"You aren't born fat" "We have an award for Stupidest Comment Of The Week."

55  2018-09-23 by QueenOfTheIncels


Cat Girls? Mircy Killings? What the fuck is even going on on that second subreddit? That is some straight up bizarre shit. The people there are extremely mentally ill. And look at your userpage. A naked dead girl covered in blood, and another one with a girl who has blood all over her mouth. You have severe mental problems.


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Oooooh I’m so not quoting any of that.

But that is fucking hilarious.

I'm in a committed relationship with a woman over 700lbs. The realities of dating someone that big are troublesome but I love her and I think that big people get too bad a rap. I could go into the realities of her size if people end up wanting it but I think she’s gorgeous the way she is

You're supposed to kill the fatted calf, not marry it.

How does that even work? He's gotta be a feeder and we can't even ping him

well someone's got to feed her, I doubt she can get to the fridge from her bed and back.

Is straight up telling him we are talking about him against the rules

They have to be trolling.

The fat acceptance movement was started by feeders who wanted to normalize their fetish. This might not be a troll

no way the op's brain doesn't neurologically associate his wife as a house ornament

Talking about weight loss is against the rules here.

my fucking sides

I can't even figure out the point of the sub. The rules basically say everything is against the rules. No weight discussion, no pictures, like, what the hell are they doing in there

echo chamber reassurance


Remember Jonestown?

so much for body acceptance, can't accept someone to change their body

lmao 700 lbs? what a fuckin unit


I'm in a committed relationship with a woman over 700lbs

She’s 5’6”

I'm 6 feet and 160 pounds and I feel kind of chubby. I don't want to see what kind of monstrosity that is.

holy shit she walks though. That's actually ridiculously impressive, it's like a 200 lb woman walking with a 500 lb weight; maybe 10 women on the planet can do that.

She apparently was around 678 pounds when she got a gastric bypass is now down in the high 300s.

She probably has 100lbs of loose skin hanging off her.

Every fold is a new sweaty pocket to fuck. Fat bottomed girls make it happen.

No women should ever feel like they've made mistakes in their life, and every woman is perfect at all sizes. Twiglets need to get used to liberated woman who are large and in charge.

Hey man, they liberated Auschwitz 70+ years ago, feel free to leave any time.

There is no way you are 6ft 160 and chubby. Unless you have no muscle mass whatsoever

Body dysmorphia a real thing, tho

He probably is skinny fat. You can have chubby 6' guys who you would expect to be lanklets.

I like you just the way you are.

Does This person not know what body types are???🤔

700 pounds? Fuck me, that's not even a whale. That's a whole fucking ctulhu. Absolute state of Amerifats.


I don't know how dying 20 years earlier is somehow a better thing in his mind

Wow, the retardation. I'm also gonna be enjoying juicy cheeseburgers and a beer all my life, but I don't need to be 300 lb + to do it.



It's true guys and gals, I have scientific data to prove it.. weight loss is bullshit, the only things that work are forced labor camps, toxic insult to the GI tract, liposuction, lap band surgery or a carefully monitored regime of methamphetamine and opioids (the best one). You can't argue with science. These are the only long term options.

over 300kg holy fucking shit.

She weighs as much as a Caribbean manatee or a Musk Ox

'As long as she FEELS happy and healthy'

Thats a big oof from me.