Stupidity implodes on r/iamatotalpieceofshit as users go from trash talking about tattoos to school shootings and more!

14  2018-09-24 by DeityOfUnderworld26




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"Hehe <insert offensive tasteless joke here>"

means basically "I'm a teenager with crippling depression and can't cope with it"


How about this, you addlepated fuckwit: your comment is so astoundingly ignorant that even if we presume satirical intention, it's still indicative of an individual whose moral compass is irrevocably broken - and the username to go with it simply hammers the point. You are an irredeemable piece of sub-human detritus.


So, from this school shooting survivor: Please make sure you do everything possible to ensure your perpetual inability to procreate. We have enough slime crawling around on this planet and don't need any more, thanks. Now fuck right off.

Edit: For those who arrive after this post is 2 hours old: Yes, r/iamverysmart has been linked well over a dozen times already. No, I'm not changing my stance on anything. No, I don't have a mental illness. Yes, I actually speak like this. No, I'm not going to lose any sleep if you indiscriminately downvote all my posts because you don't like what I've said in this thread or how I've said it. If it's that big of a deal, I'd be tickled pink if someone could be so kind as to forward me a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary with all the unacceptable words redacted so we can avoid this nonsense in the future.

This was my favorite as well.

I wanna know how many death threats they've received. Also looks like they're a drama user as well.

Fucking plebs. This is peak r/DownvoteTrolling material