Fuck this sub.

103  2018-09-23 by PoopyMcShitterson

Everyone subbed here is a gigantic faggot.



Have we met?

You might be onto something πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

You have to unsub before you're allowed to say that.


I only like feminine dick, so joke's on you.

you need to go back

Using that worn out /r/dramafag phrase doesn’t make you cool, nigger.




My mom checks my reddit. Please don't use such language.

Using nigger doesn't make you edgy, checca

Not but it makes me woke af

You πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰

The showers 🚿

Now πŸ‘‰βŒš

You first cuck.

No u πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰

THIS ☝️ 😎 ☝️

Daddy's special fluffer BTFO.

Daddy's special fluffer btfo

Funny, you post in CA and T_D plus you got btfo'd by me today. I guess you're still salty

He does, I'm just cheering for you πŸ˜₯

Back over the wall you go, rapfeugee

Do your nurses know you're online? Is there a number we can reach them at at?

Hiding behind an alt and unironically calling someone a faggot and a nigger doesn't make you any better

Yeah, it really does, princess.

Being this much of an angry pussy


Snowflake thinks he is edgy for repeating overused bottom feeder insults to a crowd that bathes in them.

Aw, that’s adorable, you think you’re part of some exclusive, cool β€˜crowd.’ Not really faggot, you’re just a huge retard.

You have problems at home that lead you to lash out online. Seek therapy.

Holy fuck cunt, nobody fucking gives a fuck about reddit account age, aside from absolutely pathetic neckbeard faggots. Shut the fuck up you cringelord cuck.

says the redditor for 11 hours

Impressive vocabulary, please continue

its the fact that you hide behind an alt which is the sad part

you clearly care about karma and/or your identity to use an alt to talk shit

Bad attitude: βœ”

Stinks like fish: βœ”

Thinks the word faggot hasn't lost its edge: βœ”

Touches little boys' privates: βœ”

Has talent and skill at something: ❌

Quick to blame his ED on diet of raw meat and boogers: βœ”

Hopes to one day be more than his single mother ever was: βœ”

Tell us how you really feel

He's crying

No way. He says nigger and faggot. He must be a total badass. Sure he created an alt a few hours to do so but still...total alpha move by him.

We've been experiencing quite the influx of these pussies lately. Its almost as if the wall was a good idea...

I am starting to think it is a good thing. Who needs to ping lolcows when they are more than happy to come out of their own volition.

Three of them were me.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you see an alpha? Do you see a strong, attractive man? No, what I see is a deluded cuck who spends his whole day shouting on reddit because you have no other redeeming qualities. You are too dumb to hold a job. You are too ugly to even approach a 1/10 femcel without her collecting her bags and scuttling away. Hide behind your niggerposts, but we know that you cry yourself to sleep at night because you are a piece of trash, a garbage NEET who is not even worthy of the 4 square meters of space you live in. Your mother has given up long ago. Your siblings try best to not acknowledge your existence, since they are embarrassed of the person you have become. You have isolated yourself so bad that even the IRS has forgotten you, you dirty, smelly ugly fuck. We do not want you here; fuck off to the dirty tank little hole you were spawned in and never return.

You're here, on reddit, in /r/drama being a brain damaged faggot retard. You're not alpha.

We know - your vocabulary is noticeably smaller than that of a normal person



Imagine begin retarded enough to think it came from a subreddit.

What next? Saying nigger to pretend to be hardcore?

Y'all MDEfugees should be gassed like rats tbqh

Being hunted down and torn up by terriers would work too.

That is a more adorable death than they deserve.

You have to go back...

true, people here are legitimately trying to bully me into suicide, bunch of pussies.

No, we aren't, lol. Nothing we say here is to be taken seriously. We know better than to risk angering the admins

sure, sure

people here are legitimately trying to bully me into suicide

lol, no. bullying you into scuicide would make bullying you rather hard as you would be dead. To ensure a steady stream of bullying, we don't ever want you to commit scuicide.

at least you care about my well-being.

Of course. Who else would I bully, I ask you ?

can I bully you too for liking twinks?

>Asking for consent before bullying people.

The absolute state of pedo in [current year]

I'll say being into twinks is a bit creepy (unironically). The guys on /r/twinks are for the most part barely legal and their boyish looks are their main selling point in the first place. It seems to me like twink culture fetishizes youth to an unhealthy degree.


<seriouspost> Secondly, eh, they are consenting adult that chose to call themselves that way. If there was a group of women that chose to call themselves lolis, I would have little issues with people being attracted to those lolis.

The main difference for me is the fact that they chose to call themselves twinks. They are aware of who they are, they are aware of who are interested in twinks.

I admit that as someone who was a twink I might not exactly be the most unbiased, and I see how people could see it as creepy. I just don't like body hair outside of the face, and most others gays fandom/clique have body hair. </seriouspost>

Secondly, eh, they are consenting adult that chose to call themselves that way.

If it were limited to them it would be fine but my issue with it is how twink culture fetishizes youth in general and consequently also often underaged teen boys. Not to be generalising but some guys who are into twinks also more or less openly lust after teen boys (at least I do it secretly so that's that). Your fetishes don't exist in a social vacuum!

If there was a group of women that chose to call themselves lolis, I would have little issues with people being attracted to those lolis.

I really need to get this viral somehow ... I think the difference is there isn't really a straight culture so there aren't terms like this in the first place which are actually used

I admit that as someone who was a twink

Why not anymore? Got too old or gained weight or something? As a fellow twink (twunk?) I can relate, I'm not gay but I've culturally appropiated the term for personal use.

I just don't like body hair outside of the face

yeah, I agree (except for the beard part, beards are for jawlets) hairless is best.

If it were limited to them it would be fine but my issue with it is how twink culture fetishizes youth in general and consequently also often underaged teen boys. Not to be generalising but some guys who are into twinks also more or less openly lust after teen boys (at least I do it secretly so that's that). Your fetishes don't exist in a social vacuum!


I really need to get this viral somehow ... I think the difference is there isn't really a straight culture so there aren't terms like this in the first place which are actually used

Yes, I am aware that straight don't have culture.

Why not anymore? Got too old or gained weight or something?

Both, I am a disgusting 23 yo fatass.

yeah, I agree (except for the beard part, beards are for jawlets) hairless is best.

Give me five o/

Stop kinkshaming. Shotacon is fine, just like lolicon.

Lmao T_D poster making an alt to shitpost on drama so he doesn’t loose daddypoints on his main πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I can’t stop thinking about how many times Michelle Obama probably bent Barack over and went to town on him with her(his) magnum dong. Its terrifying.

I lol'd actually.

Normally I'm not a fan of pegging imagery but the thought of Barrack Obama letting Michelle have her way with his anus in the presidential sweet is almost as hilarious as imaging her doing the same to Trump. lol

Hey gotta work hard for those shill bucks Goodboy Points.


dude bussy lmao

Ok, Mr. Painfully Obvious

Bussyblasted centipedo, go home

You’re the biggest faggot of them all.

This is ironic coming from you

Look in the mirror

No u mudslime

That's an islamophobic macroagression

Thank you for letting me live in your head rent free, but it's such a shitty place

Can't get the landlord to do a damn thing. Landscaping sucks, faucet leaking, hvac doesn't work right.

It's a slum lord.

based and redpilled

Yup. I love penis.

op whats it like being a garbage poster

~*thank u*~

...And That's A Good Thing

Yeah and?

Awww thanks bro.

That’s a yikes from me sweaty

makes an alt for a single post

"You're all fags lol"

New accounts feel fresh and full of possibilities.

What a discovery, give this dude a Nobel prize!

Sounds sexy as fuck

Guilty as charged 😘

9hr old account

Alright, which one of you retards made this alt?

Des pa citooo




Sand nigger.




mayos should keep fucking muslim arabs and persians until the shade of the average person is slightly darker

Oh no! He said the words!

Time to dilute the gene pool I guess.

Post bussy

Big if true

You got me, i love cock.

fuck you to buddy

Are you still upset over your previous 4-5 bans?


Do we know the former usernames of this troubled young man?

Excuse you I'll have you know I'm a gigantic bulldyke.

this unconscionable sexism smh my head

yea? so wat faggot

Thanks for the compliment.

OMG is this real?

I was going to say someone should sticky this but the mods beat me too it.


We're only faggots because we are honest and admit that liking traps make us gay.


Bro, bussy.

Ok, PoopyMcShitterson.

Wait I thought that was required?

this but unironically

Suck my ass, cowboy.

Wow a faggot who's a giant would just start indiscriminately grabbing people and putting them up its ass.


Why do you think we’re here? πŸ€”

You have a problem with bussy bro?