Everybody's favorite GamerGhazi mod proves that he lives in a mirror universe.

122  2018-09-22 by Ultrashitposter


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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I think chewin is my favorite, simply because of this:

You're not welcome in my inbox, and I don't want to hear from you again. This is a test of your character -- if you reply, you're just proving you don't think consent matters.

Which is looney tunes even by Ghazi standards. But Caelrie is easily the worst human being of all of them.


I choose to identify as you and I have retroactively consented for you.

lol she's fucking hilarious, it's what happens when people isolate themselves into really stupid internet circles. If she went outside for 20 minutes a day she'd be more normal

Power move

Inbox rape is a real problem, m8.

watch out you might incite Caelrie to consume more Caelories

Believed? Bitch, are you on crack....I want to fucking ping.

It is Caelrie, they are a pathetic excuse for a human and have zero grip on reality. No one should be surprised.

Getting real sick of foids tbh.

Guaranteed she's a mayo.

Guess my favorite GamerGhazi mod


Not a mod anymore, and seems to have rationed their Reddit usage.

Did she step down or did the mayo feminists finally revolt after being under her boot for so long?

It was a mistake in the first place.

Every now and then some minority or homo or tranny will get some degree of power (as nebulous as that is, considering) and they will be ostracized as a misogynist for not providing enough tithe in pumpkin spice or whatever it is that week that the Council of Beckys decide is their feminist manifesto.

She made yet another alt?

my favourite ghazi mod will always be that pedophile rascal Nick Nyberg aka Sarah Butts <3

gamergate related autist acts like an autist

And no one was surprised

OP history is a better treat than the link, tbh.

I used to be a communist, and i eventually left it because of two reasons. The first was that the people were insufferable assholes who were more concerned with language policing, backstabbing and bullying than actually helping the disenfranchised. The second reason was that i started to believe that tribalism, despite what marxist theory purports, is something innate to the human organism, and that religious and ethnic groups will always persist as political entities, even when their 'material base' has supposedly collapsed. Later on i also started to question that a communist society (as in, a society of unalienated free producers) would be completely soulless and meaningless, and would destroy the human spirit, instead of liberating it. But by that point i was already far removed from communism.

I chose fascism because i firmly kept my belief that the current neoliberal world is rotten and has to be done away with, but i could not reconcile that with communist universal emancipation. Strangely enough, it seems that most communists themselves don't really believe in that either; they espouse nationalism for some nations, but despise it for others, and they seem to be willing to accept quite a lot of fascist rhetoric and concepts (especially tankies and third worldists). So i figured that i should just drop the pretense of being a commie altogether.

I'mma tell you a secret. Communists don't love the poor, they just hate the rich.

I'mma tell you a secret. Communists don't love the poor, they just hate their rich parents for not buying them the newest trends in henna, dick cutting off and hair dye technology.


The strange, sad mindset of the person who has to fall back on a review of the other person's post history.

Imagine having any kind of self respect in your search for drama and retardation.

The absolute state of rightoids. 😂😂😂

boomers are like 60 years old now

Surething boomer

i can't wait until someone gets really upset with me and points out the time that I commented about a fried chicken sandwich a few years ago.

Duh, everybody knows about my edgy political views

I didn't, but that might be because my autism was not yet advanced enough to care about the political leanings of r/drama posters.

I foresee great autistic potential in you

Thanks, master. Please teach me your autistic ways.

Eww are we becoming SRD now?

Pretty sure history checking is not allowed on SRD, but on the other hand I am banned from there, so who knows.