is she /ourgirl/?

204  2018-09-22 by polzavatel


Avoid parenthetical insultsโ€”they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

hell yeah

I literary never met a women like this, or an arthoe, i also never met an art hoe. Where are you people meeting types like this.

go to college lol

I've been in college for an unreasonable amount of time, at a large, east coast University, and I've never met anyone like this.

I made a mistake and left STEM, don't be a moron like me and OP

Just going from my experience on the internet: everyone in STEM seems pretty fucking miserable even though they might have slightly higher salaries.

they're also stupid as hell. Taking 7 weed out engineering classes a semester evidently doesn't give you a lot of time for learning basic reasoning and language skills

For real, I had to do an entire of semester in courses related to dealing with people for my studies.

It is so important, especially to complex projects like say, a space rocket, but do they teach that shit in STEM? Nah.

This is why STEM grads get pigeonholed so often, they cannot demonstrate actual skills to work as a team.

Computer studies are actually decent here because they force rando to work together to make a project.

This means that most people are able to act like a regular human being, or barring that, keep their autism on the down low.

7 weed out engineering classes

Yeah they're the retards

anecdotal I know but I was miserable as hell when studying pure STEM, it's boring, exhausting and competitive as fuck (and those gifted meganerds will always be better than you, so good luck getting picked for a good internship)

now I'm on a mixed program which is half IT half graphic design and I'm already doing better than I would have had I not switched

Which program would that be? I can understand half STEM half business, but what is the art half? Computer linguistics? Data visualization? Technical writing?

computer graphics, from things like geometric algorithms and data vizualization all the way to graphic design and animation

Hey man that sounds really fun & interesting. I can tell you from personal experience that once you switch out of pure informatics, returning to computer science/data/STEM stuff in your new field feels so much better and relaxed. Personal I even have the feeling of being better in CS when doing mixed stuff than when doing pure CS.

How was the linear algebra?

pls no doxx :)


My degree for CS didn't require linear algebra luckily. got to take calc III or whatever instead. Fuck matrices

lingebra was the first semester math class for me, basically the course intended to cull the first years

It's a good cull class. Kind of like data structures and algorithms. That culled a decent amount of people.

I have a feeling we go to the same school

Doubt it fam. Schools copy shit from each other. Those classes were at community college where I got my AS from.

I mean azns

The vast majority of le STEM majors on Reddit aren't even engineers, they're entry level IT whores

Entry level it has far too many autists and just all around weird people in it. Coincidently, every helpdesk person knows about and actively uses reddit.

Lol this guy is one step above entry level and wants to convince himself that means he isnโ€™t an autistic code monkey.

It's easy for your eyes to just slide right past em. They've got some sort of field that repels on such a primal level, your brain completely shuts it out for your protection

tfw college dropout....

art hoes, on college campuses. my local college even got a LGBT group, which I don't go to because I'm not a fucking degenerate but the members look like what you'd expect them to ...

"I'm not a degenerate"


I swear


[X] Doubt


"I'm not a degenerate"

Username translated to "Stop big brother it hurts"

l m a o

sounds like someones knowledgeable on the topic

>What is google translate

google translate is awful at translating japanese

but his name is this if you translate it word for word "stop big brother pain/hurt"

Probably because Japanese is a shitty language.

Every language other than english is a shitty language

Except Arabic. Inshallah brother.

Germans a better language it's just not very good at rembering to not start world wars so it's been on probation for 80 years.

I take it you're still waiting for that P to be added?

I'm against the normalisation of all degenerate sexualities, including pedophilia of course. I also firmly believe that marriage should only happen in a loving relationship between a man and his cute, petite East-Asian wife so they can have lots of cute hapa daughters and live happily ever after.

Sorry buddy, it's yaoi shota all the way. None of this loli crap

How can you say you're against degenerate behavior when you support fucking gussy? That's absolutely unspeakably appalling

I'm sorry it's been so hard for you to find a wife because we happened bothered to bomb any east Asian countries recently to the point that their women are forced to escape via marriage to a mayo. Maybe you can try being a rapist?

I'll try moving to a bigger city first. There are basically no cute Asian girls around here which is detrimental to my mental and overall health.

Actually he's more of a hebephile with pedophilic tendencies.

Still deserves the rope though.

LGBT groups are all pretty much degenerate unless they're explicitly nazbol

I'm not a fucking degenerate

is a weeb

Something here doesn't add up

my local college even got a LGBT group, which I don't go to because I'm not a fucking degenerate

Is this your way of saying you just got elected to vice president ? Felicitations !

not a degenerate

Is a hebephile who's into lolicon and constantly goes on about how "hot" underage girls are. You're at the bottom of the degenerate pile there, which would be the category known as the "fuck no this shit isn't acceptable."

Is a hebephile


who's into lolicon

very, very rarely

how "hot" underage girls are

why did you put hot in quotes? anyway, blame the nymphets, not me

Still backtracking huh?

on what? I'm not a hebephile

That's like constantly talking about how great dick is but then saying you don't like dick.

I just like petite women :)

And you also like "little sisters."

I'm guessing that was your first victim?

no, I don't even have a little sister, not even a niece (until in a few months), only a cousin. I don't oppose the idea of little sister roleplay though

not even a niece (until in a few months)

Yeah it won't be long until you start trying to molest her.

You meet these people on Tinder, at universities, and the alternative parts of normie social media sites.

Super easy to spot and avoid though.

avoid No you dont get it. I dont wanna avoid it, i wanna fuck a qt arthoe.

Go to an art fair, find the nearest arthoe and tell them their shit is "derivative" while wearing a silver wig. Guaranteed success.

there aren't any qt arthoes, they are gross and rarely bathe.

Alert, I had one as a GF big mistake. Unless you like narcissistic pseudo-intellectuals. Then fill your boots.

yea wtf these people are retarded. Sex with insane art hoes is amazing

I slept with one because if you don't have them on Facebook first, you don't know they're like this.

My girlfriend does a lot of theatre related stuff so I've met a lot of the art hoe types

bellet shows and parties at alternative clubs/youth centers

Where are you people meeting types like this.

Dude, arthoes and feminist liberal arts majors basically got me through college. For some inexplicable reason, being a chauvinistic meathead is like honey to them.

inexplicable reason

You can say "daddy issues".

I do admire your honesty.


I see people like these in Youtube's comment sections

Go to berkley, wear normal clothes, say "I don't like Trump but he's not Hitler for God's sake". You will meet them really fast.

Nigga i don't have money to just get up and go to Berkley.

I live near enough that it's barely a day trip and I'm going to tell you right now, it's a weird place. I mean it's California but somehow people there can out left-wing Stalin himself. The entire city is palpably liberal or communist, it's freaky how so many people basically embrace the stereotypes they refuse to accept there. I took my very liberal GF there to "witness" antifa. Before we went she refused to say anything bad about them because "They're just anti-Nazis, how is that bad?" and afterwards she ranted for 20 minutes about how depressing they were to witness. My GF is not a very forceful person but when one of them tried to prevent us from parking on some street she got in their face to the point I actually was surprised. She's not very right leaning at all but the way she was talking about antifa you'd have thought she was a nazi. It was great. Highly recommend. 10 out of 10, would do again.

u/snallygaster irl

wow rude!

ok sweetie lol bye

ur literally irrelevant to me


gross af

Is it the mayoness or the fact that she isn't a chestlet?

Just physically:

  1. The weird makeup

  2. Tits are too big

  3. Too wide hips

  4. Thighs too thicc (overall not slender enough)

  5. her fucking huge calves

Disclaimer: Above poster is a lolicon

Disclaimer 2: Lolicon is basically the Japanese way of saying "pedophile", so he's into anime and titless knee high girls that don't even exist, and thus doubly degenerate

he's into anime and titless knee high girls that don't even exist, and thus doubly degenerate

I'm actually more into film and very womanly women like Kagami Shuna for instance.

Because she's a very pretty woman


yes, that's what they're called when they have two x chromosomes and are of adult age

She looks like an Asian Dora the Explorer lol

she'd be a better choice for the liveaction adaptation than that jailbait looking girl they casted

Kagami Shuna

She hasn't done a lot of videos recently because she's escorting nowadays.

that sucks, she's such a cutie :(

Well, at least it's another reason to visit Japan

Tits are too big

Oh honey no

Gussy is shame.

no feminine penis



implying that I'd ever dress that immodestly.



Pick one, degenerate.

The feminine penis is more feminine than that of any vagina.



Oh, honey, no.

I mean yours probably is and you're probably not even on hormones.

Nah, though.

I'm a sick fck, I like a quick fck (woo!) I'm a sick fck, I like a quick fck (woo!) I'm a sick fck, I like a quick fck (woo!) I'm a sick fck, I like a quick fck (woo!) I'm a sick fck, I like a quick fck (woo!) I'm a sick fck, I like a quick fck (woo!)

You missed a couple of "u"s

I like my dick sckd, I'll buy you a sick trck I'll buy you some new tits, I'll get you that nip-tck How you start a family? The condom slipped up I'm a sick fck, I'm inappropriate I like hearin' stories, I like that ho shit I wanna hear mo' shit, I like the ho shit Send me some mo' shit, you triflin' ho bitch (bitch, bitch, bitch)

This time you missed less. Keep it up!

I like my dick sckd, I'll buy you a sick trck

are these georgia-florida line lyrics?


You keep doing you bud

How did you get this picture of my ex

Wasn't she in the sidebar a few months ago? She's definitely /ourgirl/

you're supposed to post drama you dumb fuck out out out

I know a girl like this. Loves drag queens and gay guys has terrible relationship issues with guys. Winds up every now and then in one nighters. Starts fights on Facebook or posts crazy Shit. If met with another toxic friend they will team up. And if that happens fucking run

How many inches of your penis do you want inside her?

All of them

All three of them ?



Volcel if you wouldn't hit that.

Surprisingly, this image gets reposted here often.

She was literally on the sidebar you retard

you mad bro?





actually browsing reddit on a pc

Lol @ pcfags

Thicc thighs


Shut up pajeet

lol this is a repost sweetie, not interested ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ byeeeee ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ

Things missing: tatoos with dream catcher, drugs/cigaretts/both, being into kink, constantly mentioning previous boyfriend and how horrible asshole he was, but she was still with him, after all that shit.

Source: I dated girl like this

Can you move on please


Not Tay

Reported ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Needs 100 more pounds.

Is there a sub with these kinds of images? I like them.

nice tits


Definitely poly

That Daddy line hit the nail on its ugly flat head.

"oh honey no" directly followed by screeching when she perceives someone using language like "dear" or "miss" as an affront to her entire gender and not seeing the irony at all.