Some random artist on Tumblr draws capeshit characters the wrong skin color. Website proceeds to have a meltdown as he makes edits galore.

362  2018-09-24 by lyridsreign


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


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So romantic 😍😍😍

And they say romance is dead these days... πŸ˜πŸ‘«πŸ’˜

Snappy looked me deep in the eyes as xhe muttered that out of breath.... so hot

womp womp


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I am so fucking tired of you fucks. Black people get one thing for themselves and this is what y’all do. This.

Aaand there it is, the obligatory "y'all". Also lmao at this literally being the only thing black people get for themselves. A comic made by a white guy.

Seriously why do they all say y'all it's getting on my nerves

Can we get a student researcher on this for a real scientific study

They're from Texas

y'all is used by caliqueers and brooklynites that move to austin for a short term work contract

natives use "yall" because we're too retarded to find the ' most times

Autocorrect has your back.

this is factually accurately correct

yall'd've thought they'd get it by now

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((they))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) can't put down their Favor delivered fried avocado breakfast taco (with no egg) to learn how to type like the native wildlife

Not getting barbacoa and big red every morning 😀😀😀😀

put it in my mouth chef 😩

If ur girl lets trad it up bb

Look at this fatcat and his avacados

avocados were dirt cheap via NAFTA but the coalminers got butthurt and now we have to pay a premium like everyone else 😠😠😠

We should just quarantine Austin. Keep the governor and the hipster away from the rest of the state. They get to duke it out with dildos and guns in UT campus, and we get to watch it live on TV.

The south in general really

Is it a white stereotype?

sheltered white kids imitating black Americans to seem hip is a stereotype that goes all the way back to the 1920's. This is nothing new.

That's actually true af, thank you for educating me sorry for slavery yall

Yall is a part of my seattle area. Been using it my whole life

β€œYall wanna go to burger joint for lunch?” Etc

Yea that's casual usage, but every time you see an SJW in some long winded "Allow me to talk down to you for being so uneducated and ignorant" spiel, they WILL use the term "y'all".

Once is an event, 2 is happenstance, 3 is a pattern. They ALL use it. They are borg, I am convinced.

Based and redpilled

Now redpill me on β€œborg” y’all

The Borg are a fictional alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are cybernetic organisms, linked in a hive mind called "the Collective". The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of "assimilation": forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones" by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection". Aside from being recurring antagonists in the Next Generation television series, they are depicted as the main threat in the film Star Trek: First Contact. In addition, they played major roles in the Voyager series and serve as the way home to the Alpha Quadrant for the isolated Federation starship USS Voyager. The first encounter between humans and the Borg is depicted in the 2nd season of the series Enterprise in the episode "Regeneration" in which the phrase "you will be assimilated; resistance is futile" is heard by the crew of the Enterprise for the first time

What is star trek? You mean star wars

Jk im ficking with ya. Thx bb πŸ€—

I'm embarassed y'all

they heard it in a rap song and think it makes them sound more in touch with poc

a comic book character made by old white jews is the only thing black people have you racist

Were they supposed to be the same pic?

They are tumblr links. RES embed the picture of the post when you expand them. Open the links to see what he actually linked to.


ur a retard and this whole thing was a bait to show how retarded internet users are.

imagine being such a whiney faggot you start forcing a distinction between racebending and whitewashing.

like why the fuck does it matter to a single person what this degenerate "artist" did?

I love how shitty the design of some of those pages is.

fucken lol at the mastertroll of idpol. but he also draws wow porn, conflicting.

his porn pictures are pretty good tho, would fap to it if I was into WoW

the execution is extremely good, no doubt

Autistic Taste but Great Execution

we need pizzashill back to give his critique

he has a "well-known" alt or something who still posts here

you wouldn't know the account lives in Canada

No im pizzashill

I'd rather hear /u/YameteOniiChanItai's critique of it.


Any idea why he an heroed?

Who's to say pizza shill is spinning in their grave? They are certainly using an alt

No lolis though. Sad.

I see no problems at all

lmao sjws rekt epic style

This but unironically.



we're home again

Not without pings we’re not


πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ“ΈπŸ“ΈπŸ“Έ THis iS GoInG iN My SjW FAilS coMPiLatioN

Only Americans could be dumb enough to turn comicbook movies into political statements

Comic books are heavily politicized and always have been. Some of your favorite comic characters were created for the sole purpose of highlighting some sociopolitical situation or platform.

implying eurofags actually care about comicfaggotry

Typical snowflake being ignorant

Ignorant eurofags care about anything that might get them to possibly throw a jab at their superiors. It's often a swing and a miss, though, because you know... ignorant.

Imagine getting this worked up about comic books.

Oh I'm sorry... is this r/discussthingsdelicately? Maybe you should start it with a lacey little threshold such as yours. You could find like-minded individuals and nibble on tea cookies, calling it a "total freakout" every time someone burps!

imagine being this retarded to miss the point that it's not about the comic books, it's about the inferior eurofags swinging and missing at anything that might give them a slight opportunity to say lul murica amirite because of their massive inferiority complex


Easy there. Two words more and you would have triggered the long post bot for nothing more than a "no u" and a Professor Memerson quote.

but that didn't happen

I'm glad you're pointing this out. Eurofags are dumb as fuck and constantly need to pick on the clods of America in order to feel like they're competing at all with the gods.

Uh-oh, your comment had to be deleted for triggering a few burgers and we can't have people's feewings being all hurtzies around here.

muh kiddie picture books are SRS BZNS

Or are you one of those people that thinks cartoon characters punching each other was meant for adults?

They don't care who reads them. They're a business. They are "intended" to make as much money as possible.

Are you going to be another goofball that wants to give tips on things adults do? The last guy thought he was an adult by playing hundreds of hours of Destiny and reading a book on analyzing Jews.

Captain America is the favorite character of more Chinese people than even Americans. LOOK IT UP.

Probably because you could spit in anywhere in China and hit at least three people before it hits the ground. They breed like rabbits.

Idolizing intellectual property and providing profits to massive mega-corporations to own the conservatives.

well who doesn't do that?


"5 minutes to stage, Mr. Poe"

We do?


Same deal with the Nike stuff. Even after it's known that nike gives money to the conservatives, you'll see people in love because of that kapernick ad

Real question. Is kapernick really black, or is he like the welfare cheat Dozel just playing the wigger card?

He is black like Obama.

He's making millions of dollars on the backs of impoverished brown third worlders.

What's white than that?

Ignoring the plight of millions of poverty stricken brown people to make millions of dollars in ad revenue.

How is kaep not white again?

nikes always done the whole "pander to lowest common denominator american black people" stuff, only the most naive person in the world would ever think they actually care about activism

Owning the libs with the Tony Stark's capitalism. Elon Musk in Iron Man 2.

Take captain america for example

This is why I could never get myself into American comic book. Too much bullshit and not enough fun.

Good drama though. I bet this person did it to stoke the flame.

Defending capeshit unironically?

oofta, yikes for me

Swing and a miss.

Hey I havent finished sippin the rest of my Monster zero ultra ok bud?

You're not wrong. That said, political comics aren't much better than political comic movies. All that means is that Americans have been stupid for a long time.

Got a license for that opinion?

some of your favorite comic characters


Some of your favorite comic characters

If you have a favourite comic book character, you should consider ending it. Your comic book collecting, I mean.


Capeshit is retarded.


Something productive. Read real books.

Which ones?

The Culture of Critique

Sounds boring. I'm gonna not.

Just take it as future reference. Whenever you feel like becoming an adult again, give the book a chance. It's honestly a must read for anyone who has any political interest at all.

Political interest? Wait so not only am I now a comic book collector, but I'm also a non adult with political interest?

This is good shit. So if I read this book, stop buying comic books, I get to... be an adult? An adult like you?

My apologies, Green Eggs and Ham seems to be more to your caliber.

Too repetitive

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I dont think you guys are doing very well at this life coaching stuff...

Dude it's a great book. Cute little caterpillar stuffs his face for a week, literally just chomps a hole through an entire picnic, then turns into something beautiful. It's basically what every fat pride womynx imagines herself to be, except easier to look at

Give me a month of gold and I'll read it.

Three months and I will take a slideshow of a bought copy

Why would I pay you to read a children's book?

You seem invested in my improvement as a human being. Put your money where your mouth is.

Yes, but they use to be less obnoxious about it. The characters didn't talk about the issues, they just punched bad guys.

True. The characters were the issues. Captain America vs Red Skull. Nazism and Stalinism simultaneously getting punched right in the face by the human embodiment of USA!

You see, that's a four color take on the problem. If you want to fight sexism in a comic book, you don't have a sexist businessman: you have a sexist businessman who brainwashes women into being sex slaves and ships them off to China, and Wonder Woman impales him on his own Buddha before flying off and rescuing them all.

Lex Luthor. The human embodiment of hostile corporatism so powerful he actually got to President. He attacks the physical embodiment of good will for the mere fact that it's the only thing corporate power can't control or predict.

Yet another reason why Manga is superior. While Americans rage at their favourite characters being genderbent or made black/white for political reasons, superior Asians bask in the glory of cute girls and genderbending is only done for sexual reasons.

"B-but most anime girls are drawn as white people!"

That's just the style for them to have big round eyes. They are still asian, you can tell because of how their eyes get all crazy during sex and they cry instead of moan.

They sound like they are being raped by spiked cat dicks. Not sexy at all.

Japan reproduces through rape exclusively.

japan reproduces let me stop you right there

Rapes are down.

And yet there's always that one character they go out of their way to actually make look Asian

That one's usually the token Chinese

The demon lesbians that grow dicks really add a touch as well. What was that? La Blue Girl or something? Don't look it up if you're at work.

Didn't someone have the acid uterus in that one too?

blue skinned demon lesbians

That sounds lovely.

Then what the fuck is Akumetsu.


It's a japanese comic

They should bully him to death like the Steven universe fandom

Seems like they'll die because of heart attack or brain aneurysm long before succeeding.

Steven universe fandom is the second biggest cancer only behind ur mom

No u bro

Those edits though. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Forget that shit, scroll down for some THICC WoW porn

Foreal lol

This is a NSFW blog. If you can't deal with a dick in the ass don't suck it.

Lmfao artist xude is awesome

Thanos used the infinity gauntlet to make him white

Holy fucking shit 4000 / 10

Didn't know the power stone was white now

It becomes purple when you cut off the circulation.

Mr. Carradine, is that you?

Thanos's entire crusade was just for this moment

Master troll level 10000000

Tbh, that’s a pretty cool black panther. Would love to see a different universe kind of deal or whatever

Psssstttt SJW's this is not a good look, you're making us on the left look bad. It's a random Tumblr artist, this is not the holocaust.

but this actually happened

You have to go back

you have to go black

you have to try smack

This is old as fuck

no u

idgi. Some random sperg on Tumblr cries for attention and people go apeshit? Wtf?

Some of you have pointed out in the comments that i made an error with the race and also my sexual preference . But does it matter what race Tchalla is? There are white people in Africa too. Or this could be a side effect of the vibranium.

Or this could be a side effect of the vibranium.

Yep, he's trolling lol

You gonna do something to get attention when people barely care about your WoW lewds so SAS

those are some quality lewds

He should have showed white panther getting his bussy blasted tbh

If he really wanted to start shit, he could just say this is Tchalla's bastard white son.

Edit 6.0 Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to change him white. End of story

Honestly id much rather watch this version of infinity war.

Lmao Black Panther was created by an old Jewish man.

created by an old Jewish man

Huh, just like white people.



Yakub was Jewish?

Yes, the biblical Jacob, patriarch of the Israelites, was Jewish. Black Jewish.

At least we're for sure that those "owning" Black Panther couldn't be black...

still not sure how anyone owning a black character would be something desirable for other blacks though.

art is so lame

and/or sexie

lol what a troll. he made black panther a blonde blue eyed white guy, people took the bait.

Low effort for concept, but well-executed

Is there an obese black female superhero or something? Drawing that as an athletic white dude while still making it recognizable as the original would be a proper challenge and a good bait.

Tricky question, fat people can't be superheroes.

It's current year tho.

It is, but even Superhero comics need to be a bit realistc.

Absolutely not. After all there are obese supervillains (like that Penguin guy Batman fought), so why not obese superheroes using their superpowers to move around and fight crime?


nobody fucking watches that nerd shit

I didn't watch it.

It is worse if you read it


The beginning of the "God Emperor of Dune" is one of the awesomest pieces of weird fiction ever.

Weirder than the incest shit in Apollonius of Tyre? Or when relics of the virgin Mary's breasts would lactate in hagiographic stories?

Disagree. I haven't read it though.

Well, imagine that you're starting to read an original Star Wars trilogy sequel. It seems familiar at first, there's Luke Skywalker, all the stuff, except pretty soon it becomes obvious that somehow Luke is a sandworm now. And apparently Han Solo (who has insect eyes) is trying to kill him, but fails, as he failed a thousand times before, because someone keeps sending Luke clones of Han Solo, who serve faithfully at first but invariably decide to try to kill him after a few years. And that's been going on for 3500 years. Oh, and Luke kept Leia's bloodline pure for all this time, trying to breed some sort of a super-prophet or something.

Not much of a reader I gather.

Not of genre fiction no

What about Big Bertha?

Just draw Squirrel Girl being black

You'd be surprised

Look up "Faith"

He has a A too, you can see more wokeians and libcucks crying there in the comments.

Are there any kang traps crying there?

tumblr is a scary place

Reminds me of that 4chan troll account that was whitewashing Steven Universe characters.

Peak was that when the account packed so much heat, the artist came out as a transexual black woman. The amount of backpeddling that ensued was beautiful.

I missed this. Sauce?

Holy shit that's beautiful

Incredible. That is an actual social experiment

This reminds me of that Steven Universe troll job that the hacker known as 4chan did

White black panther is just adult Cat Noir.

If you know what I'm talking about you're just as autistic as I am.

nice night elf pussy in there

This has to be the same dude who did that Steven Universe edits thing.

> random artist

Futanari isn't random that shit is on purpose

Technically, there can be a white Black Panther. Except his origin can be from Namibia or he can be an Afrikaner.

Fucking hysterical

Old but good drama

So? I've never seen it before.

me me me

that White Panther picture is fucking ancient tho

is this a repost

While my people were in the direct process of speeding up evolution of humanity, yours were in direct opposition to this and succeeded in interrupting the work, hence the state of the world today..

You people are SCARED, so scared it became a superpower and helped you gain temporary dominion of the world, so scared all your govt money goes to military and more weapons, so scared you willingly nurture your own lies even when you know they are lies, so scared you rape steal and kill in the name of god(devil) wherever you go.

So lazy you needed slaves to build your country and do menial tasks that require little effort, so lazy you pale bastards haven't created anything instead stole and whitewashed everything.

So weak you win wars through diseases(biological warfare) and generations of settlers pretending to be friendly and wishing to learn, all the while your slowly siege the land when your numbers have grown enough. So violent and unbalanced all you do is kill and find better ways to kill.

Lmfao you can see him being more and more woke on the blacks as he adds edits.

Oh and one thing that needs fixing, a Jew, not a white.

can jews say "nigga"

I remember when the Steven Universe fandom was trolled like this.

Tumblr's never gonna learn, will they?

If people did this to me I'd turn off the computer and cry. Tumblr op sounds sexy


Idk why he doesn't just ignore them. He's eating up bait imo.

He's on tumblr you think he isn't an autist among autists

Someone posted this to r/marvelstudios a while back. After causing a predictable shitfit he feigned confusion and started using alt accounts to defend himself. Good times.


Lol they sure were mad. Y I K E S.

People saying that he has to black because of some stupid reason that hes from africa. Thats bullshit , that means that Heimdall has to be white because hes a Norse mythology god who are all white yet he was made black

This is an excellent point, one I wish people would use more often. Somehow "blackwashing" is OK, but "whitewashing" is racist. Love how he used his troll drawing to point out the hypocrisy.

This is the lowest of low hanging fruit.

Old drama πŸ˜ͺ

does it really matter what race T’challa is?

Ooooohhhh buddy....

Edit 8.0 90% of the threats and mean comments i get are from blacks. Why do you live up to the stereotype that blacks are jobless and have nothing better to do but complain all day and blacksplain things? Please try to be civilized like the wakandians which you worship, or is this reality?


Haven't even seen the post but I am 100% he knew what he was doing.

This just proves that Blade is the superior black superhero

In sure I’ve seen this guy do something similar a few years back with some other neckbeard IP, maybe air bender? exact same result, he’s a master

I really hope a second troll opens a blog where they claim to have committed suicide over this. That would really make me giddy.

I really hope a second troll opens a blog where they claim to have committed suicide over this. That would really make me giddy.

Old as drama OP. Yawn.

Least he didn't backpedal and apologize lol

Although I do hate when people explain themselves. Best way to go about it is to ignore it and move on, like they don't exist.