12  2018-09-21 by Oxenfreeally

I don’t get this subreddit. Are they lady haters? From their posts they sure sound like it. I mean they degrade women and call them bs stuff so I don’t get why they have to claim to go their own way when that’s probably the best case lol

why would any woman want to date a man who partakes in a community where they call women only good for breeding/cooking/ etc?

if ur from mtgow, can you explain your logic to me


Most people there have had bad experiences from women, and dont trust them so they avoid relationships and meanwhile express their anger towards women.

why would women want to date them

They dont want women to date them...

That’s really sad. There could be 500 women and they can meet 400 that just fucks them over, but they can’t say the same for the remaining hundred.

That's really bad odds. You have an 80% chance of getting burned.

I'd say that ratio closer to 50/500 than 400/500, maybe even less.

lol would you own a dog that only had an 80% chance to maul your face of?

nah but its weird they claim /all/ women are like that. i can’t imagine being the mother or sister of a man who thinks women are that low.

well i'm just going by your own logic. you said that if only 100 women out of 500 were going to ruin your life, it would still be worth dating women. obviously those odds are so horrible that going MGTOW would be logical.

If the retarded pibble owners are of any indication, yes

people own pit bulls

You kinda can when you have to listen to the same disgusting comments no matter where you are, as long as you are near females.

They dont want women to date them...

They are the only people who believe this.

Most people there have had bad experiences from women, and dont trust them so they avoid relationships and meanwhile express their anger towards women.

you left out the part where they jerk off together about not wanting to be with women.

More like men going their own gay

More like Men SENT Their Own Way

men gaying their own way

It's just another incel coping sub, like anything related to men's rights.

why are men rights subs wrong

You sound white


Mercy, m'lord, I can only adapt to eye-searing colours so much.

They're incels but instead of trying to get laid they have a "you can't fire me, I quit" attitude. Most of is people coping out loud on why it's great to be unfuckable.

Or they burned out divorcees with no money or SMV left just killing time till they die

some of them are incels, some of them had a shitty divorce or a bad relationship and then decided to stew in hatred forever instead of just moving on and dating a girl who isn't a bitch.

Incels in denial

Incel who was married?

the MGTOW cope

they assume any women alive cares that they're going there own way

ROFL. Yeah it totally takes men more than a few months to realize she creatures are incapable of caring about anyone but themselves and their offspring. Not exactly a secret from being near them.

Incels pretending to be volcels

This tbh.

The real MGTOW don't need an online support group lmao

MGTOW is supposed to be about men refusing to meet expectations of women and society in general, and instead do whatever the fuck they want alone. /r/MGTOW in particular is just salty dudes bitching about women.

I don't see any point in participating in communities centered about not doing something. It's like /r/dogfree. I don't have a dog so I'm technically "dog-free" but I'm not going to to a subreddit about not having dogs to discuss not having dogs. Same with MGTOW, I'm technically one, but I don't see any reason to hang around other people who are, I'd rather hang around people who share my actual interests.

It's like /r/dogfree.

Dofreee is a quality sub, but that's because they understand the vital importance of the doggocide to protect the future of our cats and their kittens.

Some sacrifice need to be made to ensure the perfection of cats not being marred.

Kittens will always be uglier than puppies

This is objectively wrong.

No u

Fully grown cats are still cute

Cats under all their forms are inherently cuter than any dog. Inshallah.

Imagine not loving both animals

I don't see any point in participating in communities centered about not doing something.

Support groups.

But it easily turns into a circlejerk. The idea of mgtow isn't bad by itself. It's when you have the few incels talking shit about women and drag the whole sub with them.

Well, I'd say that /r/childfree has some utility in terms of discussing birth control, and they have a wiki with a list of doctors who don't refuse to do procedures on young childless people. It's also useful to have a place that will say common sense things like "don't marry someone who doesn't share your life goals".

But plenty content on it is just pointless ranting.

There's some utility in xFree groups when you discuss dealing with tactics to deal with "haters". It's similar to child-free. You get people trying to change or convince you to recant and repent your different ways.

Reddit subs related to xFree activities are usually bottom of the barrel and almost as bad as "default" subs.

men going their own way to obsess about women

They're closeted homosexuals who hare women because they can't see the dating world from anyone else's perspective. "Bitches won't let me stick it in, FINE. I'll show them by refusing to be with them (I mean unless they ask really nicely...please fuck me.)"

Homos ind enial.

They're too beta to be women haters. They're afraid of women so want to hide away

why would any woman want to date a man who partakes in a community where they call women only good for breeding/cooking/ etc?

The point of the sub isn't to get women to date them.

Amazing how the top minds of drama can't figure that shit out.

Incels LARPING as Diogenes or Schopenhauer or Thoreau (who were all famed likely incels)

A bunch of self-loathing losers coping with themselves using absurd theories and worthless statements

I'm not one of them, but I have offensive thoughts in my head about the people around me. Since I keep them to myself, women still date me and I am able to operate in society. They could be doing something similar to me.

That’s fine, I think a lot of people have that. Thoughts are usually hard to change but you have the option to say it out loud and be a jerk about it. In your case you know its offensive so you keep it as a thought, that’s something most of them don’t do.

Men Sent Their Own Way

I called them all pussies once and they all got butthurt and had to all convince me how masculine they really were

that’s really pathetic and sad :-///

MGTOW pay to have sex with someone elses sex doll

Oh my fucking god I just got back from the first day of class at high school and that fucking slut I like was smiling at the charming athletic black kid while ignoring my cool trench coat and mustache I can't fucking handle this anymore I need society to stop blacking my women and telling me that I should be alone I need her I need her I'm going to fucking

Here's my opinion. Do we really need another feminism lol?

I think “another” feminism is a bit off. I red that feminism was created due to unfair circumstances women go through but some women just take it too far therefore dirt on the movement itself. it annoys me now sometimes but the general thought of the movement is good.

Yea. But isn't that exactly what's happening here? Some men taking mgtow too far? I'm a man and I get the frustration but we should be above that petty crap. I miss the days when men being emotional was forbidden! It was a simpler time lol.

Why would a mgtow explain a she creature anything?


Heterosexuality is a mental disorder.

They're a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll