CB2 gets into a tizzy after discovering that one of their mods is a /r/CringeAnarchy degenerate

87  2018-09-22 by shallowm


And now both him and mod in that thread are removed?

Yeah I wanna know what happened, i think quite a few mods were removed

Yeah last time I checked a bunch of /r/drama mods also modded there.

I need the deets!

Rdt z srs 🐝znis

Defending yourself and property is unnecessary violence, men cant control their violent urges, smh 🤷‍♀️

How long until the r/drama link?

Be the change you want in the world

Nah I'm good. I would feel gross posting there.

That is good

Bet he loves his sticky circlejerk sub tho




Here's why that's a good thing.





I don't care if it's a MDEfugee meme, I still support we wuz kangz.

as a paradox player they we wuz kangz unironically shit is crazy in history

Either you think MDE invented kangz or you think you aren't allowed to like things that wrongthinkers don't like. Either way you're a fag

Radical centrist makes fun of all nationalists. This includes black nationalists.

Every sub should have mods that actively hate their userbase.

Maybe they just hate mods

>not wanting the worst possible mod team

Smdh that's the best part of this shithole

It is kind of funny how lebron needs to do the reverse Clark Kent and slap some rectangular specs on whenever someone asks him about how much of a meanie daddy is.

Fucking nerds complaining about who controls their safe space. SAD!!

They can be quite vindictive, had someone making a thread on a webcomic sub I moderate on wanting me removed because I'm a nazi

The forum is probably the most important thing in their life. I want to meet the people who complain about the mods like it’s serious business.

You fail a lot of things, such as your parents

Holy shit, maybe I need to pay attention to /r/drama more, because I've never heard of CB2 before now, but that subreddit is just filled to the brim with what seems like the worst people on the planet.

Sometimes they're reasonable, other times a bit too far.


I would feel gross posting there.

Mayocide when

Yesterday!! 😭😭😭

If only!

Imagine being so obsessed that you constantly spy on the mod team's accounts to see where they post.