Who the fuck is Darqwolff?

4  2018-09-23 by okedtsuj

And what do I need to do to surpass him as a lolcow

  1. Lurk moar.

  2. Commit a couple felonies.


Post bussy

Darqwolff is one of my illegitimate grandchildren. He has dishonored my name many times in various ways

what do I need to do to surpass him as a lolcow

It's impossible for an intentional lolcow to match, let alone, surpass an unintentional one.

You need a tryhard-transplant for sure.

Your paragraphs are gonna need at least 30-40 more pseudo sentences if you want to compete.

Ya know, his fat ass should see a doctor. He's probably got hyperhidrosis

Fuck off normie

if u gotta ask, ur not ready

copy everything AngryDM does but do it better