/r/CB2 claims Total War community is a bunch of nazis when finding out men have an opinion

29  2018-09-25 by JabroniMark99


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Well, as was posted in drama before, those videos showing this "drama" is most likely fake and only one civ has a spawn rate of female generals on 50%.

Others is smaller than 15% or 0%.

Or a glitch.

But CB2 has to put alt right everywhere, don't they...

Apparently a big part of it was female family members becoming generals rather than just statesmen. 50% for Kush and 15% for Celts is still probably way higher than reality but yeah, it's not the "major" factions it seems. Except the Ptolemys who for whatever reason are different than the Greeks.

It's probably because of Cleopatra.

I guess but I don't think she was a notable commander. Maybe I'm wrong, still only one in 300 years though.

Granted same can be said of Boudicca and the Celts.

Celtic and Germanic women were a bit more warlike and often followed and sometimes took part in battle. I was saying to someone else Alexander' female relatives were known to take up arms, Eurydice Cynane. Agrippa's sister lead in Germania. Lmao Alexander got BTFO in Nubia by Queen Candace apparently.

I love the total war games so much, but these types of strategy games seem to attract the worst racist and misogynists. The type of people to say "Deus vult" ironically.

That was another game where "Deus Vult" was in. I guarantee you these guys have never heard of Total War until now.

Guarantee none of those people have ever met someone who has said Deus Vult in real life.

Imagine being afraid of a meme that literally only exists on the internet.

Guarantee none of those people have ever met someanyone who has said Deus Vult in real life.


people to say "Deus vult" ironically

what if i say it un-ironically?

the worst racist and misogynists. The type of people to say "Deus vult" ironically.

Does that mean it's better if you unironically love the crusades? 🤔

idk, mudshits go around preaching jihad all the time and they are cool with them

Wow, medieval total war had the crusades in it? Weird huh.

i always massacre the christian cities i take in total war games. can't believe not everyone else does this. yikes



They targeted gamers.


gaymers getting mad at female generals is pretty pathetic tho



It's just historyfags. Everybody loves them in Total Warhammer.

That's fantasy though.

The spawn rates of female generals never changed, and it's fairly historically accurate.

It's just the straw that broke the camel's back. Game's been a shitshow since it's release.

I just play it modded. Radious is pretty good to be honest.

The problem is that they don't have a bikini armor option.

I was almost upset about this, but then I remembered it was gamers so I’m just gonna laugh at them instead

feeeeeemales in vidya


The people whining about this shit are seriously reaching. It's something like a 15% chance to spawn a female general in civilizations that historically had female generals. Like, y'know, the Gauls. Rome has a 0% chance to spawn female generals because women weren't allowed to fight in Rome.

Fucking morons aren't even trying to hide their "REEEEEE men are oppressed" attitudes.

lol name 1 female gallic general

Veleda, Boudica

Agrippina the Elder fought in Germania.

German women often fought with the men. Hey there was a heap of Alexander's female relatives who lead and fought. Cynane, Eurydice etc

Persian women lead and fought too.

Veleda = priestess

Boudica = queen

Agrippina = mother of a brat

This bullshit revisionism is getting out of hand.

Alright so Boudica isn't Gallic. Veleda was a fortune-teller who had zero military power.

Literally none of Alexander's female heirs lead a battle or held a sword on the field, yes his wife and mother had influence and for brief spells actually was in charge of an army but they did none of the fighting.

There have been like 5 examples of an actual female general in all of ancient history and even those who led armies rarely if ever took the field.

Don't really care about Rome 2 since it's garbage but let's not rewrite history. Female generals are an exclusively a modern phenomena.

...are the Iceni considered Gallic...?

I'm phrasing that as a question but its not a question.

Eh, they're both Celts. Same dif.

Hmm, interesting when female heads of states end up being more harsh in war than men. Dumbasses all of you.

"Damn, maybe I’m a lefty because a staple game series I started playing in middle school was Assassin’s Creed, where the rebellious, anti-authority faction usually opposed to the state is the “good side.”"

It's been a while since I played Assassin's Creed but I thought a staple of the game is that the Templars and Assassins aren't good or bad, they just have different ideologies. After every assassination I just remember getting beamed into a magic video game land where the target spends an eternity telling me how I've screwed over society by killing him.

You clearly haven't played in a while.

Now there are pretentious symbolic feathers.

Weren't the feathers there from the start? I remember the assassin wiping off the targets blood after their hour long monologue.