Black-hearted physician at Chapo expresses frustration with obese patients refusing to lose weight, gets medical license revoked by defender of the downtrodden

143  2018-09-21 by ABigBigThug


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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I feel personally attacked rn

Never change you beautiful bitch

snappy no not right now :(





Oh, this article is juicy.

The emotional costs are incalculable. I have never written a story where so many of my sources cried during interviews, where they double- and triple-checked that I would not reveal their names, where they shook with anger describing their interactions with doctors and strangers and their own families.

Literally shaking.

One remembered kids singing “Baby Beluga” as she boarded the school bus, another said she has tried diets so extreme she has passed out and yet another described the elaborate measures he takes to keep his spouse from seeing him naked in the light.

Anyone know the lyrics to this? I may need this song.

A medical technician I’ll call Sam (he asked me to change his name so his wife wouldn’t find out he spoke to me) said that one glimpse of himself in a mirror can destroy his mood for days. “I have this sense I’m fat and I shouldn’t be,” he says. “It feels like the worst kind of weakness.”

Because he is weak.

Doctors have shorter appointments with fat patients and show less emotional rapport in the minutes they do have.

Sounds fair. Why try to talk down someone who thinks it's 'muh genetics.'

Negative words—“noncompliant,” “overindulgent,” “weak willed”—pop up in their medical histories with higher frequency. Sounds about right.

In one study, researchers presented doctors with case histories of patients suffering from migraines. With everything else being equal, the doctors reported that the patients who were also classified as fat had a worse attitude and were less likely to follow their advice.

The people who exhibit no self-control have bad attitude and won't listen to professionals? Oh lord have mercy!

And that’s when they see fat patients at all: In 2011, the Sun-Sentinel polled OB-GYNs in South Florida and discovered that 14 percent had barred all new patients weighing more than 200 pounds.

True story, my wife goes to one of these OBGYNs. Love the woman. She's brutal.

Other physicians sincerely believe that shaming fat people is the best way to motivate them to lose weight. “It’s the last area of medicine where we prescribe tough love,” says Mayo Clinic researcher Sean Phelan.

WTF I love the Mayo clinic now.

So real talk. How many fatties here are shook?

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your n is fucked and your shit is all retarded

Only an absolute monster would insinuate that people should put down a cheeseburger. Health is not a choice! Extra cheese is in my voice! Healthy at every size until I die!!🍔đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸš‘đŸ‘»

Cheeseburgers aren't even all that calorie dense compared to say, most cookies. The problem is that these whales are eating like triple portions AND intaking sugary drinks and desserts.

Or that really fat lady that made a video of what she eats everyday. She thought it was so little. Turns out it was over 3000 calories

Most of it was just her breakfast Starbucks stuff too iirc

this is where the fatties are fucking up. take a hotdog for example, you're looking at 400 cals and most of them are in the damn bun

The only solution is a fat gulag where they can lose their capitalist induced flab.

If we are to have free healthcare, ANY luxury or decision that would reduce the health of an individual is a theft from the state. ALL vices and dangerous acts must be outlawed for the good of the body communist.

Fat is theft from the workers.

Baby beluga in the deep blue sea Swim so wild and you swim so free Heaven above and the sea below And a little white whale on the go

Baby beluga, baby beluga Is the water warm, is your mama home With you so happy

Way down yonder where the dolphins play Where you dive and splash all day Waves roll in and the waves roll out See the water squirtin’ out of your spout

Baby beluga, baby beluga Sing your little song, sing for all your friends We like to hear you

When it’s dark, you’re home and fed Curl up snug in your water bed Moon is shining and the stars are out Good night, little whale, good night

Baby beluga, baby beluga With tomorrow’s sun, another day’s begun You’ll soon be waking

Baby beluga in the deep blue sea Swim so wild and swim to free Heaven above and the se below And a little white whale on the go-¬ You’re just little white whale on the go

...imagine going to that much effort to call someone a fat fuck.

you never heard the song before?


Further proof that child abuse is what leads people to use r/drama

it's about an adorable little whale and sung in the softest nicest tone.

bitch just couldn't take a compliment.

I would just copy paste it tbh.

My daughters fav. You're alright guy.

I think we should both encourage obesity while discouraging health care. The problem would solve itself. Now that's synergy both parties can get behind.

One remembered kids singing “Baby Beluga” as she boarded the school bus

Fucking lol

another said she has tried diets so extreme she has passed

And somehow they didn't lose weight, which must be because of magic because science says that your body will start burning fat when you have a caloric deficit.

Oh look, a bunch of whiney weak willed fatties.

The top posts are all calling out the article, though, and this is too new to have been brigaded.

Lol sorry I was talking about the article 😂😂😂😂

There is a correlation of 1 between retards/conspiracy theorists/smug 22 year olds/general miscreants and using the phrase "EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT X IS WRONG."

I can't imagine the Huffington Post breaking scientific new ground on the subject of obesity.

marxist 100 years ago


marxist today

like not putting a fat transgender women's penis in your mouth is like super problematic

Man they really did critical theory themselves into retardation.

This has been a joke for years now, even before they adopted all that gender intersectionality garbage.

is it a joke though?

i'd really wish they updated the right picture, like have him be a 1980s Russian communist, just to show how quickly marxism went to shit

But there's nothing to update, you can have a nation of loyal and dedicated workers and communism will waste the chance anyways.
See Mao's plans for iron production.

Communism is the best weight loss program available anyway

Fatties need to stop having melt downs and start putting the melts down.

If you can be healthy at any size can you be smart at any intelligence?


I mean, Americans believe both, the latter moreso.

Americide progressing nicely.

Its not drama if it's just one post and one reply and then one reply to that. I mean it's two guys disagreeing and the typical SJW mentality from one of them but it's not freaking drama boys.

Doctors are just hypothesis testers who do it for a career. Doctors need to test more common hypotheses before they come to more extreme conclusions.

Imagine being a Chapo and disregarding everything you learned in science because you don't want to try diet and exercise.

Imagine loving donuts so much you chew out a doctor on an internet forum.

When I was going through my pre requisites for my nursing program my Anatomy and Physiology professor talked in length about these people, always the same excuses that boiled down to them being compulsive liars and just overall lazy. It's almost scary that some of them get to about 400 pounds, can't even walk straight, getting out of bed or walking to the bathroom gets them winded, and they still think its fine and its "muh genetics" or "muh starvation mode" taking place.