TFW you realize the ping ban is forever

402  2018-09-23 by QueenOfTheIncels


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

We just need a cunning way of tricking users into giving affirmative consent to being pung, that or electro-Rohypnol.

Maybe approaching the lolcow directly.

β€œHello! You’ve made some great points and my friends are taking about you. Do you affirmatively consent to being pinged for further discussion?”

Isn't it possible to dm them a link to the drama thread you want them in?

Dunno, ask the mods



That means the ballsack in Norwegian

We have 23 options.

First is we make a proxy sub from where we ping and then send them here.

Second is that we just have somebody go into the thread and link our thread to them.

The disadvantage to both of these is that it won't be as easy to find our little lolcow as it once was.

First is we make a proxy sub from where we ping and then send them here.

We BEEN doing that but that fag spez keeps deleting them

Lol some of them still end up here so I guess PMing is the only good way

I just wait for them to follow the Totesbot link

To being pinged, ignoramus.

πŸ€” how many times u think Tay taken a shower, had to drop a fat one right after while her cheeks still wet, and weighed whether or not to shower again πŸ€”

Celebrities pay people to take care of that kind of shit.

well call me a celeb then cuz i pay my landlord rent and her old blind ass takes care of the consequences of my wafflestomping

girls dont poop

then wat do u think shes thinkin about then ?😯😯😯

what its like to poop

y all mayo gussy such freaks?

idk man

But Tay...

that why she sellin bussy soap

I hear they pee out of their butt.

its true, buttpee surgery is next on my list

Hot af πŸ˜©πŸ˜›πŸ˜‹πŸ‘€

How do you explain BRAPhogs then?

special FX

She doesn't shit, she BEEFS. I heard on the set of "Wildest Dreams", she would shit in the shower and heel it down the drain.



That's called waffle-stomping.

She doesn't shit

she would shit

She doesn't shit, she BEEFS

This is the best thing I've ever read

I bet she poops only once per week, a huge dense log that nearly splits her in half.

It's more like 5 or 6 forearm-sized logs with no flush in between.

This is hot, you should write erotica

She probably has snow leopards that lick her clean after she uses the toilet.


Because you can't wipe with a wet ass. The paper just falls apart. Your only chance is to dry your ass with a towel before you shit, but even then you might sweat from taking a hot shower and get a wet ass again.

She's looking down in this pic


Thank u

It appears to be a woman looking down and she looks 😒️.

Who is Ping Ban?

The girl who does my acrylic nails

oooooh girl no you didnt

It never even began for pingcels

While you're sitting there hoping that the bot post will bring the lolcow to your convo, a Chapo poster is pinging all the lolcows he wants, just fucking rope

The chad Chapo vs. the virgin Dramacel


Man, every time an lolcow wanders in here half of you feel like it's your sacred duty to downvote everything they say.

Cultivate the lolcow. Upvote their comments. They are checking their comments to see if people "agree" with them.

Together, we can build a better future for our lolcows in the post-ping age.

This guy gets it. It's also the only thing he gets.


They are rare tho. Sacred cows.


Yeah, the fucking retards around here keep scaring em off and giving them timers. Dipshits are chasing entertainment off!

I walked through the door with you, the air was cold,

But something 'bout it felt like home somehow and I

Left my bait there at your lolcow's house,

And you still got it in your drawer even now.

Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze.

We're pinging in the car, getting lost upstate.

The crying weebs falling down like leaves into place,

And I can see that bussy after all these days.


And I know pings are long gone,

And that magic's not here no more,

And I might be okay,

But I'm not fine at all.


'Cause there we are again on that TrollX street.

You almost got us banned 'cause you were linking poly

Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well.


Kinkshaming on the counter, their cheeks were turning red.

We used to be a little sub with bullies in a slapfight thread

And Snally's telling stories about us on a meanping team

We told 'em about our past, thinking our future was free.


And I know pings are long gone

And there was nothing else I could do

And I forget about 'em long enough

To forget why I needed to


'Cause here we are again with a lolcow in sight

We dance around the pinging and there's no fun bantz fight

Down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well, yeah.


Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe we asked for too much,

And maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til they tore it all up.

Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well.


Hey, they call us up again just to break us like a promise.

We're too casually cruel in the name of being ironic

We're a crumpled up piece of paper lying here

'Cause I remember it all, all, all too well.


Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it

I'd like us to be our old selves again, but we're still trying to find it

After Jewdank days and fights we made on our own

Now we point at their rants and then jerk it alone


But we kept our old snark from that very first week

'Cause it reminds us of centrism and it smells like irony

You can't get rid of it, 'cause you remember it all too well


'Cause there we are again, when we loved it so

Back before we lost the least real thing we've ever known

It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well


Wind in my hair, you were there, you remember it all

Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all

It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well

This bot was the number one user I missed when the wall was up tbh

TBH, I cried

this is perfection

thank u for appreciating my art i spent a whole four minutes on it


We Too Woke
Ping Ban Ow

What the hell is a ping ban?!

A south Korean sport

Apparently it's quite hip

Viet sandwich.

Chinese X-Men actress disappeared by the Chinese government.

Imagine running a social set that doesn't' allow @'ing people but passive aggressively downvoting their comments is a-ok.

This sub is pointless now

Shut that whore mouth. When this sub was made private it just proved how pointy my life is without content from r/drama to enrich it.

he says on a taypost


Finally, a Taypost I can identify with.

I'm starting to realize the only inanimate objects I've fucked is/are depressed women with a twitter account.



Sad Tay Tay. 😒😭

that's it. life isn't worth living anymore. time to kill myself. it's been a good run.

As an r/drama user, now I understand how the Jews felt during the Holocaust, and how negroes during slavery. This violent persecution of the r/drama lifestyle in unacceptable and needs to be brought to attention of the United Nation's Human Rights Council.

I’m out of the loop. What is this ping ban thing?