/r/BPT delves into intersectionality: who has it worse, black women or black men?

12  2018-09-23 by CantKillADeadMan


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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The incarceration rates for black men young and old are extremely high.

that’s true and problematic. but men not caught up in the system should try to be equal partners in whatever situation they have. let’s say you get out of prison and understandably have trouble finding a job. is it unreasonable to do some extra cooking or cleaning while your partner supports the family financially?

Lolololol! I know you just got out of Federal Pound Me in the Ass Penitentiary, but could you at least do the dishes once in a while?


You just know the people on BPT are the whitest tard's on earth

let’s say you get out of prison and understandably have trouble finding a job. is it unreasonable to do some extra cooking or cleaning while your partner supports the family financially?

Nice cherry picking, faggot. First you land your ass in prison (inb4 dindu), then can't get a job. Your partner still doesn't leave you but if you're asked to do housework while your partner earns for you too then that's too much to ask for guyzzzz, amirite? 😂

Neither has it bad in any way except for the problems they create for themselves due to their own myriad shortcomings.