The permanent children of /r/witchcraft just straight-up admit that they buy items for their sacred alters at the fucking craft store

49  2018-09-23 by QueenOfTheIncels


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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So, r/occult and r/wicca have pretty sizable sub counts alongside r/witchcraft. Any master warlock want to clue me in why there are three separate communities?

Wicca is its own specific religious movement (subject to debate) with a more defined set of Pagan-esque beliefs. So it'd make sense to have its own specific sub.

"Occult" is a far more broad definition. It's a broad umbrella term for things as wide as Satanism, astrology, chaos magic, divination, etc. Even to things as mundane as messing around with Ouija boards and tarot cards.

I need to pray a rosary after reading this comment.

Only after you've made a burnt offering. The smell is pleasing to your LORD, GOD.

burnt offering

What am I, beholden to the old law?

I believe occult stems more from the time of the kabbalah. It was used as a term to describe those who did not follow the "true path" of God. But through time the term has then been used to encompass ALL things not considered 'canon' in the eyes of the big 3.

Occult is where you ask home to summon succubi (male)

that would be an incubus

Every single occult themed sub on Reddit is like this. I enjoy reading about the subject just out of interest but they're ALWAYS about some basic bitch retarded shit. No one actually has an in-depth knowledge of anything, it really sucks.

Yep would be interesting to read up on that stuff and see some discussion on it that’s more than, “oh my god, isn’t this a Hecate? I’ll place it on my altar!”

So check out Alistair Crowley, Terrence McKenna, the Lesser Keys of Solomon and listen to Grant Morrison talk about Sigil Magic.

Always some amount of reducing it to basic bitch of the day, though.

8chan fringr is decent, at least not swamped with tumblr white girl "occultism" like this shit hole

Lol no it isn't, they have even less of an idea of what's going on than reddit. Reddit thinks that a book written by an entrepreneur is the end all of ancient wisdom, when half of them couldn't even get through the Old Testament which like 70% of what they're trying to do is based on

What are they wrong about then, I'm not an occult expert

Their Alex Jones-influenced Christian "Gnosticism" is probably the most egregious

The Jewish God being the evil Demiurge, as well as the general theme of an evil unseen power controlling the world, fits in well with the mindset of many conspiracy theorists. The rest is butchered.

It’s better than /x/ where it’s just people asking how to summon a succubus and larpers pretending to have close ties to demons and aliens.

It's the closest thing they have for female interaction other than their mothers

Man I remember /x/ when I was in highschool. Yeah there were tulpa threads but there was still other actual shit still.

Went back a year or 2 ago and it's just a snooze job now.

What is there to have an in depth knowledge of? 🤔 How would you have in depth knowledge of crystal healing if it doesn't work?

That statue is god awful ugly.

My mom took us to LA when I turned 18, and we went to a fortune teller just because. She, of course, was an old white lady with exotic spiritual paraphernalia from Hinduism, ancient Egypt, Taoism, etc. My brother and I took particular notice of this frog statue in some Hindu or Buddhist meditation position.

Fast forward a few weeks later, and not only did my fortunes not come true (shocker!), but we saw half her studio, including that exact frog, at Pier 1. (Not specifically witches, but similar nonsense.)

Shadilay fellow magapede

The ninth gate was a pretty cool movie, but I never got why Johnny Depp wanted to go to hell anyway.

Did anyone else notice how many of those people used the phrase "[blank] was my first thought" the exact same way? It's like they're in a cult

If you don't kill the animals yourself, then Satan will never accept your offerings.