azis, as we are delving deep into Slavic decadence.

Lmao, I can't top that.

Neither you can bottom that lol.

I just want to say that I had Egor Letov's "Battle Stimulus" prepared just in case, and I probably should listen to the entire linked concert, but it's just so depressive, man. It's beautiful but too sad.

"Slavic decadence" is a fantastic phrase

Russians are Masters of arts and letters, you take that back

Ooh, a lot of anime avatars are going to be conflicted about this news.

Better yet. Purged

Wtf, I love russia now.