There is nothing more sad than a career woman who wasted her life to prove she can keep up with men

0  2018-09-23 by AllahInValhallah

When you're 35 and your eggs have dried up your biological instinct will kick in and you'll realise out of billions of years of evolution you were the only one so pathetic that you couldn't spread your genes and you'll realise the cats and the dogs you're keeping aren't enough to fill the void and you'll know you'll never feel the true love that only a mother can feel for a child.

But don't worry you can lie to yourself that you hate kids and all you want to do is go on holiday but soon the depression, anxiety and regret will fill you up as you start downing the alcohol looking across at your aged partner who will leave your ass for a younger girl who can give him children when he's matured and is ready to be a father and you'll be alone with all the money you saved and nothing to spend it on.


But everyone loves their cool wine aunt

She's so pathetic she has to buy peoples love

low-effort pol/mde meme


You just replied with a r/the_Donald meme fag

You’re not worth the effort of coming up with something original tho

Nice excuse lackwit

OP sure sounds bitter about something.


Ahh, he's an MGTOW. Ironic that he'd have such an emotional reaction to WGTOW.

I'm not a MGTOW i'm a man that wants to go the old way. MGTOW are a bunch of pussies

MGTOW are a bunch of pussies

Right, so you're an MGTOW.

No I'm a muslim man who understands that thousands of years of tradition works. I have daughters who understand what their place in the world is. Men should be men and not let women, the weaker inferior sex, push them about. Western men literally let strangers fuck their wives to "make their wives happy". Muslim men kill women who cheat because we're not afraid of women.

You also rape other men's daughters

Wow, just gonna ignore the little boys?

You're thinking of the LGBT

Are you just throwing wild accusations out there in a effort to distract from the fact that I'm right?

I can do that too. Your lost your virginity to your sister who's a godless whore that would fuck anything as long as you gave her enough money for crack. Also your partner is cheating on you with a big black man and you will raise his child because it's what a "real man" would do

I don't know if you being a troll account is funnier than if you're real

Muslim men kill women who cheat because we're not afraid of women.

To be fair, who don't you guys kill?

Other muslim men



It is haram to kill another true muslim. We kill fake muslims all the time

So is /r/Drama sexist or not? Sometimes I see this place hate women and other times mock men for the same thing.

You're trying to build a narrative. Can you, like, not?

r/Drama is a den of sexist, alt-right trolls who lick their chops when an unsuspecting Le female rolls around.

Good because they're both shit

/r/drama is when a man and a women love each other very much

Drama is ironically sexist which means it's sexist.

Ok, and?

Either you're troll bait or an incel. Both are not looking good

You're either a troll or a cuck soyboy. Both are not looking good


Fuck off I'm not an MDE just a muslim

You have to go back

Even if true, what do you want to accomplish by posting your boring drivel here, OP? There aren't that many femoids around here anyway.

P.S Most muslims I knew were either into little boys or lived under the tyrannical rule of an elder Matriarch.

Why on earth would someone try to cause drama on a drama sub?

Meh, maybe I'm too jaded wrt conservatard spergouts. Reads too genuine and boring for me.

Have you just been dumped?

no u.