locked to no ones surprise

59  2018-09-22 by wewladin


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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thats a miss snappy, back to the training dataset with you

Uh dragon ball Z and Madden doesnt make a true gamer, snappy. Hell, I bet most of the negros there haven't even experienced the sorrow of areis dying or the breath taking splendor that is sukioden dentsu 3.

Excuse me, the blacks now play fartnite too

My black roommate spergs about fifa.

Mayo privilege is knowing who your father is

Mayo privilege is letting a black bull give you some caramel babies to look after for you and your wife.


Fugee go home

Did you not see the mayo in the mix?

I wonder what it's like being the token of a group

Are you not unique in some way than those around you?

No, I have no defining characteristics. I am a complete and utter npc. (I'm actually Scottish with a heavy accent and live in Australia, I stick out like a sore thumb)

Sound the same to me


Le token npc

That shit is MDE-bait for sure.

tbh it's a stupid mayo feel good post. "Woah those colored people are really trying their best! Upvoted!"

Mayo sympathy isn't needed 🤗

But 1 upvote = 1 dad comes home to live with son and mother

"look at how they don't look like other blacks! They are just like us hahaha so cute"😐

The absolute state of reddit left wing "allies"

will he cook them battered chicken ?

Dawg 100,000,000’s of millions of these folx literally could not provide the basic essentials of humanity without WYPIPO

If you are one who believes their continued multiplication is a “good” thing, then infinite gibs and insanely low standards are certainly necessary

The majority of black children in this country don't have fathers and I'm betting that's it's somehow a white mans fault!

mayo apologists go home!

Its because the mayo cuckolds called the cops

Liberals aren't men.

If we wanted to be serious about evidence, we might compare where blacks stood a hundred years after the end of slavery with where they stood after 30 years of the liberal welfare state. In other words, we could compare hard evidence on “the legacy of slavery” with hard evidence on the legacy of liberals.

Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

So what you're saying is that it IS white people's fault that black men don't raise their children.

MDErapefugees are not welcome. out out out

Fuck u fag

It is not ok to be white

Its okay to be white and celebrate your Western Civilization values.

Lol no

ok fag

It's not okay to be white.

Guess humans weren't being bros today

MDE posters aren't human so that's not true

Whenever you see someone talking about "humans" instead of people, it's always a mayo pussy. Every single time

Ice cold

OP knew what his was doing

Yeah because disgusting mayos cant look at a picture of happy black children without going full 1488

Does it annoy anyone else when some faggy mod locks a post and leaves a sticky like "Looks like boo boo can't play nice, locking this and it's all your fault smh"? So condescending

redditors didn't have any paternal presence so they need to be treated like kids 😂 fuck adulting!

Who needs kids when you're a cool wine aunt

May allah forgive me for uttering this but if MDE was right about anything it's the "cool childless by CHOICE aunt with her VW beetle" and "ughhh adulting sucks!" meme.

(Breedposting was also good, mdefugees>pitbull mommas)

I actually liked MDE but I browsed /r/Drama before I had even heard of it

idk if that makes me an evil immigrant or not

Same, loved posting memri memes and breedposts. It had it's moments and was different from drama. I mean it used to have that absurdist spin where everything was ironically non ironical, everything was mocked and absurd. They even had hadith and koran posts lmao. But then the CAutists striked and it just became a cringy stormfront with just blatant unironic hate

I dont think it was ever as bad as CA but eh.

Well the last time i browsed mde there was just no implied/obviously ironical posts. Just straight up screens of literal fake news or CA content but with "hahaha i want to kill muslims in minecraft" comments. they got so lazy at the end that they just called for murders without even the usual "in self defense" or "in my roblox server".

Still a lot of unique content lost, they should've banned the users before the sub itself. Especially my pibbleposting :(

They were right about that but they really weren't different at all

true, they kept whining about how the modern world was ughhhh sooo hard for peaceful white purebreds

We live in a society that can't have nice things. Here's why.

bottom text

it really do be like that sometime.

It's one of those "powermod" autists. So they gotta shake their internet dick around because no one irl would touch em.

I can understand why mods do that. They are unpaid reddit employees doing the content curating and the last thing they want is some racists shitting up their subs and them having to explain to their employers that they didn't mean for their sub to be the next alt right shithole.

he does it for free

ok retard

So like a "learn-to-be-white" club? Has to be bait lmao.

I mean just think how easy it is to psyop this shit. Ive done it before, hell on MDE a few posts made it to the front page featuring a pic of Sam Hyde then something like "This autistic boy just got his first car! Im so glad for him!" fuck man I wish i had sdome archives/screenshots of those

something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbLHzz31dzg

I've seen a few of those as well. God I miss the retards at MDE.

I saved that thread as soon as I saw it on the front page. Was planning to read it later after it had reached 4k-5k comments.