TFW virgin centrist

338  2018-09-22 by Gnarwhalrus


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.

No, I'm pretty certain they attacked centrists.

Rude and false.

You notice these compass memes, they always focus on the corners, sometimes the center, but never on the cardinal directions? I feel this is a vast intellectual blind spot.

Top: Hitler Right: Rousseau, Montesquieu, Locke(?) Bottom: Mennonites(?) Left: Makhno(?)

Wouldn't the bottom center be an-caps?

Wouldn't bottom center be weirdos like Ron Paul?

or Ayn Rand ofc

The bottom would be homeless people who choose to live under a bridge so that society can't impose any rules on them. Or do they not count because they don't write a lot of books?

Really makes you think if Reddit is a bunch of college freshmen who think that whatever textbooks their professors assign are the be-all-and-end-all of the world. 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

It makes a hell of a lot more sense to put major political theorists on a political theory chart than a fucking homeless person.

Top should be Hobbes not Hitler

Him or Mussolini. Both have an equally lofty vision of the State.

Wait he is just a tiger

Thomas Hobbes


Benjamin Hornigold?

Mennonites and other theocrats are hard to graph due to the emphasis on community-based "rules". If you treat them as laws, they make Mussolini look libertarian. Bottom would be Keynes and maybe Rawls. For the top maybe Deng Xiaoping.

Why dont you make one then you little shit

Can't b fuked

Found the virgin centrist.

Radical centrist tyvm

Your moves are weak!

Mum's spaghetti

I’m not your mom.

mom is not spaghetti - stop spreading lies

mom has a big dick, and will fuck you up if you continue.

[[Rook Intensifies]]

Wait, does that make this meme extremely centrist? It literally points out that every side has it's own benefits and doesn't discredit any side (center isn't a side tbh) for ideological reasons.

Again, even when trying to disprove centrism wingcucks get BTFO by LOGIC and rationality 😎

I can't read all this stuff. Is it anti-licorice? You fuckers better not be anti-licorice.

You Liquorice Anti-Defamation types never speak out against *blatant* anti-Mintist speech (in this sub and in others here on reddit, a clear violation of ToS and Reddiquette), but you're in every unrelated thread concern-trolling your pet cause.


Fuck off.

You've misunderstood me. All I want is hard candy empowerment.

Licorice is fucking trash, as is anyone who likes it or spells it liquorice.

Chad Ancap

Found the ancap

that's the best part tho the ancap one is the weakest, you can't even get a chad caricature to make them sound cool lol.

Not OC tho

>Never has to Aggress First

>Cruises on private roads

>Benefits Mutually

>vacations with Elon in space

isn't commiecucked enough to think slave toddlers shouldn't work in McCoalMines™

Most rappers just pose with the gold in their videos. They certainly don't own it, its rented at best.

Not OC tho

yeah, i thought as much the first 300 times it was posted here

This isn't right. The only one with a gun is the tankie. Tankies don't like guns because they're afraid of their sad brains wanting to off themselves.

Commies invented the AK-47 tho

You, an extremist: Everything should hate <x outgroup> because everything sucks, and it's all their fault!

Me, a centrist: Things are going not bad. Looking up!

makes GOOD break




B R E A D - B O O K


hard yeet

This but unironically. Centrists watch while extremists do.

Except like...95% of people making up most governments of the world.

And most governments of the world are either irrelevant or just plain up sitting their pants (and shitting them once the more radical faction gets traction)

That is, if we don't consider that you must be already sort of extremist to dictate your vision on the general populace from the government position.

lmao but retard extremists on Twitter are "doing" something right

retard extremists on Twitter

You are speaking with voices in your head. Stop being such a faggot.

Do something, faggot.

Doin your mom 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

This but literally unironically


Everything should be chad except ancap

And ancom, especially after those videos have been coming out of Antifa rioters getting knocked out of them. The other two make sense.

Those are murrican antifa, euro anti-fascists are chads

Send em on over then, I’m disappointed in ours. I want real fights to happen

More divisive propaganda bullshit from Russia. Take a step back and realize this is something someone put effort into. It's like the recent needles in strawberries story from Australia; you're just a complete garbage human being with no redemption if you're actively trying to cause harm to or deceive large groups of people with no intent other than to enjoy the resulting pain, separation and misfortune.

I don’t know I think it’s pretty funny

Some of it is, but its intent seems to cause literally the majority of people reading - aka normal, humble people that may or may not be virgins - to feel bad about themselves. Oh yes, people on the internet definitely need to feel worse about themselves and be jealous of these fake chad caricatures.

I don’t know man, I don’t get the same vibe. Seems to me to be satirical.

If someone made this with the intent to divide people, then I would say that it has the opposite effect. I’ve seen this posted in leftist shitholes like /r/ass and nazi doghouses like /r/gonewild and /r/drama. It’s a meme you dip.

Oh you're serious I thought you were doing like a copy/pasta...

I don't care if it's half supposed to be comedy, this is an attack with a purpose disguised as comedy.

I would put a small amount of money on this meme having been authored by a centrist having a self-effacing chuckle. . .

Another conspiracy theorist...

It's k dude, we're just here to laugh at the virgin centrists who don't get sex because they're impotent. Chill, it's k.

I honestly cannot believe these people. So much bullshit everywhere with an extra dose of bullying and resentment. There's now a place I'd call more toxic than 4chan...just fucking ridiculous. /r/drama is by far the worst subreddit and community I have ever visited on reddit. If there's any subreddit I legitimately think should have been banned over the years, my vote goes to that shithole, no second thought. Literally some of the worst people I've ever seen on the internet, rivaling even /POL/ ITSELF.

I love that people will think this is actually your comment. I admit /r/drama hasn't been quite as shitty the last month or two, still not great though.



no intent other than to enjoy the resulting pain

Woah woah I'm no psycho man, chill. I just do it for the putinbux.

Хуй соси, губой тряси

Nazis aren't right wing

that's why they're called national SOCIALISTS...just like how the democrats are also leftist SOCIALIST liberals...

"No coincidences." ‒ Q

Imagine being this unironically retarded.

What were they then? Essay length or better pls

Any movement or ideology which seeks to create a revolutionary transfiguration or reconceptualization of man and society (a 'new man')) is the antithesis of right-wing. Examples of such movements are progressivism, positivism, marxism, psychoanalysis, communism, and national socialism.

Such movements enbody a fundamental rejection of tradition whereas the right defends tradition. The claim, for example, that Western Civilization is basically bad, fundamentally mistaken, or rotten to the core cannot be accurately characterized as right-wing.

In the Western cultural context, an ideology which publicly or privately rejects key aspects of Western Civilization such as monogamy, family, freedom, and Christianity is not right-wing. Neither Marxism nor National Socialism is right-wing.

you didn't even give any essay length anything so piss of. Secondly they were left wing economically which no right wing person in the USA would advocate for socialism. Right wing people freed slaves so why would they also put brown people in ovens?

The error here is that the centrist leans towards republican or democrat, both of which are extremely far right globally. In my country not even the most extreme right wing party does not want to change the free healthcare we have. And believe me there are a lot of right wing parties here. Infact it is so off limits it feels weird even saying this, as a party double as far right as the most far right relevant party would not want to change that. The US really is an anomaly.

How is that a centrist when he leans towards democrat or republican. Both of those are extremely far right. In my country not even the most far right party has ever tried to change our free healthcare other than giving the individual choice of which region and therefore hospital they want their care in.

free healthcare

That sounds a lot like cumminism, chief

murica is better

Do nazbols count as centrists here

idk I don't think that is an accurate description of centristd

i hope u die a bleeding death bitch ass cock FUCKER SHIT HEAD PUSSY FUCK YOOOOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!👺👺👺👺👺

This but unironically tbh.

has no values

non-extremists get out ree

Centrist seems to comfortable and normal compared to the others

beat the US to space

Yea but in the same way you beat your friend to "scoring" because you kissed a girl right before he fucked her.