Drama starts in multiple subreddits after OP's court transcript gets posted.

29  2018-09-25 by Ghdust2


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Oh my god that transcript

He told The Court that they were in Contempt of Court

no u, ur honr

here's his twitter twitter.com/BlakeLaPierre

lol look at that face and tell me that's not exactly who you'd expect to be putting up a shitfit in civil court

oh my gosh he is live tweeting his reddit battle too.

This is the face of a man who flips shit at Starbucks when it's slightly too sweet, even though he ordered extra sugar in his coffee.

i want this guy to be my lawyer just to make court sessions more interesting

I’m on it!

This transcript is the best thing I've read all year ❤️

1 MR. LA PIERRE: You have to disqualify.

2 THE COURT: -- will take the request to dismiss

3 under advisement. Yes, sir, I’ve heard you say many times

4 that you want me to disqualify myself, is there

5 anything --

6 MR. LA PIERRE: You haven’t heard me say that,

7 stop lying. Let’s get the transcript right now, come on,

8 put it on hold, let’s go to the reporter.

9 THE MARSHAL: Sit down, go back, sit down.

10 THE COURT: Okay, sir?

11 MR. LA PIERRE: Let’s go to the reporter.

12 THE COURT: Sir, I’m giving you one --

13 MR. LA PIERRE: You’re making false statements.

14 THE COURT: Sir, I’m giving you --

15 MR. LA PIERRE: That’s a fact.

16 THE COURT: -- one more chance to say anything

17 you’d like to say before I bring this hearing to a close.

18 MR. LA PIERRE: Okay, let’s go to the reporter

19 right now, you just made a false statement.

20 THE COURT: Okay. I’m sorry that you --

21 MR. LA PIERRE: Everybody heard it.

22 THE COURT: -- believe that I made a false

23 statement.

24 MR. LA PIERRE: Everybody heard it.

25 THE COURT: All right, I’m bringing this hearing

to a close. I will issue an order in writing.

2 MS. SOW: Thank you, Your Honor.

3 MR. LA PIERRE: You’re totally out of order,

4 out --

5 THE COURT: Next case?

6 MR. LA PIERRE: You’re in contempt.

7 THE COURT: Parties are excused.

8 MR. LA PIERRE: The marshal should be arresting

9 you right now and I don’t know why they’re not.

10 THE COURT: Parties are excused. Parties are

11 excused.

12 (Thereupon, the proceedings were concluded.)

This is why you can't let goys into a courtroom without muzzling them first.

8 MR. LA PIERRE: The marshal should be arresting

9 you right now and I don’t know why they’re not.

10 THE COURT: Parties are excused. Parties are

11 excused.

*autistic screechings intensif\*

Geez sovereign citizens are the best. I could be having a horrible day but then I remember there are people out there who believe that a driver's license isn't needed unless you're transporting commercially and the fringe on a flag in a court room means it is governed by maritime law

The guy is also whining about TopMinds and Drama on Twitter (not linking because of the rules, but since OP posted his transcript with his real name it's not hard to find) because TMoR muted him.