#vegansuperiorrace #omnilivesmatter

38  2018-09-25 by heidiglik


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  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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Good bot

Life has little inherent value, humans are just better.

screenshot posters gtfo

im a lion

The person posted this on r/vegan as a win. That sub should just be renamed r/vegancirclejerk

This implies it's possible for vegans to congregate in any number and not have it instantly turn into a self-aggrandizing circlejerk.



forcing everyone to be vegan

killing yourself to save the planet

That has to be my biggest pet peeve with Vegans.


If you are human, by definition and regardless of what you eat, you are an omnivore by virtue of being a part of our species.

A onnivore can adopt a vegan lifestyle but you will not suddenly lose your ability to process meats and dairy for sustinence if you want to.

What are we doing here? You covered names AND didn't give links?

woah. this is my first post on here... you guys REALLY like drama huh, like the spiteful rub your hands together diabolically kind. Im impressed

You know for the future now. Also welcome.