Tariq Nasheed lmao

134  2018-09-23 by JabroniMark99


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Ladies if your man shits himself then eat the poo and wipe his ass- Tariq

Whoa whoa whoa--make sure you had yoself a mint girl before yo touch man's dat ass with the tongue girl

But don’t forget to [wash yo azz]{https://youtu.be/s90NUW4RSJU).

Can’t imagine why Tariq’s rap career didn’t go anywhere.

How dare you, this is art with a truly benevolent message.

You’re right.. my philistine nature knows no bounds.

Real talk, if a woman has 3 or more visible tattoos she is a ho, tho

But which came first, Tariq the PUA, or Redditor 2009?

Tariq is a symptom, not the cause.

99% of his following are mayo. I wonder why...

I wonder why

Two men advice you to remind a woman of her place. One is black, the other white.

Which one would you take more seriously?

Both because they're male.

Which one would you take more seriously?

Whichever one has a ho giving him head under the lectern as he delivers the lecture.

Tbh you're less likely to be called sexist if the advice comes from a black dude lmao.

Eh, it depends.

What if the three are barely visible normie tattoos of sports teams on her upper arm or calf? Or a bunch of dumb geeky Sailor Moon/Nintendo shit?

Sports teams

Dumb ho

Geeky tats

Extra slutty

blind chicken, corn, yadda yadda

I'd amend that to: if she has any tattoos at all.

some bitch trying to cut my food for me sounds annoying more than anything tbh

Bite sized pieces of chikkie nuggies if possible.

This faggot is just like those incels who write suggested "rules" that femoids have to follow to post on their subs. its like i can see them wanking it to their fanfic as they write it

nigga no one listening to you

If you just reverse white with black he's like those trailer park cringe anarchy fedora lords claiming all the white women are being stolen by other races.

I never understood that complaint, where are these guys that they see nothing but nerdy Indians, Pakis and Chinese banging all the white hotties?

What makes it more unbelievable is that they're talking about black hotties being taken by nerdy Asians/Indians/Pakis.

"Fredrik deBoer asks, “Does it matter to Resnikoff that the most acid critiques of identity politics I know of have come from writers of color?” It is a question that keeps many whites awake at night. But for the rest of us the reasons are obvious. Because we have experienced racism from well-behaved and well-educated liberals as often as from the rednecks they despise; because we have never benefitted from the condescending and patronizing attitudes of white multiculturalists; because we recognize in the affluent liberal hatred of the white poor the same depraved social Darwinism that in less public moments is directed against us."


He was literally bitching about blacc women getting RICED a few days ago

beep boop femoid ai online....awaiting orders m'lord

wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DRAMANAUT?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on r/Drama. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream womyn. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.

oh no

Hi! Few things to start off with =) 1. Yes I upvoted you because you're a female redditor, 'tis and awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not like a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D


What is a woman? and how has this contemptible sex been viewed in ancient times and in our own by seventy-five per cent of the peoples of this earth?

Now, what do I observe upon coolly proceeding to this investigation? A puny creature, always inferior to man, infinitely less attractive than he, less ingenious, less wise, constructed in a disgusting manner entirely opposite to what is capable of pleasing a man, to what is able to delight him... a being three-quarters of her life untouchable, unwholesome, unable to satisfy her mate throughout the entire period Nature constrains her to childbearing, of a sharp turn of humor, shrill, shrewish, bitter, and thwart; a tyrant if you allow her privileges, mean, vile, and a sneak in bondage; always false, forever mischievous, constantly dangerous; in short, a being so perverse that during several convocations the question was very soberly agitated at the Council of Macon whether or not this peculiar creature, as distinct from man as is man from the ape, had any reasonably legitimate pretensions to classification as a human; but this quandary might be merely an error of the times; were women more favorably viewed in earlier ages? Did the Persians, the Medes, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans honor this odious sex we are able to dare make our idol today? Alas! I see it oppressed everywhere, everywhere rigorously banished from affairs, condemned everywhere, vilified, sequestered, locked up; women treated, in a word, like beasts one stables in the barn and puts to use when the need arises. Do I pause a moment at Rome? then I hear the wise Cato exclaim from the heart of the ancient world's capital: 'Were women lacking to men, they would yet hold conversation with the Gods.' I hear a Roman censor begin his harangue with these words: 'Gentlemen, were we ever to find a means to live without women, thereupon unto us should true happiness be known.' I hear the Greek theater resound to these lines intoned: 'O Zeus! what reason was it obliged thee to create women? couldst not have given being to humankind by better devices and wiser, by schemes which in a word would have spared us this female pestilence?' I see this same Greek race hold that sex in such high contempt legislation was needed to oblige a Spartan to reproduce, and one of the penalties decreed in those enlightened republics was to compel a malefactor to garb himself in a woman's attire, that is to say, to wear the raiments of the vilest and most scorned creature of which man had acquaintance.

In the Gaul of long ago, that is to say, in that one part of the world where women were not totally treated as slaves, women had the habit of prophesying, of predicting the happy event: the people fancied they plied their trade successfully only because of the intimate commerce they doubtless had with the Gods; whence they were, so to speak, associated with the sacerdotal and enjoyed a measure of the consideration lavished upon priests. Modern chivalry was founded upon these inanities and finding them favorable to its spirit, adopted them: but what happened next was what happens always: the causes became extinct, the effects were preserved; chivalry vanished, the prejudices it nourished persevered. This ancient veneration accorded for no sound reason could not itself be annihilated when what founded the illusion had dissipated: we no longer stand in awe of witches, but we reverence whores and, what is worse, we continue to kill each other for them. May such platitudes cease to influence these our philosophers' minds, and restoring women to their true position, may the intelligent spirit conceive them, as Nature indicates, as the wisest peoples acknowledge, to be nothing but individuals created for their pleasures, submitted to their caprices, objects whose frailty and wickedness make them deserving of naught but contempt.




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Fucking lol




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Hello! 🤗

Don't @ me

Allow us old men the small luxury of fawning over you. It's really... exciting when a (presumably) clever and friendly mind comes in such a pretty package. You are the girlfriend most of us would love to have.

It's not that we don't take you seriously as an atheist/scientist/whatever. It's that people who are knowledgeable about this stuff are a dime a dozen but people who are both knowledgeable and hot looking are much rarer.

Meanwhile, while everybody's (figuratively) climbing all over you, is your mother already doing anything tonight?? ;)

EDIT: To the horde of assholes who choose to be offended at this comment, please take note: At the time I wrote this it wasn't yet known that she's 15. I'd guessed her to be between 17 and 21. No, I don't want a 15 year old girlfriend, and my own personal standards of "young girl" are meanwhile at age 30. But I don't think I'm wrong in saying that many Redditors, if she turned out to be legal, would be only too happy to have a pretty girlfriend like her. If you have a problem with that statement, then fuck you.


Don't you mean owo?

im not that broken yet

this but unironically

ur a tranny it's not quite the same



you ain't teal girl lmao

thats not what ur dad was sayin last night



farm vood


yall white supremacy agents just need to learn the art of mackin smh


tariq is afro-centrist


Is Tariq Nasheed /ourguy/?

These are just begging for photoshop, and if I wanted to give Tariq too much credit, I'd say that was intentional: an viral meme format that made fun of him would still get his name out there more.

That is giving Tariq too much credit.

Just another women hating fuck tard! I do like Tariq based on the fact that he dislikes white people and speaks out against their blatant bullshit. He's really lost alot of points with me now due to his clear women hating behavior. Not trying to sound like a racist but I've noticed alot of the black community holds very patriarchal views.

Good. I can feel your anger. Tariq is defenseless. Take your weapon! Strike him down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete.

I'm not one for engaging in violence I don't belong to the male gender.

this is too relevant to be pasta

what's your game?

I love you.

has MGTOW finally gone too far

Not far enough



Welcome to Tariq Nasheed's school of audio engineering


The same tactic this black devil's ancestor Yakub tried on the white man, thankfully we resisted his tricknologic magic.

Tariq poses like he's making the cover to every mid-90s R&B album

Lmao exactly what I thought, especially with the brown background and white shirt reminds me of craig david’s born to do it album

Tariq is woke in so many areas, in many ways... in all ways his opinions are exactly the same as MDEfugees with the slight difference that he hates mayos instead of blacks.

Honestly why doesn't he declare himself a black nationalist instead of LARPing as this civil rights anti-racist strategist is beyond me.

This guy is a pickup artist but doesn't know how to buy a shirt that fits.

This but unironically

why does he sound like some ruler of some islamic caliphate

There is no way tariq isn't gay