Puppy seeing sly, former MDEtards posting on r/drama

84  2018-09-23 by voicelesshoodwinker


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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Fucking lmaoooooooo

Puppy is not amused by it.

we know who u are and we never forget

It's actually MDEgenerate, MDEgenerate. Go back

This coming from a CAtard

Inshallah, you must go back, infidel.

We're all retarded fags here fam

Some of us are more retarded than others


MDEgenerates need to ASSIMILATE to our glorious culture OR else they should GTFO!

It former MDEtards post anything other than 'I have mayo guilt', their posts should be automatically removed

I’m riddled with shame. White shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.

I consider myself an ally. I research proper etiquette, read writers of color, vote in a way that will not harm P.O.C. (and other vulnerable people). I engage in conversations about privilege with other white people. I take courses that will further educate me. I donated to Black Lives Matter. Yet I fear that nothing is enough. Part of my fear comes from the fact that privilege is invisible to itself. What if I’m doing or saying insensitive things without realizing it?

Was this a twitter post or something

worse, new york times

No such thing as a 'former' MDEgenerate. Zero tolerance immigration policy when?

One drop rule. If any of your IRL contacts have posted on MDE you have to go

If any of your IRL contacts have posted on Reddit you should probably kill yourself, MDE especially so. If your online contacts post on MDE you have to go

So did you use a mass tagger or before MDE got banned did you sperg out whenever someone said something you didn't like and go through their comment history to see if they posted in MDE then manually tag them?

Unfortunately for the fags they can't see people's comments from a banned sub


Lookit dat puffy borker



Putting a t-shirt on your dog

Please tag as "wypipo nonsense"

That's a dog?

You must go back.