A rant about MGTOW

0  2018-09-21 by AllahInValhallah

Fuck them. I joined them to hate on women like every true muslim man does and they fucking banned me. Why do they exist? I thought it would be a place to hate women for being the inferior gender but no they're too fucking wussy to commit to that. They talk about becomming a monk and "self improvement" lmao. Imagine having so little self esteem you think you need to be improved.

Are there any good women hating subs. Any by women hating I don't mean incels because they're just bitter because they can't get laid and if any women did make an advance they would become little bitches over them. I'm talking about good old fashioned sexism where you slap a bitch for talking out of line and leave her alone and scared when you're bored of her.

Thank god Islam exists to preserve the good old ways. A woman can't divorce a man in islam but a man can divorce a woman whenever he wants. The good old days were better for women. Today women are depressed and work twice as hard as men to try to keep up with them and by the time the reach their thirties these career women realise all they really wanted was to be a mother but it's too late. As men we can spread our seed whenever.

Men shouldn't go their own way men should try to go back to the old way. That way women could fufil their one true need and become mothers and men could finally be happy but instead we have whores doing drugs to fill voids and old ladies becomming "cool aunts" lmao.

Shout out to the smart girls who got married and became housewives they seem the happiest and most fufilled for a reason.


What the fuck did I just read?

Someone, please, tell me this is a troll.

Yeah I'm telling the truth so I must be a troll

Obviously lol. No real man would say such terrible things about the opposite sex. Men need women. Women don't need men. Science is advancing to the point where we don't need sperm. Women are advancing in the workplace and becoming CEOs and Presidents of large corporations. Yeah, we work harder, but it's worth it to us in the end.

It sounds like you're projecting your insecurities onto women. Maybe you should take a vacation and find yourself. If you truly believe that you are the actual you that you are projecting into the world, then I feel sorry for you.

Peace be with you.

Women are only becomming CEOs because men feel pity for them and let them. The best and most succesful businesses are run by men. Men can have children whenever women need to get a man before their 35 or it's game over.

Women need sperm because they get desperate for children. You have a maternal need which makes you weak.

No woman is history has founded anything great they just slip in when something great has been established and normally end up ruining it.

We work hard for what we want. It works. We don't need or want pity. I am where I am because I worked hard for it. I was promoted for my work ethic, customer reviews, and because I am good at what I do.

I do not desire to have children. Personally, I think this world needs a plague to get rid of about half of the population. I have absolutely no maternal instinct. I have a dog who is well on his way to be trained properly. Many young men and women are becoming this way.

Grace Hopper invented computer software. Clara Barton was the founder of the American Red Cross. Queen Elizabeth 1 has her own era because she helped make England richer and more powerful, and helped build the best Naval forces of that time period. LaDonna Harris is the President and Founder of Americans for Indian Opportunity.


No you're there because the government is forcing companies to put more pussies in position of power you know this is true. You work twice as hard because you're half as smart.

Personally, I think this world needs a plague to get rid of about half of the population.

We're desgined to have children and pass on our genes but you're some specials snowflake. You know you can't have children no man will want to breed with a sad career woman.

I love how you women have a handful of names most of them obscure but men we have the real greats. The likes of Ceaser, Alexander the Great eclipses the work of Queen Elizabeth.

President and Founder of Americans for Indian Opportunity.

What a reach. You really had to dig deep for something that obscure and unimpressive.

Grace Hopper

Was one woman in a group full of men. Helped created cobol did not create it on her own, unlike Alan Turing who's turing machine still remains the most powerful computer on the earth

You're future is going to be filled with sadness and regret because when it's late it's going to be too late. The clock is ticking.



No one is forcing anyone to do anything other than following the law, paying taxes, and healthcare. You act like the government is holding a gun to people's head and saying "hire them, promote them, make then feel special." They aren't. Women have had jobs all throughout history, so idk where your pulling your bullshit out of other than your ass.

Many men are into powerful and successful women. Stay at home dads/husbands is becoming a thing now. If you pop into the childfree subreddit, you can see how many men feel the same way about kids, yet still love and respect women. It means more money in our pockets and at the end of the day, it's all about that paper, not shitty diapers, snot bubbles, and debt.

Caesar was stabbed to death by his own men, you loon. He was a dictator for a mere year before the Senate had had enough of him after realizing they gave him too much power. Men can't even handle another man being in charge.

Alexander the Great was a warmonger, who encouraged violence by leading his troops to overtake countries. Which was an uncool thing of him to do, but it was the times.

I feel like in you saying what you say, you want more examples. I can do that.

You wouldn't have windshield wipers without Mary Anderson. Men invented the car, but forgot an important safety feature that we cannot do without.

You can thank Rosalyn Sussman Yalow for creating a way to make sure the blood people donate is safe and disease free.

Melitta Benz created the modern coffee filter system and her company is still in operation to this day.

Katharine Blodgett created non reflective glass. You wouldn't have the screen you're looking at without her.

Stephanie Kwolek paved the way to Kevlar by creating the fiber it is made of.

The most famous doll in the world, Barbie, was created by Ruth Handler.

Mother fuckin' beer was created by women. The oldest recipe is from Mesopotamia, which celebrates Ninkasi, the patron goddess of brewing. Priestesses brewed the first beer.

Anna Connelly created the first outdoor fire escape.

Monopoly was created by Elizabeth Magie.

Gertrude Belle Elion created the first drug that helped fight leukemia.

Allah was a child rapist, God is a sadist, and most of the other "gods" are assholes. What do they have in common? They're all men. Most terrorists are men. Most murderers are men. Don't be so quick to put men on a pedestal because they're awful, just like some women.

You really need to take a look inside yourself. No one likes someone who hates themselves enough for their hate to spill onto other people, with the sad exception of like minded peers. Your insecurities speak volumes about your character, which instantly tells anyone who reads your crap that you are a sad and lonely little boy.

The only true way for our species to succeed is to work together, man and woman. We will never be able to do that if people like you are still running around and spouting your sexist bullshit.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


Cope harder you know deep down what I'm saying is true. That's why today western women are more depressed and anxious than ever. Your a sad little career woman who has literally wasted her life I hope you have sibling so at least they can do their jobs and spread the genes of your family and continue their legacy.

Men created society by themselves without women. When the times are tough men ignore pitying you women that's why in war the leaders are men and there's no need for a token woman.

You women are too emotional and over sensetive evident by your long post. Try being housewive and a mother and that emptiness you feel, which you try to distract yourself with work, will finally disappear.

All I can do now is sit back and continue watching you make a fool of yourself. You, very obviously, have never felt love from another person and on behalf of your parents, I'm sorry for that. I feel sorry for you and hope that one day, you will know what love is and you will come to appreciate the people (man or woman) you meet for the lessons you will learn.

You would not be here without your mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and so on and so forth.

And they were all good submissive women who knew thier role.

I hate to break it to you darling but I'm a married man with daughters who love and respect me the true unconditonal love a child has for thier parents is something you will never ever know.

My daughters know thier place in the world are truly happy unlike thier depressed "liberated" friends.

I get that you're into being sexist and trying to put me down by calling me a "cute" name. I get that you don't know real love. I still feel very sorry for you. I pity you.

I very seriously doubt anyone would date, let alone marry you. Either that, your wife didn't have a choice (which I feel sorry for her as well if that's the case), or your lying. No muslim woman I have ever known likes the religion because of the way they are treated - like shit. The few who do like it and attack the ones who want to be free? They are brainwashed (by men) and jealous that those women aren't being mistreated like they are/were.

I am willing to bet a year's salary that if your "daughters" were given the same opportunity that I have that they would hate you for what you did to them.

I'm done arguing with you. This is my final comment because you are truly a sad person. Good luck with your bullshit. You'll see how far it'll get you (nowhere).

Ahahahahahahaha sounds like I've hit a nerve doll. You don't know any love the love from a dog isn't the same as love from a human.

You're damn right my wife didn't have a choice but she knows her father knew what was best for her and she's happy now. She serves my every need and has given me children. It's my children I love and they love me. You only have a dog that loves you. Any partner you do have will leave you once he's ready to have a child for a younger woman.

No muslim woman I have ever known likes the religion because of the way they are treated

How you can you be a muslimn but hate your religion. This is evidence of the inferior female brain that is a logical fallacy.

The religion is forced. You force women to do your bidding. You force them to marry you. You know as well as I do that if your wife had a choice, she would have ran far away from you.

This is my actual last comment. Goodbye, sexist pig.

My wife has every chance to run away from me. I do not keep her locked up. She must perform her duties as a housewife when I am at work including the shopping. She could take the children and leave but she does not. In fact when I have threatened divorce in the past she has cried and literally begged me not to. How you explain that? She tells me she is happy that I have blessed her with children and wants nothing more.

We may force them but that's because you women are stupid and need a man to guide them but you become grateful when you submit.

That emptiness, stress, anxiety and depression will only get worse for you career woman.

You know I am right and can not dispute my points no matter how hard you try to work your little brain.

Women need sperm because they get desperate for children. You have a maternal need which makes you weak.

You're a freak. Also not all women want children. Why do you think there's such a push for abortion rights in America and around the globe. You're a morron. And I bet you hate women because you're an ugly freak and they've ignored you their whole lives. Waaaaa.

abortions exist because sluts never make chad wear a condom.

You're a morron.

Classic woman

Why do you think there's such a push for abortion rights

So you can be sluts when you're younger without consequence. The best way to prevent having children isn't by killing them but by not spreading your pussy you dumb whore.

And I bet you hate women because you're an ugly freak

I'm a married muslim man. Nice try though.

There's a reason why so many western women have anxiety and depression. They're trying to be men when they really want to be women

"No real man" she creatures don't get to decide real men, cupcake :) . Also no woman would describe men how you describe them, so I guess you aren't a woman.

I didn't describe men, did I? Nnnnope. I did not. I stated facts. Look, I get it. You're lonely, insecure, angry because you're lonely, and basically most negative emotions. I get it. You don't want to blame yourself, so you'd rather channel all of your hate onto the sex that doesn't even bother with you. Grow up, kid.

The career woman is calling other lonely? Having a dog doesn't count as real companionship

Men invents way to get women pregnant without intercourse Women "REEEE WOMEN DON'T NEED MEN"

Soon we'll have sex bots and eventually incubators then we won't need she creatures for anything either. They're all the same and repulsive trash anyhow.

This is why you'll always be lonely. What's that classic line? Oh yeah, don't hate the player, hate the game. The players are humans and the game is life, son. Get used to it.

You literally brought a dog to combat your loneliness

Where did I bring the dog?

Interesting how she creatures always worship their own gender but loves abusing and trying to drag men down :) so much for just being people

I'm worshipping my own gender by speaking of accomplishments? Oh honey, get over yourself. It's time you grew up.

Listen sweetie it's time you grew up and went back to the kitchen

Listen honey, it's time you knew proper grammar and pulled your head out of your ass. I still see shit on the corner of your lips.

You getting emotional there? Are you on your period?

Nah, but I bet you're angry because no one wants to fuck you. đź’‹ bye

Except I'm in a relationship. Nice try though sweetie

I bet your angry because you got abused by your ex

That's how you know when you've won an argument: the other person throws nothing but insults and can't actually contribute to a conversation. Bye boo đź’‹đź’‹

Nah, but I bet you're angry because no one wants to fuck you. đź’‹ bye

You literally did that first you fat fuck. Everything I said is 100% fact. You literally just pulled out a wild accusation. You work for a fucking hotel. You're the reason why I treat customer service workers as trash because you are

You are a very bad person. I very seriously doubt you have a girlfriend unless it's a robot or your hand. At least I have the common courtesy to defend my half of the species from bigoted people. I gave facts. You did not contribute to the conversation other than insults which, at best, makes you nothing more than a peanut gallery.

At least I'm not a fat fuck who lives with her gradman and works for a 2 star hotel. Lmao if you weren't a fat broke bitch maybe you could fix your deformed tits.

When have money women flock to you sweetie. Women love a successful powerful man ;)

Yeah, see, you don't even know me lol. You're truly the saddest incel I've ever come across because you won't stop, even when you're already six feet under. I mean, Jesus Christ, look at your spelling and grammar. You're so emotional that you can't even form a sentence properly. It really must kill you knowing that you aren't getting to me.

This is my last comment to the entire thread. You incels need to be put on an island far away from civilization and see how far you get without women. Have a good one boo boo đź’‹ đź‘‹

You are an island fatty.

Don't worry life has already got to you. You work for a shitty 2 star hotel and live your nan. You are a failure.

Also fix your tits

You work for a 2 star hotel. Shut the fuck up fatty you haven't achieved anything in life. You still live with your nan

Lurk moar fagit

You call your self radical centrists but are too afraid to hear the other side

They aren't actually radical or centrist, they're wannabes.

Are there any good women hating subs.

This one, it's the one place where you can acknowledge the superiorness of bussy over gussy without bitter guys ranting about how they can't get laid, or how "reverse the genders and it would be a scandal".

Mashallah please tell me more brother

While the logic and reasonableness of your comment are self evident, I must take issue with two things:

Firstly, this comment:

Are there any good women hating subs.

There are multiple subs for hating women in general, but subs for hating good women specially? None as far as I know. As they say in r/rapistGleeClub r/menslib, be the conversation you want.

Secondly: you’re retarded.

Yeah it's not the west that's retarded for trying to go against billions of years of evolution to "liberate women". Women are the homemakers and men are the providers and that led to some of the greatest civilisations in history. Name one great civilisation that was founded by a woman

Name one great civilisation that was founded by a woman

Trollx comes immediately to mind. Granted they are all land whales, but that is the living embodiment of their greatness (as in great big fat retards).

Wait - wasn’t Carthage founded by a woman? Dido I believe her name was? That’s why Hannibal used war elephants against the romans - to honour the greatly obese founder of their society.

Can't be gay I'm a muslim. Sorry you batty man

So you admit to being a pedophile, eh? Well, I guess that “knowing who you are” is the first step towards redemption.

Mate it's you faggots that are the pedos. The LGBT is trying to sneak in pedophiles all the time in their acceptance group

What subs are woman hating?

Inshallah brother

you should start a subreddit for your niche. people will join.

call it "intersectionalfeminism" or sth

I'm still not going to sleep with you.