Canadian Conservathot Candidate AMA. Many anti-hate subreddits are planning on brigading. Watch it all unfold live!

56  2018-09-23 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Don't forget to downvote!

Wow, what a surprise, a foid making a fool of herself on Reddit.

Rodger rabbit was right all along

To crusade is a verb meaning to lead or take part in a vigorous campaign for social, political, or religious change.

It's a jihad of peace!

Do you believe in the white genocide conspiracy theory?

Good news everyone

Here Are The 11 Most Notable People Running For Mayor Of Toronto

The article lists two other self-proclaimed neo-nazis, a convicted sexual predator, a convicted murderer, a 23 year old, and a homeless person. Faith Goldy is not mentioned. :(

tfw ur retarded, but not interesting retarded

imagine thinking that's the reason, and not because unlike those other jokes, acknowledging her will actually drive people to her.

Take it from somebody from Toronto, goys. (((They))) fear her.

acknowledging her will actually drive people to her.

We just read her AMA. Nobody is worried about that, fam

i mean real people, not you tryhard edgelord autitsts

real people


Pick one

goys h8 canuckleheads!

ah, ol' reliable

Who doesn't?

hey, I hate a lot of us too, sooo...

Especially yourself ๐Ÿ™

naw friend I like me the most, you think I'm some self-loathing little faggot?

i haven't hated myself since I was a Trudeau-voting leftist

you think I'm some self-loathing little faggot?


Okay, well, that's wrong.

I don't know what else to tell you. I used to think about it multiple times a day, and now I literally never think about it.

Yeah, yeah, this is some boring seriousposting, but you can't seriouspost without being serious!

And for the record, this was waaaaay before I was aware of r/drama. You guys have legitimately never talked to a depressed or suicidal Eva. Sorry.


not self-loathing

I'm laughing for real right now!

Sorry, I was a self loathing weeb, but the weeb stuff had nothing to do with it!

Obviously there is probably quite a bit of overlap in those communities, but I'm extremely comfortable with how I treat my appreciation of nip shit.

this is some boring seriousposting



Damn I feel depressed after reading that. Brb going to kill self

Vicarious embarrassment (also known as secondhand, empathetic, or third party embarrassment) is the feeling of embarrassment from observing the embarrassing actions of another person. Unlike general embarrassment, vicarious embarrassment is not caused by participating in an embarrassing event, but instead it's caused by witnessing (either verbally or visually) another person's experience an embarrassing event. These emotions can be perceived as pro-social, and some say they can be seen as motives for following socially and culturally acceptable behavior.[1][2]

Hey look, I found one of those people I was talking about.

You wouldn't respond like so to every post I made here if you didn't feel like I was calling you out.

It's painfully obvious. Maybe one day you'll become like me, or maybe one day you'll just go and do it. I like both options for you.

based mensch

Don't worry, I would never in my life underestimate the stupidity of the Canadian public.

She is like literally, /your gal/ though. I hear she throws kosher bbq's for the JDL every weekend.

> using ((( ))) while kvetching this much "" didnt feature ur waifu


nobody check narcity

blogTO, I kvetch a little

The orthodox priest lovechild of Justin Trudeau and Tom Cruise really tingles my testes

He served 16 years in prison before being released and deported to Canada.

Someone is not sending their best.

his belief that Twitter polls are the key to democracy.

Shit, donโ€™t tell Trump how to make polls. Heโ€™d probably argue for his win in 2020.

After formerly having a literal crackhead as mayor, Hatebarbie is a little too tame for Toronto. I think the only way to go is nazi-doctor rape artist.

I mean we let a crack-smoking retard run the place before, may as well give these people a turn at the helm.

How the fuck are 11 viable candidates running for office? You sons of bitches need primaries over there.

There aren't 11 viable candidates

Deus Vult just means God Wills It and is an innocuous term in and of itself.

How much do you want to bet that this thot is triggered by Muslims saying inshallah?

I'm pretty sure she's a self-described "ethno-nationalist" so pretty much anything that isn't white or Christian is liable to cause her to suffer a stroke.

Was it a thing anyone actually said before CK2? Stop stealing our culture.

CK2 probably made it a lot more popular. Americans aren't particularly fond of learning about history outside of whatever the absorb from popular media.

Faith Goldy with her good friend Weinstein from JDL

Only on /r/metacanada can you have morons supporting a pro-white girl whose funding and circlejerk is all Zionist and pretend to fight for Canada.

This shall be called Timeline of Autists.

Thanks I'm a Zionist now after reading this

Then go to Israel.

Why are Leafs like this? Like why do they seem so smug no matter their politics?

Like Minnesota, but also French

That amount of smugness approaches SRDine levels!

Observation: passably attractive conservathots of child-bearing age are often single with no children. On first glance, one might think that these women do not live up to their right-wing ideals of family, tradition, and securing the future of white children as a moral shortcoming. However, after looking at their fan base, it becomes clear why they are single (or at least hide their relationships); their fan base is almost entirely thirsty, lonely autists who would stop giving these women any attention if they were settled down with families. If these women stopped receiving attention and Patreonbucks from their thirsty orbiters, their careers would be over.

Well that and their trad husbands probably wouldn't let them continue having a political career. Traditional families for thee but not for me!

As long as they continue redpilling normies, I don't care what they do with their lives.

There is a severe lack of women in the far right, these thots arise to fill in the demand. Somewhere along the way someone realized they wouldn't have to work if they talked about white genocide and took booby photos, and so we got a flood of these guys.

Non-autists mostly find this sad and pathetic, I am sorry to say.

Better than twitch and Instagram thots, atleast they are moving the Overton window to the right and redpilling normies.

Better than twitch and Instagram thots

Literally the same

Hehe boys look at me jam these straws up my ass #FridayFeeling #2A

Observation: passably attractive conservathots of child-bearing age are often single with no children.

I get married in December

wtf it was supposed to be me

How much cringe, on a scale of 1-5, did you feel after reading this guys?

Lol somebody's jealous!

I would love to see Lauren Southerns inbox. Just once.

Dad is full Greek. Mom was half Uki, half Greek.

Lmfao this poor girl, she thinks the alt-right consider her one of them

Damn, she's like my age but her skin says "45". Botched plastic surgery?

Btw Canada, I'm afraid that we're probably going to have to amend NAFTA to put a limit on the export of far right conservathots, you are over quota and the flooding of out markets these cheap Canadian knockoffs is harming our ability to develop our own domestic Conservathot industry.


id still shoot a load in her mouth tho

Gets asked if she's a white nationalist and replies that black Torontonians want safer streets...

She got asked why the Premier hasn't been supporting her, and this was her real answer:

Probably because his team is worried about the alt left mean girls in the fake news media. Doug is such a mensch and Ontario is lucky to have him! AT LAST!!!!