Drama mod also mods for an admitted child molester/pedophile

83  2018-09-24 by slaytina44

Drama mod /u/serialflamingo is also a mod for /r/annieruth.

Now who is Annie Ruth you wonder? Well he/she/it is an admitted pedophile as well as a 'coprophile' (someone who is aroused by shit)

Annie Ruth originally garnered attention by posting random and sometimes lewd images to the gals over at /r/rupaulsdragrace and was briefly granted mod status at /r/rpdrcringe. Due to Annies constant spam posting she was demodded and a fan sub opened in her dedication.

Now the sub started off fun as no one knew at the time that Annie was just a pedo in drag, but in this upload she admits to being a pedefile

Drama mod Serial is confronted about modding for Annie over a month after her confession

Serial is often quick to judge others but why would he mod for a known pedo? Yes he says he accepts any mod invite but despite being given evidence hours ago and being active on reddit he continues to mod for Annie....


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. /u/serialflamingo - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. /r/annieruth - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. /r/rupaulsdragrace - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. /r/rpdrcringe - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  6. pedefile - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  7. Drama mod Serial is confronted abou... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Downvoting Snappy


💯 irrefutable proof of a brigade always 💯

The nerve of some spergs

The Mod Squad was the most transphobic television. show of the 20th century.

This is the most super-predictable post ever made here lmao

I defend my right to "moderate" subreddits dedicated to complete weirdos

weirdo ≠ pedophile

Why are you defending this?

lmao piss off

how am I obsessed with you?

I mean you forgot to switch alts when commenting in this thread for one.

what the fuck are you talking about?

he thinks you and I are the same person, its his way of deflecting from defending child molesting but being angry about racism

I think the fact they've just so happened to discover this sub a few minutes after you posting this is a bit weird. I do appreciate how supportive you are of your alternate personalities tho. V cute.

you are fucking insane.

Just because someone else calls you out on supporting a pedophile, i'm an alt?

You kinda smell like an alt

k, cool story


I understand your paranoia about alts but no sis, housewife and I are not the same person.

BTW I don't hate you...I mean we hate some of the same ppl. But for the love of drama this thread needed to happen...I know you'll understand

if there is someone sitting obsessively hoping more drama gets posted about me then that is a compliment tbh.

This thread isn't gonna do very well here tbh.

There’s a link over on the Roople drama sub.

I just want noted paedophile /u/MatronneGeorgia brought to justice.

well it's only the 200th time i've been accused of being an alt today.

I'm pretty sure you hate my anyways lol

well it's only the 200th time i've been accused of being an alt today.

Is that your attempt at bragging?

Thats the only defense you and your cohorts have when being called out.

"oh well you're just an alt that is out to get me!"

I've heard it all before. You can never admit that maybe there are people out there that disagree with you.

Stop deflecting the fact that you mod for a pedophile's subreddit. You're disgusting.

I will continue my paedophile protection campaign whether you like it or not.

👏🏽 SLAY 👏🏿 QWEEN 👏🏻 💅

llamas 4eva

I've heard it all before.

omg you've been through so much 😭😭😭😭

not really

whenever I see "x thinks y and z are the same person" on Reddit it's usually true

Don’t deflect from the question shit lover

What's wrong with loving shit?

It’s a shitty thing to love for one

Wait, isn't Dogcheese just another name for shit?

No it’s a reference to a really autistic video that has since been removed from YouTube I wish I could show it to you

Still sounds like something you'd step in.

Actually wait I found one of the videos please enjoy this most sacred of videos

worse than expected, +1

Are you saying that paedophiles aren't weirdos? If so, thank you.

You're talking about r/drama or r/annieruth?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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i demand the immediate resignation of /u/serialflamingo and also i want all their irl stuff

That's a ton of dirty grandma underware

We need to hold a vote - http://www.strawpoll.me/16522250

i did my civic duty

dude bussy lmao

No mod here should ever be in power for more than a week.


Do you really want all their CP?

i just want some pokemon cards man

I thought the gay agenda included a clause about normalizing pedophilia. Not surprised by this tbh.

I thought


Who even cares

Bob Woodtard right here.


Subreddit dedicated to documenting pedophile lolcow =/= supporting pedophile lolcow

You're posting in a sub dedicated to reading, engaging with, and discussing the dumbest and sometimes most egregious shit we can find online.

Sorry sweaty no harm no foul


MY FEE FEES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

why i oughta!! ლ(•̀ _ •́ ლ)

Who did this to you? Point and witness my furry! 🔥

At least wipe your furry before showing it to everyone. Did you mean fury?

also post bussy

This isn't going how you thought it'd go lmao.

Sorry, I'm not gonna fuck you/.

no one wants you to fuck them.

I'm not gonna fuck you.

Thank god.

Speak for yourself.

I want u/serialflamingo to fuck them.

All of them

No kinkshaming in /r/drama thanks

family research institute



What, Jewoids? If yes, I now take the opposite stance on whatever they propose.


/u/serialflamingo can you give a mod with minimal effortpost abilities some drunken cliff notes on this messy twink slap fight so we can get a good post with background?

/u/slaytina44 is some fat straight chick that is mad at me/wants to fuck me

Damn that's some intense thirst

Why cant she just try Christian mingle like the rest of us smh

Imagine being too ugly for tinder lmao.

Is that your go to response? Calling someone fat and/or ugly?


Seems like you're a bit obsessed with slaytina actually.

Who even are the pair of you?

Wehousewife is the guy that tried to slut-shame OvernightSiren for having a dick pic in his post history a week or two ago, he had a stick up his ass because Overnight pointed out that a selfie of some rando and a signed picture of Monique Heart possibly broke drag race mainsub rules (no added description of the “meeting”) and then dragged the drama through two additional threads on the satellites. Then late last week he incessantly argued with Hands and Rose when Hands reminded everyone not to ping people to harass them.

Are you defending fatties and/or uggos?

But you are fat and ugly tho.

but you

GOOD point

LMAO this is how you deflect your pedophilia???

People can check my reddit history sir, I don't believe we ever spoke before...

You need to control, whatever urges you have serial, i was abused as a child and it is torture! No innocent child deserves that abuse.

Yes, I am a pedophile. This definitely isn't you being abusive towards me.

Yes, I am a pedophile.

  • serialflamingo


Lmfao. The day Shrek destroyed the Qtard boomers was a great day.

The reddit admins removed this comment.

lol the admins removed this comment. looks like tick tock is back

When did Serial reject you and how can we all move forward from this?

why are you defending someone who mods for an admitted pedophile?

/u/LadyVetinari gathers children for the Clintons


You can't talk your way out of this one demon.

Does anyone else smell sulfur?

And just when I thought I was finally done sacrificing roosters this month you have to go and get messy smh

I grew up in Dallas, Texas, drinking sodium fluoridated water. All the scientific studies show my IQ has been reduced by at least 20 points. The shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave

do u think ur funny

Nothing you're saying is shocking to us m8. You're really overestimating our commitment to general human decency.

On a scale of comet ping pong line cook to Albert Fish, what level of pedo are we talking here?

Oh I'm done with this drama, I used to like Serial because he hated Phedre but instead of denouncing Annie for being a pedo he doubled down....

Yeah I am done here for tonight

Girl wait, you need to post this deeper ore of phedre beef - she has less friends here than Serial. Did she dump you first?

Everyone hates Phedre m8, that don't make him special.

I don't hate Phedre. Fight me.

Boooo, seriousposters aren't allowed to stop.

> hinting at more drama and just leaving 😡😡😡


Holy shit you're being serious hahaha god this place was so much better with pinging. Now we just have to sit on our hands to wait for tards like you to wander in and seriouspost.

Tell your friends!

slaytina more like inceltina

u stand charged with being a complete whale 🤢🤢🤮

what say u in ur defense?

> thinking im a serialflamingo alt 😂😂😂

lol I actually don't care who you are, I'd prefer you go away though :)

> migrant telling us to go away from our sub



From a 1 month sub? LOL

Fuck off scotch cunt

It's so gross how comfortable you are with sexual harassment. Can you please check yourself into a rehab facility or something? Idk know if there are meds yet but maybe some good CBT will save your future victims

lmao...all of this deflection of child molestation is shocking....so glad I have screen shotted everything.

It's so gross how comfortable you are with sexual harassment

you replied this to the wrong comment lol, just as I was prepared to leave you alone you start up again...

K sexual harasser. I wonder how much deeper your deviancy goes? Most of the time the public presentation is nothing compared to what's actually going on 🤔🤔🤔

where's the proof?

Why are you so far up flamingo's ass? Are you a shit lover too?

so glad I have screen shotted everything.

As if there was anything worth screenshotting here.

I'm not sure what she's supposed to get out of cock and ball torture, but I guess it's worth a try.

I prefer C&BT

lmao, gay dudes get straight stalkers too? there is equality between the sexes after all

Someone leak this to r/braincels and drop some sick black pills

I think this might make serial the Alpha chad?

not knowing that I'm already the Alpha chad of /r/drama

Decidedly unwoke tbh.

I'm almost certainly better looking than you and definitely stronger so

Very unlikely. At the very least people know I have a tremendous dick.

I probably have you beat on girth

Prove it.

nice try homo

I'm 6" around baby, trust me

Nice try pencildick.

How worn out are you that 6 inches of girth is too small for you?

Fucking battys I swer

/u/LadyVetinari 😂😂😂

Tbf, the baby bird I accidentally stepped on this morning is more alpha than the average braincel poster

the mods of r/Drama are depraved degenerates?!?!




wtf u/serialflamingo mod me to r/annieruth


<3 basta

/u/slaytina44, I just fucked /u/shitpost953, how mad are you?

all of this is true.. also I'm a literal child /u/slaytina44

Just because you have some cadaver's arm lodged up your butthole doesn't make you 110% a man.

But it doesn’t not make you 110% a man.

🧐 power mods have no shame smh 🧐

If there's furrys on the mod team it's no stretch to assume they're pedos too.

We need to hold a vote - http://www.strawpoll.me/16522250

that fucking (((guy))) 😂😂😂

He just had that "My uncle has a decades long rap sheet for Medicare fraud" look about him.

"David, I saw you on the television last night working for your uncle. You looked so handsome, I was kvelling. Why don't you ever call your Bubbe?"

The one with the pimped out crack head begging for tax funded rehab at the end is depressing.

She sounds John Waters kitsch AF. I approve.

slaytina44 is Divine in Pink Flamingos

She wishes

More like Edie. She wants /u/serialflamingo to be her egg man.

In here Mr Egg Man!

dammit thats actually who i was thinking of 😂😂

she admits to being a pedefile

Look, I wouldn't want to fuck a pede either, but it's not really practical to condemn everyone who has sex with Trump supporters.

Nobody has sex with Trump supporters. That's why Kavanaugh is /their guy/.

don't downvote the lolcows 😔



Meh, par for the course around here.

Oi, you fucks. Stop downvoting the lolcow.


What the fuck is going on here?

So this dude literally wants a baby to poop on his dice

We really don't need a thread to shit on them, they've already..... godFuckingDamnit

u/slaytina44 you got /u/SERIALFLAMINGO to relinquish they're mod duties on r/rpdrdrama

Good job :)