A redditor point out that OP and his wife are fat making a lot of people upset in the comments

40  2018-09-23 by DIARRHEA-BUBBLE-BATH


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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I fucking hate fat people

Redditors LARPing as non obese

That thread is full of them and they're worse tbh

I think they're gross but the worst part about them is how they are responsible for their kids getting fat too, not because of "genetics" but because of learned habits.

Honestly, why? I find it more fascinating than anything that someone would willingly abuse their bodies to that level but all that said, I've been overweight before and didn't realize it for a few months.

Honestly, why?

Because it's the most unattractive thing a person can be, they take up unnecessary space, the really big ones smell fucking terrible... they just make the world less lovely. It's normal to recoil at hideous things.

I'm not talking about "I'm overweight and didn't even notice it!"-type fat. I don't give a crap if you've got a little cushion for the pushin'. Hell, I may or may not have fucked with some dad bods here and there. I mean obese. That's disgusting.

I hate people who hate.

how much do you weigh

While that is technically irrelevant to what I said, I will answer your question. I have weighed with 5lbs the same for 25 years, and it's 140 lbs at 5'11.5


Put on some weight

Thank you for your qualified and requested medical opinion.

No problem, remember I'm here if you need anything else.

Thanks. I'll look forward to consulting u/goatsedotcx in future.

Can you do a single push up?

Way more than you.

You dont weigh enough to be my warmup

How many real pushups can you do? I don't mean the little faggoty half-ass ones that some people call a pushup, I mean a real one.

Real pushups? lol

85 Army standard

but thats worth a lot more than some 140lb twink

Army standard lol

Not nearly what I'm speaking of.

Army standard is garbage, and not a proper pushup. It's only a standard so as to allow inferior specimens to still proceed in the services.

The current push up standards have been the same before we allowed women into SF and combat arms.

If you feel this inferior, just up your calories. With some muscle, you should be weighing around 180~ at our height

Lol King of the Manlets and Ethiopian mode

Good job

How many pushups can you do?

Shut the fuck up. Seriously. You’re not a doctor. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. YOU. WORTHLESS. MORON. SHUT THE FUUUCVKKK UP!!!

It takes zero education to know that fatties are bad and gross

lol holy shit. Look at your fucking post history.

dont do it

Ok tranny

damn blasted yet again

Sup bro

nothin much

I love the people who think they’re doing people a favor for making fun of fat people like it’s gonna make them lose weight.

If you’re going to be shit to someone just admit it, fucking retards.

It accomplishes both tasks thank you very much.

Fat shaming is bullying but healthy. We are concerned foe their health!

I don't give a fuck about their health. If they all have massive coronaries at 47 then that's great, more social security for me.

I just bash fat people because I think they're smelly eyesores who make the world less beautiful.

I actually agree with the fatties who say "you don't actually care about my health, you're just concern trolling." They're completely right. No one gives a shit about a stranger's health. Fat people are just disgusting.

Who exactly got upset? There is like 2 comments

I could've been very rude. I could've said OP has lacking self control, which is probably correct. I could've said OP isn't doing a very good job protecting his family, which is correct. I could've said OP is a fat planet who you can hear walking from the other side of the house, which is probably correct based on the hardwood floors. I could've said OP looks disgusting due to his weight, which is subjectively correct according to the majority of people. I could've called him names. I could've went on and on.

But I didn't do any of that because I'm not a jerk

"I'm saying all these nasty things but I'm not saying them."

Why are mayos so fat and white?