A reddit post detailing the influence of Russian propaganda on “the_Donald” subreddit has mysteriously disappeared

36  2018-09-21 by HodorTheDoorHolder


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Shut up, weeb.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I'm glad newsweek is finally covering important stories.

"Famed Redditor and known victim of cat bites suspended by admins, prompting outcry...and some say that's a Good Thing."

Anything with Trump and Russia automatically becomes the most important news

Only a moron wouldn't let the Russians help him become POTUS.

This but unironically

Never change, Newsweek.

They really are worth only one dollar


No, and no


Newsweek will eventually end up free with an AARP membership

So lets say TD gets banned. What’s the next step in the master plan? According to them Trump’s support will disappear into thin air because of a subreddit?

Let’s be honest, those huge crows on his rallies, other than the odd poster from TD, how many of those people actually even know about Reddit? Reddit is really not that much of an advertisement target for the GOP. They have FN, twitter and Facebook for that.

No idea

According to them Trump’s support will disappear into thin air because of a subreddit?

I mean, it worked for FPH.

People's brains are strongly influenced by those around them.

I wonder how many Putin nickels the site collected on this deal.

What it comes down to is this "well researched post" was "well researched" in the same way the early Pizza-gate shit was "well researched." Just like T_D going absolutely batty over the latter, the lib machine was just salivating over this as self-confirmation. It was removed because it was crap and Reddit admits did not want it getting out of hand like last time when some moron actually went out and shot somebody over it.

A reddit post by some jobless crybabies got removed you say? HOLY SHIT THIS MATTERS.