Retarded tankie think the people of North Korea and Venezeula are in charge!!!!

33  2018-09-24 by Ayylmao11023


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Lol why would anyone think that when the dinosaurs 🦖 rule us all

The only thing dinosaurs rule is my city's natural history museum where we hang up their skeletons as a warning.

the weaklings left behind are any indication of the true dinosaurs 🦖 strength

Smdh 😂

holy fuck tankies are delusional

No shit

Jesus Christ, he's an imbecile....well technically people are in charge...some people.

He does know that, sometimes, kings were good, right? In that 400 yrs, is it so hard tobelieve that maybe, the people were happy and pleased with their monarch?

r/worldnews is on a roll