After getting banned from /r/bodyacceptance, the legendary mizmoose and I duked it out in the DMs for the ultimate battle of buttery lard vs severe clinical autism

40  2018-09-24 by QueenOfTheIncels


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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“i thought you people were supposed to be jolly” lool

The last two pages were kinda unnecessary after that

agree that its a good one liner exit

What part of "severe clinical autism" are you not getting, chief?

Not enough 🚂🚃🚄🚅🚆🚇🚈🚉🚋🚞🛤️

I don't think this is good.

Just like he who shall not be named, and other recent issues, people who have serious emotional issues should not be bullied too much.

It's not nice, and not fair for superior intellects to make fun of some people.


people who have serious emotional issues should not be bullied too much.

Check her post history and her behavior as a mod. Search her user name here. This is not some insecure chick who's on the verge of roping as my incel slaves say. This is some old broad who's deeply set in her ways and completely pleased with herself.

not fair for superior intellects to make fun of some people.

I agree, she should have gone easier on me.

I’m with you, mizmoose is probably actively harming the lives of several posters in that sub by preaching toxic advice and deleting helpful posts. I lurked a little on that sub a while back and she’s the sole lolcow that actually gets under my skin - she’s no better than a drug pusher yet she pretends to be all about love and happiness.

Bitch needed to get skewl'd

(No, seriously, she's a fucking lunatic)

I love how she thinks happiness = cheeseburgers. Or that you can’t eat cheeseburgers and be thin - you just use some moderation and budget your calories accordingly. Even on a sedentary day, I can fit in a donut without going over my TDEE and I’m 5’2”.

Also, an ex-obese person, you actually enjoy food a lot more when you’re not just constantly craving sugar, and unhealthy rich foods taste better when they’re a once in a while treat.

harming the lives

I've been aware of that particular poster for a while. And yes, it is nuts.t

The bigger problem is not one individual user, but the general overall situation that too many people use anonymous internet forums for anything resembling proper advice.

Pretty much all the ask* subreddits are complete garbage. And it is a very sad state of people that this is passing as ok.

Mizmoose is legit one of the most harmful lolcows in terms of propoganda

people who have serious emotional issues should not be bullied too much.


3 pages? 😴😴😴


This whole exchange is definitely my fetish