Found my outfit for r/Drama's upcoming 80,000 Subscribers Party - what're you wearing?

51  2018-09-23 by rsrfy


Have you posted bussy yet?


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i'm wearing an outfit made out of all my brush-hair i've collected over the last 10 years

Your own or others?

homegrown hair, i don't know where other people's hair has been.

You're missing out on a great ice-breaker for the party then - talking about all the different places you sourced the hair from


Just a buttplug

But what're you going to do with the free one they give out in the gift bags? :/

Insert them both, flair and all


Thought so too - don't copy it >:(

Nothing 😈

Ed you ignored my mod invite - you are BANNED from my posts! Cease immediately.

ignore my mod invite

To what????? How do i know you're not lying??!!! 🤔

r/DeuxRAMA - you can get the evidence during pre-trial discovery.

o shit. Ok uh.. Well in my defense, i didn't knew it was from uuuuu 😔

shh bby, come back home. i don't want to fight anymore

I still haven't subscribed to Drama and I never will.

Being a mod already says more than enough, no need to overdo it. I get it.

A scarlet handmaid's tale costume.


this, but slutty

1980's is back on the menu, boys



Is that different than everyday?

Probably some jeans and a polo shirt.

ya sum kinda queer boy?

I'm planning my outfit for an r/drama subscriber party, what do you think?

not fit in? gonna be nothing but chads in 3 piece suits rtard

Then I'll stand out. Everybody's eyes are gonna have to consider me.

Dramabros: just showing up to that party to get drunk and find bussy.

I'm wearing a tailored suit crafted by u/OniTan's masterful hands. He sourced the material from his victims. It's surprisingly comfy

looks like the cosplay of a villain that was drawn by a 12-year-old weeb

I think this would compliment my outfit wonderfully, let's get ready together before and make our entrance together?

Let's dooo eeeet!

With the number 69 too

A noose.

It's not for me it's for r/drama

Is the package included? Makes or breaks the outfit.

I'm gonna hack srd top mod and nuke that sub to ensure only real drama sub is OUR DRAMA SUB!

But what are you going to wear while you do it?!?

Wrapping my dong around me like a toga.

We're all doing that already, friend. We're just draping something over us to hide it because of an oppressive society.

There is gay, and then there is GAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!

And this is neither.

Looks like he was bullied.

Looks like he was bullied a bully

He looks so upset with his life.

Watch out for all those grubby little r/Drama hands grabbing at you.

I like it snally, you really got to make sure you find a cute pair of shoes to match to pull it off though.

A jockstrap and a baseball cap. The basic bitches uniform

But do you have a that baseball catcher bubble butt?