KeroTheWolf, A Furry Youtuber, has been found out to be a necrophiliac, a zoophiliac and an enthusiast of BDSM for his pets!

133  2018-09-22 by Dessert42


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Man, I may be into gore, but harming someone that can't fight for themselves is evil!

Gore, necrophilia, vore, poo and pee are the fetishes that really, really don't even come close to connecting any sort of neuron that leads to my dick hard.

Like with most other fetishes, even if I don't get off on them, it's not that far off stretch to understand why someone would get off on them.

But that whole group of fetishes goes right past good old vanilla degeneracy and straight into "he killed cats when he was a boy, why did no one predict he would murder all those people" territory.

Male Feminists = Women Rapers

Furrys = Animal Rapers

Iā€™m not the biggest fan of white knights but what the fuck

lol neodrama

No, dawg, he srs, like, spr srs

You know that "gaymurr gays" thing that happened 4 years ago? You look up every single dude involved in building that shite narrative, and they've been #MeToo'd since then.

Who the fuck are any of these people? Lmao.

Who the fuck are any of these people? Lmao.

MRW anything gamergate related šŸ˜‚

Fucking everybody is literally who.

Last week, Steve Ballmer was on Real Time with Bill Maher and i went "literally who" for like 30 secs before remembering who he was lol. It was a good episode btw.

Steve Ballmer

Literally who?

Bill Maher

Literally who?

he didn't follow Gamergate day by day He doesn't have a list of everyone involved in the most important event of this Millenia

Ok wtf how can you even consider yourself autistic enough to be a drama mod?

Lmao. I remember Erin Gjoni getting cucked by some dumpy purple thing and then suddenly it was a cast of thousands. It was like Game of Thrones, but everybody was ugly.

game of thrones but with even more fantasy elements tbh.

I don't chill with fuglies

Ultimate proof that you can't be a mod here, i'm feeling attacked right now

Tbh quite a few of the mods got added specifically because they're good looking.

Yeah, lots of non regulars on now. I need less maga shits and more cdace dino posting

watching this horrific shit gives the same gut feel that cannibal holocaust did. nuke this earth.

>cannibal holocaust

Weak. Go watch Flower of Flesh & Blood and get back to us

Gosh, it's almost as if being a furry is a sexual deviancy.

Furries need to keep themselves safe

For the greater good

Except for /u/snallygaster

Those guys are into pup-play it's a BDSM thing not typically considered furry by other furries, btw.

Those guys are into pup-play it's a BDSM thing not typically considered furry by other furries, btw.

I really don't care, it's all weird and fucked up imo.

Weird, absolutely. As long as its all between consenting adults it's not fucked up IMO.

As long as its all between consenting adults it's not fucked up IMO.

It's not because something is consentual that it can't be fucked up. If consenting adults decide to cut each other's dicks and shove up their asses while singing Africa by Toto that's fucked up. Consentual, but still fucked up.

Sure but at a certain point you're just judging stuff that isn't your business, and is completely subjective, like how consenting adults screw in private. The problem is people doing actual immoral things in private, or not keeping their nasty fun time private. Not to say you don't have a right to judge, you do, but when it's just opinions on how gross a consensual act is there's not really any point beyond trying to make yourself feel superior to people for not liking something.

but when it's just opinions on how gross a consensual act is there's not really any point beyond trying to make yourself feel superior to people for not liking something.

You're REALLY reaching right now

Holy shit fuck off faggot

cut each other's dicks

That is a lot different than some role play shit with costumes lmao. I was not defending body mutilation.

So maybe to be more specific, anything that does not involve bodily harm, spreading of disease, disability, the emotional damage is not in the fucked up sex shit people do. IDGAF if people dress up or do stuff with big ass sex toys as long as it's not hurting someone. Personally, I don't think one can actually consent to bodily harm. At that point, I think they need to talk to someone before they do something that they will regret, but that's just my opinion.

Personally, I don't think one can actually consent to bodily harm. At that point, I think they need to talk to someone before they do something that they will regret, but that's just my opinion.

Hey! Stop kink shaming.

But what if that's your kink? šŸ‘€

Oww you know me so well

Snappy quote.

...yes it is

I'm a furry. We allow those

TIL charlie kirk is a diaperboy and a furry

they really are degenerates, it's disgusting

Furry is multiclass only.

So much deviancy is allowed these days.

New Evidence is coming out that it actually wasn't him. I'm waiting for more info to come out before making judgements

We just found his account, boys.

I have absolutely no relation to him. Just trying to stay neutral

I have absolutely no relation to him.

Why do you lie ?

Just trying to stay neutral

Surething Kiro.

Wait, don't you hate dogs? You should be loving this shit

I am loving it. Won't stop me from shitting on furries, tho.

Half of me approves because of the furrucide. The other wishes you'd crawl die from being exposed to dangerous levels of cat urine

True radical centrism.

The evidence was questionable from the beginning, people just saw the amount of it and didn't bother to check its quality. Been following this since it broke and helped expose the flaws, and now everybody is starting to realize they might have jumped the gun. Been having a great laugh

It goes without saying but if it does turn out to be true, HE DOES NOT REPRESENT US. This would've been done without almost anyone's in the fandom's knowledge. One quick look at Twitter shows that we are abhorrently against this behavior. Once again, this is stuff has not been 100% confirmed as both arguments have theie holes

I'm pretty sure the real concern for furries isn't what he did, but that he got caught doing it.

No. Just no. Marco no

Get out of my face if you can't handle my hot takes.

Oof. I'm hurt

See also: ToonKritik

I'm not a furry and I'm usually the first person to point out that the vast majority of furries are degenerates. But they're more just socially award guys who feel less gay if they're fucking a "fox" (but obviously not in a full fursuit as they're very unfit and those fursuits are hot) not another socially award guy.

If he was caught with a teenage guy (and both were wearing heavily soiled diapers) then your statement would be more true.

My main point was that these telegram leaks were released about a week prior to all this. None of the wider communtiy really cared about the zoo/pedo/necro unholy trinity going on in some of their circles until one of the implicated users were found to have extensive chats with Kero, which is how he got caught in the net.

I'd have thought they just stayed quiet on that because they don't want to stoke the fires of fursecution. Just like how often members of a certain religion will go to crazy lengths to not admit there's ever any issues in it.

lol the absolute state of furries

Tbh even if it wasn't furries it would be big drama

big drama

i like poking on furries as much as the next guy, but this is a stretch

If someone did this is any other community, it wound still be huge for that community

Wait, you mean relatively?

So. Basically. KeroTheWolf is the furry everyone else can see? I'm sorry but he is your representative. Them's the breaks.

I could've worded it better. He's a representative but his behind the scenes actions don't represent the fandom as a whole if that makes sense.

it really doesn't matter at all, this is how you are perceived.

Yeah and I wish it wasn't but I can't change that to the people I don't speak with. I think saying at least something is better than not

Well then, stop jacking off to cartoons and you won't be associated with it.

Then you don't know rule34! (The actual site I mean not porn in general)

Aye so it's that furries will look bad, not the animals being fucked to death, that's the REAL problem here.

Not the point I'm trying to get across. I think it's obvious that the actions are abhorrent and are not tolerated. Look at Twitter and you'll find people blasting the shit out if him. Didn't think I needed to mention it

i love this level of damage control

He isn't defending him, he's defending himself and making it known that this behavior is not acceptible. One fuck up gets doxxed and now everyone who's ever called themself a furry is measured by his yardstick. Everyone here making sweeping generalizations of tens of thousands of people are being massive tools.

Found the other furfag in the thread. Do you fap to warframe porn too?

Do you creep on peoples' profiles to insult them? That isn't cool, man.

It's a public profile

Be that as it may, using ad hominem attacks to discredit me for taking offence to your misinformative and hateful generalizations is low. I'm not defending the people that commit these horrible crimes, I'm just so tired of being called things I'm not. You look like a fool for trying to derail the argument by accusing my of jerking off to video game rule34.

You're the fool here if you can't read usernames

You and your friend obviously have no interest in discussion. I'm done here.

Coming to r/drama for civil discussion and to defend furries with generic "not all furries" shtick

Thanks for coming by, fucktard


You post to furfag subs and defend them, you're a furfag until proven otherwise


I hate everyone, I'm equal opportunity like that. Cry harder, furfag

I'm defending these horrible crimes

But you and the other furfag are virtue signaling with "not all furries" shtick

Tired of being called things I'm not

You're a furfag until proven otherwise

You look like a fool for trying to derail the argument by accusing my of jerking off to video game rule34

Well given that you jerk off to furfag shit it's understandable to think that you probably jerk it to 3D booty

Dude chill, this isn't about were my affiliations lie. Obviously I'm a furry. I'm not trying to prove I'm not. You keep sayin that like that isn't obvious. You said yourself that you saw my art on furry subs, so stop acting like you've got me by the balls.

The only point I'm trying to make clear is that using the actions of a handfull of bad people to justify violence and hate towards tens of thousands of innocent people is an evil practice, and is awfully extremist of you. "I hate everyone." OK edgelord, as long as "everyone" is defined as only people that don't agree with your crusade against personal expression. Try not to shoot up a school while you're busy wallowing in your own depravity, ya fuckass.

I've seen you post in r/warframe before, the furfag part was just a shot in the dark. Kinda funny that I turned out to be correct

It's just funny that for years and years furries have proclaimed that furry isn't a fetish. Even more, they proclaimed that there is no link between furry fandom and zoophilia, and that anyone saying otherwise was out of their mind.

As it turns out, a fandom based around wanting to fuck animals is going to attract people that wanna fuck animals.

No one says there's no link. The fandom has a lot of weirdos in it. But most of us haven't committed such atrocious crimes like this. There's a lot of normal people like me and my friends that get attacked every time something happens that's out of our control. I'm considering leaving the fandom because I'm sick of assholes like you and everyone on this and other websites telling me I'm not human and sending me fucking death threats for an innocent choice I made when I was 14.

Look at Twitter and you'll find people blasting the shit out if him

Seems to be an even split, honestly.

Really? I saw a lot more against him

Ew a furry šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

Fuck, ya got me

People that act like this need to be put in prison and fixed

you mean spayed or neutered? absolutely.

fucking walked into that one, didn't I?


Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

Found the furry.



Lol, keep yourself safe


Unfortunately, this does have to be said. There are still far too many people who think that all or most furries are zoophiles.

Sadly you are right

sure dude

This is a representative of the furry community. He had 105k subscribers on YouTube. Fuck you and fuck furries.

It was a poor choice of words. The side he showed to the public was a representative. It's pretty obvious we fucking hate zoosadism.

The mother fucker had sex with roadkill and decapated puppy heads. He raped a dog with a baseball bat until it died. He and all furries are a blight that should be lobitomized.

Do you honestly think that every single one of us fucks animals? The furry fandom is fucking massive. If every one of us fucked animals don't ya think you'd hear about it a little more often? You don't because most of us don't do this. I (and most people, including furries) agree that what he did is absolutely disgusting, abhorrent, and repulsive. It's pretty obvious that we despise what he's done. He's been blasted and shunned by nearly everyone, except the people who are fucking stupid. If all of us did this kind of shit then why would there be conventions that include people under 18? Why would hotels allow conventions to come back year after year if this is what we do? You don't understand that your view is outdated and plain wrong

Oh you gonna use conventions to prove you guys aren't shit? how about the fucking abhorrent shit that was Rainfurrest and how pretty much an entire state has banned conventions for you sick fucks?

So one con makes every one of them bad? How about the fucking hundreds of thousands of dollars of charity that get made?

So all religious folks should be killed? Because there's a group of them that for banned from an entire country.

maybe just stop being a furry

And yet, still not as big of faggot as Mister Metokur. Amazing, isn't it?

HIs flounce from gamergate might have been one of the more pathetic moments of an already pathetic "movement".

hes actually the only one that had a little bit of integrity and left without trying to milk the useless movement for money. he called out the then newrationalist intellectual anti-sjw gamer gaters` for the shills and opportunists they are

he also (at the time) didnt turn himself into a perpetually outraged anti-sjw patreon C R E A T O R Ć  la Sargon of applebees. He has a patreon now but at least he makes a lot more than anti sjw content and doesnt pretend that his youtube videos are going to change the world and own the cultural marxists.

And tbh whatever he did wrong was erased by how he fucked Mundane Matt on stream

Tldr; im autistic and i follow right wing youtube drama way too much!

Metokur is one of the more principled people ive seen on the internet.

People keep taking shots at him but nothing sticks because he exists just to fuck with people. Bless Jim

Show me where he made a video about you, lad.

As your local resident zoophile, this was pretty interesting to watch unfold. My friend is the guy who posted the massive zoosadist doxx compilation on this guy and others, and I've seen all the evidence for myself. Actually the worst animal abuse I've viewed on the internet by far. To put it into perspective, a flayed dog wasn't even the worst picture in the log.

Furry is zoophile blackface.


u/LightUmbra plz

Oh I'm adding it. This is to good

I like finding you shit to add. It's like a scavenger hunt but with mire autism and less pretending to have fun

I've been meaning to add more but I've been super busy.

Should I add the whole thing or just "Furry is zoophile blackface"

Just "furry is zoophile blackface"

I'm so proud that I'm enough of a degenerate to have had at least three quotes of mine be snapshilled. šŸ˜


Thank you for giving an example of what wasn't even the worst thing, because I couldn't bring myself to look at the evidence that was posted. But now I know. That's so so horrible. I'm glad he doesn't represent the whole community. But 15 to 20% is still a huge portion and that makes me sad.

Wait, what was the worst picture? How do you even flay a dog?

The worst picture was a dog's head and then a completely, horrifically mutilated torso leaving only a spine and scraps of gore behind, then two intact legs.

I have no idea if an animal or a human did it.

Hope the dog was dead before all the mutilation happened :(

Narrator: "It was not."

Considering the person that released the information claimed to be a defector from the group, not an infiltrator, and admitted to participating willingly, I'm pressing X to doubt

Where are you getting that information from? Zoodonym's been part of the Telegram groups I'm in for years and has never mentioned being involved in any zoosadistic acts.

The initial Twitter thread outlining the exposure that started this whole drama. I've been following and debunking this from the start, lol. It has more red flags than Soviet Russia

So, uh, he was just a furry? Big effing deal.

Dude this is some quality drama here. He fucks roadkill, raped his dog after shoving a baseball bat up its ass to the point of causing major injury, and even fucked the decapitated head of a puppy.

Reported because I don't want this sub banned.

Haha le furry is bestiality xd

This is why the Day Of The Leash shall soon come.

suffer not the furry to live


This is the first video to make me feel like I want to throw up and I've seen my fair share of gore on the internet.

Bronies are zoophilic pedophiles.

Furries are pedophilic zoophiles.

/r/drama unironically posting and upvoting metokurfaggotry.

Even I didn't stoop this low during my alt-right phase. The MDEfugee invasion has made this place complete garbage. And can't even ping anymor,e holy fuck you guys are sad.

Metokur was disliked in MDE. He's literally the type of guy they hate, "bugman" video game lover and over all degenerate. Also he wasn't nazi enough for them.

Metokur was always posted here tbh, you may dislike his style and his political opinions but you can't deny his drama stirring abilities.

He literally popularized Gamergate and left, not before calling every "gg journalist" leeches and shills. He also raped the "rationalists" which was the lamest fedora movement I've ever seen

I completely disagree with almost all of his political opinions tho, and he's not that great when he tries to discuss anything serious. He also has a lot of retarded fans that actually think he's some kind of chaos genius lol.

Yikes! Your starting to sound like one of those guys who say Trump is not literally responsible for millions of deaths of muslims and transgender women and gays. Fuck off from /r/drama fucking nazi-sympathizer. Go back to your Cringeanarchy and take your Internet Aristocrat apologia with you.

in trying to prove your point about how we hate CAposters because of a strawman, you just proved that it's not actually a strawman. CAposter really are the most retarded "trolls" I've ever seen. O U T

No community on reddit is worst than CA, not r/latestagecapitalism or r/anarchy or r/fullcommunism, not even the_donald. I would take the whole population of MDEfugees before any CAutists You are literally the soyboys of reddit, the epic reddit trolls metokur makes fun about lmao.

Why didn't you end it all yet?


The most pathetic comment in the thread

Wait wait wait... Trump has killed millions of Muslims? Pretty sure that was Obama. He has killed millions of gays and transgenders? Where is the death camps for gays and transgenders?

Jim is a god damn national treasure and it will be a sad day when the canceraids kill him.

he's good for deep fetish autistic drama but not when he gets all scared of those (((all powerful))) SJWs that are LITERALLY trying to over take the world or when he talks about politics in his streams l

Yeah the dude is funny as fuck when he goes over crazies and his video on that Danny phantom dude is awesome but he can get super smug when it comes to SJW shit

We need a version of Dexter that goes after furries instead of murderers.

Yiff in hell

I'm gonna get shit on for this but real talk you really better know what you're getting into before watching this. Like its fucking horrendous

We know that as soon as blood hits the water, furries go into full damage control mode and defend each other no matter what, and this was proven with the whole NASA-furry thing that happened what, a month ago? It's entirely unsurprising that furfaggots would defend him even though all of the evidence points to him being a total monster. But whatever, they will keep spouting "GUILTY UNTIL INNOCENT LUL" even though all of the evidence is stacked against him and the only defense he has is "I WAS HACKED!!". This kind of excuse didn't fly for lionmaker so it makes zero sense as to why it is working for this guy other than the total autism of the furry community. I guess, if anyone learned anything from this situation, it is that furries are still as autistic as ever and should be treated as such. Furrycide when?

Too many people here are hating on all of us because one faggot did this.

Found the furfag.

Oh wow, you're so perceptive.